
cái zhènɡ dān bǎo
  • financial security;financial guarantee
  1. 我国的政府或有债务主要表现为金融机构的不良资产和支付缺口、各类公共社会基金特别是社会保障基金的支付缺口、政府的财政担保三方面。

    In our country the main contingent government liabilities are the harmful capital and the paying defect of financial organization , all kinds of pubic social fund , especially the defect of paying of the social safeguarding fund , and the government 's financial guarantee .

  2. 各成员国应要求悬挂其旗帜的船舶提供财政担保以确保海员根据守则得以合理遣返。

    Each member shall require ships that fly its flag to provide financial security to ensure that seafarers are duly repatriated in accordance with the code .

  3. 孤立和指责柏林,同时又试图迫使该国为整个欧元区的财政担保,在政治上是一种危险的行径。

    Isolating and berating Berlin , while trying to force the country to underwrite the finances of the whole of the eurozone , is a politically dangerous course .

  4. 但这些成本至少有一半(或许多得多)要归因于主要来自投资银行业的隐形财政担保(或补贴)的取消。

    But at least half of this ( probably much more ) is due to the withdrawal of implicit fiscal guarantees – or subsidies – principally from investment banking .

  5. 这项新制度与俄当前推行的国家统一考试制度相挂钩,即根据学生参加全国统考的考试成绩,分等级向每个大学生提供年度财政担保。

    This new system is linked to the implementation of Russian National Unified examination system , that is , students participate in the national examination and the federal states provide financial security for students in accordance with their examination results .

  6. 据柏林和布鲁塞尔的知情人士透露,德国支持赋予规模达4400亿欧元(合5770亿美元)的欧元区救助基金新的实力和放贷能力,即便这意味着德国要增加财政担保。

    Germany is backing proposals to give new powers and lending capacity to the € 440bn ( $ 577bn ) eurozone rescue fund , even if that means increasing its financial guarantees , according to people familiar with the issue in Berlin and Brussels .

  7. 对于如何进行回购风险控制,也通过简捷有效的方法选择了政府财政收入担保及土地出让收入担保两种担保方式。

    In order to control repurchase risk , a simple and effective way could be government revenue guarantee and land transfers guarantee .

  8. 政策性抑或商业性&析财政资金信用担保运作模式定位

    Policy or commerce Analyze the operate pattern of government guarantee capital

  9. 对于财政资金信用担保机构采用何种方式运作并无相关法律规定。

    There is not law stipulation on the operate pattern of government capital .

  10. 然而,由于依然负有推广可承受的抵押贷款融资的使命,人们认为两家GSE拥有美国财政部不言而喻的担保。

    Still armed with a mission to spread affordable mortgage finance , however , the two GSEs were assumed to have implicit Treasury guarantees .

  11. 出于同种原因,未来应只有财政部可以参与担保不足的放贷行为。

    For the same reason , in the future , only the Treasury should engage in insufficiently collateralised lending .

  12. 有一种可能是,在2012年和2013年两年,为意大利、西班牙和比利时的公共债务展期和财政赤字提供融资担保。

    One possibility would be to guarantee financing of rollover of public debts and fiscal deficits for Italy , Spain and Belgium for 2012 and 2013 .

  13. 总体来说,政府已经通过旨在搞活银行业的货币政策变化、财政激励、以及担保方案兑现了它们的承诺。

    Governments have , in general ," walked their talk " through monetary policy changes , fiscal stimulus , and guarantee programs to shore up the banking industry .

  14. 政府的救援计划中包括了这些投资者最想要的两项内容:为购买银行不良资产提供财政援助,以及担保对这些资产的部分损失进行补偿。

    The government package contained two items at the top of those investors ' wish-list : financial assistance to purchase toxic assets from banks and a guarantee to cover some of the losses on those assets .

  15. 在财政政策方面,主要有财政担保、财政信用、财政补贴和政府采购等政策和制度;

    Chiefly there are policies and systems such as public finance guarantee , public finance credit , financial subsidies and the government purchases , etc , at the aspect of the financial policy .

  16. 赎回风潮直到美国财政部公布了一项临时担保计划方才得到遏制,财政部将担保所有付费参与该计划基金的单位资产净值不低于1美元。

    The resulting investor anxiety led to billions of dollars of outflows from money funds that were only stemmed when the Treasury announced a temporary guarantee of the $ 1 net asset value for all funds that paid a fee to participate in the programme .

  17. 第二部分为风险投资的财政政策。主要以政府采购,财政担保和财政资助三种激励方式,引导风险投资业的发展,同时强调与货币政策协调的重要性。

    The second part focuses on financial policies to guide the development of venture capital investments by three main incentive means : government purchase , credit support and financial subsidization , We also emphasize the importance of the coordination of monetary policies .

  18. 振兴东北老工业基地,在财政政策上,应进一步完善转移支付制度,采取财政参股、财政补贴和财政担保等形式,支持老工业基地的发展。

    In rejuvenating the old industrial base of northeastern China , the following measures should be taken : in policy on finance , improving the transfer payment system , adopting the forms of financial joint-stock , financial allowance and financial assurance to support the development of old industrial base ;