
  • 网络Fiscal Compact;fiscal pact;fiscal contract
  1. 这些措施是欧洲央行(ecb)所要求的,在债务负担深重的欧元区贯彻预算纪律的“财政契约”中的关键要素。

    They are a key element in the " fiscal compact " demanded by the European Central Bank to enforce budgetary discipline in the debt-saddled single currency region .

  2. 他呼吁出台一份新的财政契约或协议。

    He called for a new fiscal compact , or financial agreement .

  3. 根据今年1月在欧盟几乎全盘通过的新财政契约,欧盟成员国需要将总的结构性赤字占GDP的比例降至0.5%以下。

    Under the fiscal pact , which was agreed to by nearly all EU member states in January , countries are required to limit their total structural deficit to less than 0.5 % of GDP .

  4. 不过他们在新财政契约的具体内容上仍存在很大的分歧。

    But they remain at loggerheads over the contents of a new fiscal compact .

  5. 只要奥朗德不再就现行的财政契约的内容重新谈判,以上措施大多能够实行。

    Much of this can be done so long as Mr Hollande does not try to reopen the actual text of the fiscal compact .

  6. 因此,上周末,德国联邦政府和所有16个联邦州坐下来试图想出贯彻财政契约的办法。

    So over the weekend the federal government sat down with all 16 German states to try and hash out a way to comply with the fiscal pact .

  7. 去年,除英国之外的几乎所有欧盟成员国都联合起来反对卡梅伦,这位英国首相当时试图阻止一项有助于解决欧元危机的财政契约获得通过。

    Last year almost all other EU members lined up against Mr Cameron , who was trying to block a fiscal compact to help resolve the euro crisis .

  8. 更糟的是,一旦执行新的欧盟财政契约(明年即将生效),这些联邦州将更难获得融资。

    To make matters worse , complying with the new EU fiscal pact , which is set to go into effect next year , will make it even more difficult for the States to fund themselves .

  9. 论公共财政的契约精神

    An Essay on Contract Spirit of Public Finance