
  1. 论财政分配机制的重构

    The Restructure of the Distribution Mechanism of the Public Finance

  2. 财政包干分配机制使收入分配在总体上有利于经济比较发达的东部地区。

    The fiscal trunk wrapping distribution mechanism benefits the developed eastern region .

  3. 山东省财政收入中央财政收入的限制,财政对农业的资金补贴数额有限,财政支农资金分配机制的好坏将直接影响山东省农业补贴政策的效果。

    The financial revenue of Shandong Province is limited , so the financial funds allocation mechanism will directly affect the utility of agricultural subsidies .

  4. 文章首先对国内外财政支农相关的研究作了梳理,在此基础上对财政支农、资金使用效率、资金分配机制等概念作了界定,并且叙述了财政支农资金分配机制优化的理论基础。

    On this basis defines the concept of financial support for agriculture , the usage efficiency of funds , and the funds allocation mechanism , describes the theoretical basis of financial funds allocation mechanism optimization .