
  1. 在长时期内,财政权力也应该转移。

    In the long term financial power must shift too .

  2. 第四部分:中央政府享有的财政权力和承担的经济责任。

    The forth part : the Central Government 's economic rights and Responsibilities .

  3. 赋予女性财政权力能够促进经济发展,并非无据可依。

    There is also evidence that giving women more financial power fosters economic development .

  4. 尽管女性的财政权力越来越大,她们收入仍然只有男性的68%。

    Despite women 's growing financial power , they still earn about 68 % of what men earn .

  5. 蒙特利尔银行和波士顿咨询集团联合撰写的这份报告显示,女性也凭借自身收入获得了更多财政权力,现在女性控制了北美全部财富的三分之一。

    The BMO report , done in conjunction with Boston Consulting Group , shows women are also gaining financial power by virtue of their earnings and now control about one-third of all wealth in North America .

  6. 作者写道:将之称为遗产的驱使吧,考虑到现代女性在社会和财政权力方面掌握大权并如此沾沾自喜,使得她们想同女儿分享这一美好的生活。

    Call it a legacy drive , say the authors , and consider that modern women are so infused with pride over their social and financial empowerment that they want to share the good life with their girls .

  7. 作者写道:“将之称为遗产的驱使吧”,考虑到现代女性在社会和财政权力方面“掌握大权”并如此沾沾自喜,使得她们想同女儿分享这一美好的生活。

    Call it a " legacy drive , " say the authors , and consider that modern women are so infused with pride over their social and financial empowerment that they want to share the good life with their girls .

  8. 安史之乱后,随着中央财政权力下放,出现了中央财政地方化倾向,这使中央和地方的财经关系发生了深刻的变化。

    After insurgency of An Lushan and Shi Siming , with the central government delegating its power to lower level , there appeared the localization of central government finance , which caused the great change of the relationship between central and local government .

  9. 这将是财政部权力的惊人扩张,会限制美联储在典型的最后贷款人状况中(即担保充足)对流动性工具的运用。

    This would be a startling expansion of Treasury power over the Fed 's use of liquidity facilities in classic lender of last resort situations that is , where there was adequate collateral .

  10. 第十条:公司设董事会,董事会是公司的最高行政、财政管理之权力机构。

    Article ten : the board of directors of the company is the top-level administrative and financial management authority .

  11. 美国财政部有权力防止这种荒谬的后果,方式是在新的监管规定中,针对每项与美国相关的交易,澄清美国外国投资委员需要对外国国有投资者进行何种程度的初步审查。

    The Treasury has the authority to avoid such absurd results by clarifying in its new regulations the extent to which Cfius requires preliminary reviews of foreign state-owned investors for each US-related deal .

  12. 结合知识管理、知识生产理论,分析知识的自主性生产和政府介入性生产之间的对立与统一关系,分析政府介入高校人文社会科学的三大要素:公共政策、公共财政、行政权力。

    Combination of knowledge management , knowledge production theory , the autonomy of knowledge production and government intervention in the opposition and unity of production , analysis of government intervention in university humanities and social sciences of the three elements of public policy , public finance , the executive power .

  13. 财政困境与公共权力异化的相关性分析

    A Study on the Correlation between Financial Difficulty and Public Power Dissimilation

  14. 财政预算执行的权力相对集中;

    Power ; ( 2 ) authority of public financial budget is concentrated ;

  15. 财政是以公共权力进行的资源配置,财政的公共性体现了财政目的的公共性,财政产品的公共性,以及制度层面的公共性。

    Finance is a kind of allocation of public resources and its publicity determines Chinese 's fiscal transition .

  16. 本为分四部分论述了公共财政对制约国家权力的意义和作用。

    This article to divide four parts to elaborate the public finance to restrict the state power the significance and the function .

  17. 文章第一部分概述了权力制约的必要性、公共财政及其特征对权力制约的意义。

    The article first part has outlined the authority restriction necessity , the public finance and the characteristic to the authority restriction significance .

  18. 根据美国宪法规定,国会拥有立法、监督、财政拨款等多项权力,因而国会在参与外交决策的过程中享有发言权。

    According to US Constitution , Congress enjoyed the right of legislation , supervision and finance . So Congress takes an important say in making foreign policy .

  19. 财政作为国家公权力的集中体现和具体运用,成为宪政建设的基础环节。

    As a very demonstration as well as practical application of the public power of the state , public finance has become a fundamental part for the forging of constitutional governance .

  20. 批评也来自共和党议员,比如佛罗里达州的共和党议员克里夫·斯特恩斯表示,最初的提案给予财政部史无前例的权力,同时实际上却没有任何监督。

    Criticism was also heard from Republicans , such as Florida Republican Cliff Stearns , who said the original proposal gave the Treasury Secretary unprecedented authority while offering virtually no oversight .

  21. 政府财政权作为政府权力的财政权,是国家财政权的关键部分,由于政府财政权的强大,因此实现财政法治的核心和难点就在于能否实现对政府财政权的有效约束。

    As a financial right of government power , government financial power is a key part of state financial power . Since it is very powerful , an effective control of the government financial power becomes a crucial but difficult question in realizing the finance ruled by law .

  22. 在财政监督方面,资本主义发达国家十分注重财政监督权力之间的相互制衡和合理的配置。

    Developed capitalist countries in financial supervision , attaches great importance to the configuration of the checks and balances between the financial supervisory powers and reasonable .

  23. 文章第二部分是对公共财政控权价值的法理分析,从而突出公共财政制度与权力制约的内在联系。

    The article second part is controls the power value to the public finance the legal principle theory of law analysis , thus prominent public finance system and authority restriction inner link .

  24. 对政府财政收支账目的监督权是英美议会掌握的最重要的财政权力之一。

    The supervisory power of the government 's fiscal account is one of the most important financial powers held by British Parliament and American Congress .

  25. 因此,本来的以财政预算制度为基点建构的财政预算监督体制在控制政府财政权力滥用的事实上已经苍白无力。

    Therefore , the original to financial budget system as the base construction budget supervision system in control government abuse of financial power in fact have pale .

  26. 但是,如今学界对于绿色财政的研究偏重于政策的选择和效果,没有注意到政策运行机制、对政府财政权力制约的重要性。

    It did not pay attention to the running mechanism of the policy , the importance of financial power restriction , and so on .