
  • 网络fiscal transition
  1. 晚清财政转型与我国公共生产制度的兴起

    Fiscal Transition in Late Qing Dynasty and the Rise of Public Production System in China

  2. 本文将结合国有资本经营预算制度的建立探讨我国财政转型的理论和实践问题,并试图探索出一条符合我国历史和现实的路径。

    This essay basically aims to discuss theory and practice of public finance and the path of fiscal transition .

  3. 论新世纪新阶段军事财政转型

    On the military financial transform at the new stage of the new century

  4. 在经济欠发达地区,公共财政转型主要面临着以下三个方面的问题:一是政府财政职能问题。

    In the low developed area , public financial reforming mainly is facing following three aspects question : One is the government finance function question .

  5. 然而,专项转移支付却承载着一项非常重要的政治使命,那就是充当中央主导下的公共财政转型的财政工具。

    But the SPTs bears a very important political task that it is the financial instrument of the public finance transformation dominated by the cent .

  6. 中国财政政策转型及其策略研究

    China Fiscal Policy 's Transition and Strategy Study

  7. 从地方政府经济行为角度谈积极财政政策转型

    Talks on Transformation of fiscal policy from the view on local government economic behavior

  8. 积极财政政策转型刻不容缓

    Reforming the Type of Positive Fiscal Policy

  9. 积极财政政策转型的基本思路

    On the Transitional Fiscal Policy in China

  10. 在对我国财政的转型目标&公共财政的机制与经济长期增长之间的关系进行论述后,提出了对人力资本、技术进步进行财政支持的政策建议。

    Some policy suggestions are proposed after the relationship between public fiscal mechanics and long-run economic growth is discussed .

  11. 为了尽量避免发行地方公债对中国积极财政政策转型可能产生的负面影响,应建立、健全中国的地方公债管理制度。

    Local government bond management system should be established and strengthened in order to avoid the side effects of issuing local government bond to the active fiscal policy .

  12. 通过对我国城市土地财政的转型研究,提供解决问题的有效措施,具有重要的现实意义。

    Through the study on the transition of urban land finance , it can provide the effective measures to solve the problem , and has an important practical significance .

  13. 在这种形势下,我国政府决定把积极财政政策转型为稳健的财政政策,以缓和经济偏热带来的通货膨胀压力,防范财政风险。

    Under such situation , the government decides to transit positive fiscal policy to moderate fiscal policy , to dull the inflation pressure from over hot of the economy , also to avoid fiscal risk .

  14. 积极财政政策的转型思路及其依据

    Pattern - shifting thoughts of active fiscal policies and its basis

  15. 积极财政政策及其转型评析

    Evaluation on the Proactive Fiscal Policy and Its Transformation in China

  16. 这便决定了财政支农政策转型的结果之一必然就是要继续对农业产业化龙头企业给予扶持。江西财政支农支出最优规模分析

    An Analysis of the Optimal-scale of Expenditure on Financial Support to Agriculture

  17. 教廷财政的近代转型

    The Transformation of Papal Fiscal in the Early Modern Period

  18. 随着中国积极财政政策的转型和公共财政政策框架的逐步建立,财政支农工作面临着新的机遇与挑战。

    With the transition of the positive financial policy of our country and the gradual setting-up of the public financial policy frame , the work faces new opportunity and challenge to support agriculture in finance .

  19. 我国财政政策成功转型以及稳健财政政策具有可持续性的关键在于科学合理地选择财政稳固方式,即应以增加财政收入为主,且尽量保持财政收支同步增长。

    The key to a successful transformation of fiscal policy and the sustainability of a stable fiscal policy lies in the scientific and rational choice of fiscal consolidation modes : the emphasis should be on boosting fiscal revenue , while keeping fiscal revenue and expenditure growing in step .

  20. 为此,政府应在提供教育、医疗和社会保障等方面承担起基本的责任,加快财政支出结构转型,增加社会性支出的比重,改善民生状况,纠正增长失衡;

    Consequently , the government should shoulder the basic responsibility for the provision of education , health and social security , quicken the transformation of government expenditure structure and increase the share of social expenditure , so as to improve the people 's livelihood and achieve the rebalancing of growth .

  21. 要从根本上促进结构转型,必须深化改革,以引导、配合财政政策破除结构转型的体制性约束,保证公共投资对结构转型的正向影响,实现增长与结构转型的互推式的良性发展模式。

    To promote the restructuring , we must deepen the reform to guide with fiscal policy to get rid of the restructuring of the institutional constraints to ensure the positive impact of public investment in restructuring , and to push the sound development of model between growth and structural transformation .

  22. 目前,我国提出从2005年开始实施稳健的财政政策。如何实现财政政策的转型,这是我国宏观调控政策实施过程中面临的一个重要课题。

    The authorities have put forward a more moderate financial policy since the year of 2005 . How to achieve this transition is an important subject we have to face during the implementation of our Macro adjustment and control policy .

  23. 第四章论述了积极财政政策淡出阶段,如何进行财政政策内部的转型调整。

    The fourth chapter is on the internal shift of fiscal policy .

  24. 高等学校财政学专业课程体系设计是一个能够体现财政学转型的窗口。

    The specialized core courses majored in government budget , taxation and finance transition has come into being .

  25. 但是在财政收入极其有限的情况下,欠发达地区公共财政转型面临着两难的境地:既要转型,又有不少难点问题需要解决。

    But in the financial revenue extremely limited situation , impoverished local public finance reforming to face the region which is in a dilemma : Both must reform , and has many difficult questions need to solve .

  26. 因此,按照建立公共财政的总体方向,研究新形势下财政支出结构问题,对于探索调整和优化财政支出结构的思路和政策措施,促进延边财政模式的转型有着深远的意义。

    So according to the general direction of public finance , research the problem of fiscal expenditure structure in the new situation , it has profound significance in researching the thinking , policies , measures of adjust and optimize fiscal expenditure and promoting the transformation of financial model .