
cái zhènɡ bù mén
  • Finance Department;economic and financial section
  1. 马斯特里赫特条约(Maastrichttreaty)限制了欧洲的联邦预算赤字;财政部门未能实现一体化则造成货币政策(特别是量化宽松政策)难以管理。

    The Maastricht Treaty puts limits on federal budget deficits in Europe while the absence of a unified treasury makes monetary policy ( QE policies in particular ) difficult to administer .

  2. 加州财政部门在其6月公报中指出,加州的就业增长为全美最高,并称加州2015年GDP为2.46万亿美元,实质增长4.1%。

    The most populous U.S. state has outpaced the rest of the country on job growth , California 's finance department said in its June bulletin . Gross state product was $ 2.46 trillion in 2015 , with 4.1 percent of growth in real terms , it added .

  3. 这里用作交换基础的格式是IRSe-File1120格式,这是美国财政部门为报告税收而定义的交换格式(参见参考资料)。

    The exchange format used as a basis for the work presented is the IRS e-File 1120 format which is an exchange format defined by the United States Department of Treasury for the purpose of reporting taxes ( see the Resources ) .

  4. 美国方面的人力资源与财政部门必须批准。

    Human resources and finance in the United States must approve .

  5. 你是说他在财政部门工作吗?

    Woman : And you say he was working in Finance ?

  6. 县区财政部门预算研究

    On the budget of finance department of counties and districts

  7. 试论如何加强财政部门依法行政

    How to Reinforce the Administration According to the Law in Financial Department

  8. 论政策性银行与财政部门的配合

    On the coordination between policy-oriented bank and finance planers

  9. 财务官从事财政部门的服务。

    The quaestor served in the ministry of finance .

  10. 但是总统或许太相信财政部门了。

    But the president may be giving the financial sector too much credit .

  11. 从前由美国财政部门发行的可兑换成银子的票证。

    Formerly a bank note issued by the US Treasury and redeemable in silver .

  12. 积极与银行、财政部门协调配合,确保贷款项目计划顺利实施。

    Coordinating and cooperating with bans and financial departments for implementation of the project .

  13. 财政部门履行财政职能,较为重要的是财政投资评审。

    The financial departments to perform financial functions , the more important financial investment review .

  14. 国务院财政部门管理全国的会计工作。

    The financial department of the State Council shall administer the work of national accountancy .

  15. 最后,我们必须鼓励监管和财政部门加强协调。

    Finally , we must encourage regulatory and fiscal authorities to achieve higher levels of co-ordination .

  16. 财政部门联合会欧洲联盟

    European Federation of Finance House Association

  17. 理顺财政部门与其他有关部门的职责关系。

    Bring into better balance the responsibility relations between the financial department and other relevant departments .

  18. 地方财政部门在三个阶段中都发挥着重要的作用,同时也存在着几个主要问题:应急机制有待完善、财政管理能力有待提高、财政投入力度仍有待加强等。

    The local financial sector plays an important role in the three stages and have some problems .

  19. 而这个基本论点就是把财政部门与发展部门联系起来。

    And the basic point would be to link up the finance ministries with the development ministries .

  20. 主动取得银行、财政部门的支持与配合,保证贷款项目计划顺利完成;

    Supporting and cooperating with banks and financial departments so as to ensure the implementation of the project ;

  21. 财政部门预算改革对农业科研事业单位会计制度影响的思考

    Thinking on the influence of financial departments ' budget reform on the accounting system of agricultural research institutions

  22. 这些新问题的出现需要财政部门进行研究,适时的调整财政支农政策。

    Financial department has to research and do some appropriate adjustment timely , according to these emerging problems .

  23. 财政部门向收取空头支票罚款的代收机构支付代收手续费。

    The financial department shall pay the service charges to collection agencies who collect panalties for dishonored cheques .

  24. 所以,财政部门要看到大事,要有战略观念。

    Therefore , the financial department should pay attention to the important things and take a strategic point of view .

  25. 因此预算单位不再与财政部门发生直接的资金拨付关系。

    Therefore , budget units and the financial sector is no longer have the direct relationship between the funds allocated .

  26. 既能对财政部门的管理工作进行规范,又能对支出部门的预算执行行为进行有效监督。

    It can standard the management of financial department and supervise the execution of the budget of the expense department efficiently .

  27. 一定程度上,财政部门已成为社会资源的出发点和归集点。

    To a certain extent , the financial sector has become the starting point and the imputation point of social resources .

  28. 尤其是,三大盈余国家的非财政部门预期将继续保持大量盈余。

    In particular , the non-fiscal sectors of the three big surplus countries are expected to continue to run huge surpluses .

  29. 国家统一的会计制度,由国务院财政部门根据本法制定。

    The national unified accounting system is formulated by the financial department of the State Council in line with this law .

  30. 但在实际支付之前,所有的资金都集中在国库,财政部门可以统一调度。

    But in actual payment until all the funds are concentrated in the state treasury , finance departments can be unified scheduling .