
cái jīnɡ jì lǜ
  • financial discipline;financial and economic discipline
  1. 严格财经纪律,规范和加强预算外资金管理。

    Financial and economic discipline should be strict and management of extra-budgetary funds should be standardized and tightened .

  2. 财经纪律松弛,经济运行秩序比较混乱;

    Financial discipline is lax and economic order is somewhat in disarray .

  3. 三要严肃财经纪律。

    Third , economic and financial discipline must be strictly enforced .

  4. 加强审计工作是维护财经纪律的需要。

    Heighening the audit work is the need of upholding the discipline of finance and economics .

  5. 政府要严肃财经纪律,不能随意赤字财政、超额举债等措施四要加强监督,严肃纪律。

    And the local government should try to cut down fiscal deficit 4 、 strengthening supervision and strictly executing the disciplines .

  6. 解决价格变动影响和充分考虑无形损耗以及严格财经纪律,防止制度外流失等方面的建议。

    The author suggests that the price fluctuation and moral depreciation be seriously , and considered strict regulations in financial discipline be adopted .

  7. 完善干部监督机制,将自我监督、上级监督、群众监督、财经纪律监督和组织部门的日常管理和监督等有机结合起来。

    And perfect the mechanism of supervision so as to combine self-supervision and the daily supervision from higher authorities , the masses , financial department and organization department .

  8. 会计监督是加强经济管理,严肃财经纪律,预防和惩治经济违法犯罪,遏制腐败滋生蔓延的重要手段。

    Accounting supervision is a chief means of strengthening the economic management , enforcing the economic discipline , preventing and punishing the crimes and arresting the spread of corruption .

  9. 今年将进行整顿和规范金融秩序、严肃财经纪律、规范中介组织的行为、整顿旅游市场秩序、强化安全生产管理和安全监察等工作。

    This year , efforts will be made to rectify and regulate financial order , strictly enforce financial discipline , standardize the behavior of intermediary agencies , rectify the order of the tourism market , and strengthen management and supervision over safety production .

  10. 部队执行财经法规和纪律透视

    Enforcement of financial regulations and disciplines