
  • 【财】financial cycle
  1. 那些跨财政周期或其他区间分配投资的项目

    Projects whose funding is allocated across fiscal periods or other intervals

  2. 财政政策反周期运作与北京经济可持续发展

    Fiscal Policies and Continued Development of Economy in Beijing

  3. 实现了财政票据生命周期管理系统,做到了财政票据在收费全过程中的闭环管理,进而提高政府财政收费的效率及透明性。

    Financial bills ' lifecycle management system is implemented , by which bills are managed through a closed path during the charge . Then the efficiency and the transparency of government financial charges are improved greatly .

  4. 此外,自2000年以来,财政收入保持高度周期性,没有受到趋势影响。

    Meanwhile , receipts have been both highly cyclical since 2000 and trend-free .

  5. 财政政策是反周期性的,在经济景气时会导致盈余,在经济低迷时则会导致赤字。

    Fiscal policy is countercyclical , resulting in a surplus in the good times and a deficit in the bad times .

  6. 这与财政政策作为反周期工具的运用不相吻合,这就意味着财政政策不仅仅是反周期的工具。

    This has some disagree as identical application with fiscal policy against business cycle , the fiscal policy might be not merely regarded as .

  7. 货币与财政政策在上升周期中的收紧,从来赶不上低迷时期放松的劲头。

    With respect to both monetary and fiscal policy , tightening in the cyclical upturns never matched the vigour of the easing in the downturns .

  8. 随后,我们分别从财政政策、经济周期波动、利率期限结构和其他宏观经济变量等方面对利率期限结构与宏观经济变量的关联性研究进行了综述。

    Afterwards , studies on correlation between term structure of interest rate and macroeconomic variables was reviewed from such aspects as fiscal policy , periodical fluctuation of economy , term structure of interest rate and other macroeconomic variables .

  9. 第四,金融危机和衰退是公共财政紊乱的直接周期性原因,但这些比不上与年龄相关的公共开支这种结构性成本,后者正开始无情地上升。

    Fourth , the financial crisis and the recession are the immediate cyclical reasons for the disarray in public finance , but these pale next to the structural costs of age-related public spending , which are starting to rise relentlessly .

  10. 本文提出了财政票据全生命周期的概念,做到了票据在财政收费全过程中的闭环管理;保证了收费全过程的业务流、资金流、信息流的集成;

    This article proposes a method of lifecycle management of financial bills , with which bills are managed throughout all the phases in financial charge and the business flow , the financing flow , the information flow are integrated together .

  11. 传统上的财政政策是作为反周期的工具来使用的,这种财政政策执行的结果,是财政状况从周期性角度看大体是平衡的。

    Fiscal policy is used as a tool against business cycle , the result that financial policy carries out is that a financial state lias been balanced on the whole from periodic angle .

  12. 财政分权和地方财政支出的周期性行为:1979&2006

    Fiscal Decentralization and the Cyclical Behavior of Local Fiscal Expenditure : 1979-2006