
  • 网络United States fiscal cliff;the fiscal cliff
  1. 财政悬崖预计将直接造成财政收缩,达到GDP的4%左右。

    The projected economic impact of this fiscal cliff is a direct fiscal contraction of some 4 % of GDP .

  2. 不知为什么,关于财政悬崖的讨论从未考虑这个事实,即便它对经济造成的冲击比小布什(georgew.bush)减税政策到期大得多。

    Somehow , discussions of the fiscal cliff never get round to addressing that fact even though it is likely to administer a much sharper economic shock than the expiry of the Bush tax cuts .

  3. IMF公布了最近向20国集团(G20)各国部长发出的简报,称美国滑落财政悬崖将产生巨大的国际溢出效应。

    Releasing a recent note to ministers from G20 countries , the fund said going over the cliff would have large international spillovers .

  4. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)表示,确实有40%的企业推迟了投资计划,因为它们担心,如果美国跌下财政悬崖,一场严重衰退就将来临。

    Indeed , Morgan Stanley says that 40 per cent of companies are delaying investment because they fear that a big recession will loom if America hurtles off that ledge .

  5. 美联储(fed)昨日表示,对于财政悬崖的恐慌已扩散到美国企业界,同时美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)呼吁美国中产阶级,向国会发出达成预算协议的强烈要求。

    Alarm about the fiscal cliff has spread across a swath of us business , the Federal Reserve said yesterday as President Barack Obama appealed to middle-class Americans to inundate Congress with demands to reach a budget deal .

  6. 例如,在美国,财政悬崖所涉及的增税和减支至少相当于明年GDP的4%,比IMF在其基线假设中所用的数值高出2.5个百分点。

    In the US , for example , the fiscal cliff involves tax increases and spending cuts worth at least 4 per cent of output next year , or 2.5 percentage points more than the IMF assumes in its base case .

  7. 但NPR的克雷格·温德姆报道,CBO被警告会有经济波动,如果国会不采取任何行动避免所谓的“财政悬崖”——税收增加,自动预算削减将在1月1日生效。

    But NPR 's Craig Windham reports the CBO is warning the economy will suffer if Congress takes no action to avoid the so-called " fiscal cliff " - the tax increases and automatic budget cuts set to take effect on January 1 .

  8. 或者是华盛顿对财政悬崖与债务限额争论。

    Or the fiscal cliff and debt ceiling debates in Washington .

  9. 因此,美国将很可能跌落财政悬崖。

    Thus , the us probably will go over the cliff .

  10. 我们要避免最糟糕的财政悬崖。

    That we 've avoided the worst of the fiscal cliff .

  11. 美国是否会跌下财政悬崖?

    Is America going to plunge off a fiscal cliff ?

  12. 美国不太可能直接从“财政悬崖”上摔下来。

    The US is unlikely to fall straight off the fiscal cliff .

  13. 这种看法严重低估了跌落财政悬崖可能带来的成本。

    Such thinking seriously underestimates the cost of going over the cliff .

  14. 但美国首先将不得不跌落财政悬崖。

    But the US will first have to go over the cliff .

  15. 或者,我们预计正在逼近的财政悬崖。

    Or that is what we are to believe .

  16. 尽管目前已经设法避免了财政悬崖,但仍有很多工作要做。

    That cliff has been avoided . But much remains to be done .

  17. 期中一个话题是所谓的“财政悬崖”。

    One topic that came up , the so-called " fiscal cliff . "

  18. 有一刻,一名记者问奥巴马关于财政悬崖的问题。

    At one point , a reporter asked Obama about the fiscal cliff .

  19. 然而,即便这些也无法让人放心:美国财政悬崖的悬念可能会改变一切。

    But even those are not assured : US cliffhangers could change everything .

  20. 所以,财政悬崖所做的只是导致这些交易提前了。

    So really all the fiscal cliff did was pull some activity forward .

  21. 最近,卢也与戴蒙进行了会面,商讨财政悬崖问题。

    And Lew recently met with Dimon to talk about the fiscal cliff .

  22. 此次“财政悬崖”可能也不例外。

    We might be seeing that pattern again with the so-called fiscal cliff .

  23. 他们讨论的是同一件事:财政悬崖。

    They 're all talking about the same thing , the fiscal cliff .

  24. 第一,对于听由美国跌下财政悬崖这件事,甚至想都不要想。

    First , do not even think about going over the fiscal cliff .

  25. “财政悬崖”的阴影已经笼罩了市场。

    Markets are already preoccupied by the fiscal cliff .

  26. 总统和国会领导人们正在考虑如何避免财政悬崖的方法。

    The president and congressional leaders are considering ways to avoid that cliff .

  27. 标准普尔:美国跌落财政悬崖的概率为15%

    S & P : 15 Percent Chance US Goes Off ' Fiscal Cliff '

  28. 共和党为避免“财政悬崖”抛出新计划。

    A Republican plan to avoid the fiscal cliff came to an abrupt end .

  29. 命运以“财政悬崖”的形式为他提供了这种机会。

    Fate has offered him that opportunity in the form of the fiscal cliff .

  30. 但“财政悬崖”问题仍然悬而未决,并且达成一致的希望还很遥远。

    But the fiscal cliff still looms and a deal may be far off .