
  1. 竞争情报的分析研究是竞争情报发挥决策支持作用的关键过程,包括定标比超方法、SWOT分析法、专利分析法、财务分析方法。

    The methods include Benchmarking , SWOT , patent analysis and financial analysis .

  2. 第四部分是针对动态财务分析方法(DFA)进行介绍。

    The fourth part : Introducing the method of dynamic financial analysis ( DFA ) .

  3. 很长一段时间,以净现值(NPV)法为核心的传统财务分析方法一直是企业投资决策采取的主要分析工具。

    For a long time , the traditional financial analysis methods such as the net present value ( NPV ) method has been the main analytical tool used for corporate investment decisions taken .

  4. 长期以来,以净现值(NPV)法为代表的传统财务分析方法一直占据项目投资决策分析的核心地位,但是由于这些方法的假设并不符合实际情况,它们不能对项目进行正确的估价。

    The traditional investment decision analysis methods , such as net present value method ( NPV ), have been viewed as an effective way to think about corporate investment decisions . However , it can not properly deal with the valuation of project investments .

  5. 较长时期以来,以净现值(NPV)为代表的传统财务分析方法一直占据项目投资决策的核心地位,但是这些方法在实际应用中都有自身无法克服的一些缺陷和弊端。

    A long period of time , traditional financial analysis methods , represented by NPV , have been the core of a project investment decisions , but in the practical application , these methods have been unable to overcome its own errors and defects .

  6. 判断上市公司利润质量的财务分析方法

    Finance analytical methods of judgement profit and quality in listed company

  7. 企业财务分析方法完善与发展

    The perfection and development to the enterprise finance analysis method

  8. 财务分析方法体系的构建

    The establishment of the system of financial analysis

  9. 论企业综合财务分析方法

    Discussion on the Method of Financial Analysis

  10. 试论企业财务分析方法

    Discussion on Enterprise Finance Analysis Methods

  11. 所以,本文将侧重对财务分析方法,即杜邦财务分析方法,的系统研究。

    So this paper laid particular emphasis on the financial analysis - Du Pont system 's systematic research .

  12. 但是传统的财务分析方法具有片面性、滞后性、和易受会计政策选择的影响等局限性。

    But traditional financial analysis methods are one-sided , hysteretic and vulnerable to the impact of accounting policy choice .

  13. 此文运用了资本经营基础理论、风险分散理论、投融资管理理论及财务分析方法对胜利油田的资本经营活动进行了系统的分析,对资本经营策略进行了深入的论证。

    The article exert the capital management base theory , risk detract theory , invest and financing theory and finance analytic method to demonstrate the strategy .

  14. 传统的财务分析方法采用比率分析,主要从盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力、发展能力四个方面分析公司的财务状况。

    Methods of traditional financial analysis use ratio analysis to understand the financial condition of company , including profitability , operating capacity , solvency and development capacity .

  15. 本文结合上市公司的公告信息、分别采用财务分析方法和股价分析法对1999年和2000年发生在证券市场上的166起并购成功率进行了分析。

    This dissertation analyze bulletin information of listed enterprises , use stock price analysis method and financial analysis method differently to assess success or failure of M & A.

  16. 第三、建设项目效益评价部分,运用计算机模型及财务分析方法,从国民经济效益评价、财务效益评价两方面对G314线阿克苏过境公路改建工程(北线)的效益进行评价;

    The third is the evaluation of the owning of the rebuilding programer in the national economy and financial affairs , by exerting computer pattern and assaying financial affairs .

  17. 本文首先在分析现有财务分析方法的基础上,指出了杜邦财务分析方法是最适合对上市公司经营业绩进行评价的综合财务分析方法。

    This thesis firstly points out that Dupont financial analysis is nowadays ' most proper method on making comprehensive financial analysis for listed company on the basis of studying financial analysis methods now available .

  18. 因子分析法能较好的解决其它财务分析方法当中普遍存在的信息重叠和主观赋权等不足之处,使得分析结果更加公平合理,因此因子分析法成为了财务状况综合评价的主要方法之一。

    Since factor analysis can provide a better solution to the problem of information overlap and subjectiveness and thereby give objective and just results , it is one of the important ways to evaluate the management performance comprehensively .

  19. 一套比较完整的、统的、学的财务分析方法体系应由定量分析方法和定性分析方法构成,只有把定量分析方法和定性分析方法有机地结合起来,加以综合运用,才能发挥财务分析的作用。

    The method of quantitative analysis and the method of qualitative analysis should be used to realize the complete , systematic and scientific system of financial analysis for the purpose of enhancing the function of the financial analysis .

  20. 本文认为,为了客观、准确地对现阶段国有企业绩效进行评价,不能单纯采用传统的财务分析方法,而必须结合统计学、计量经济学等多种方法进行综合分析。

    This research shows that in order to objectively and accurately evaluate the performance of SOEs , we can not simply use the traditional methods of financial analysis , but should combine with statistics , econometrics , and so on .

  21. 结合武汉零售业的行业特点、地理位置和发展程度等,对传统的财务分析方法进行改进,对武汉零售业的四家上市公司进行财务分析具有理论和现实意义。

    To improve traditional financial analysis methods with the characteristics of the retail , geographical location , level of development and also in Wuhan , it has theoretical and practical significance to understand the financial condition of the listed companies in retail .

  22. 企业财务数据分析方法探讨

    Discuss on the Analytical Method of the Enterprise 's Financial Data

  23. 三资企业财务分析评价方法及其应用

    The Financial Analysis Methods of 3-Funds Enterprises and its Application

  24. 汽车类上市公司财务分析的方法及检验

    Application and Test of Factor Analysis in Financial Analysis of Motor Companies

  25. 基于标准模型库的企业财务风险分析方法探析

    Probe into Financial Risk Analysis in Enterprises on Base of Standard Model Base

  26. 财务可行性分析方法的选择;

    Second , the top selected analysis methods .

  27. 浅议上市公司财务状况分析方法

    Analysis Methods of Financial Conditions in Listed Company

  28. 企业财务综合分析方法&互异代表系与人工神经网络

    Synthetic Methods for Corporate Financial Analysis System of Distinct Representative and Artificial Neural Network

  29. 试论传统财务报告分析方法

    Traditional Analytical Methods of Financial Reports Financial Analysis

  30. 浅谈医院财务分析的方法和评价指标体系

    Hospital financial analysis methods and assessment indexes