
cái zhènɡ zhènɡ cè
  • fiscal policy
  1. 为了制定合理的财政政策,政府正在征求建议。

    The government is now soliciting suggestions for making a sound fiscal policy .

  2. 增税是一项重要的财政政策。

    The increase of taxation is an important fiscal policy .

  3. 积极的财政政策要更加积极有为

    Pursue a more proactive and impactful fiscal policy

  4. 实施好更加积极有为的财政政策、更加稳健灵活的货币政策,增强宏观政策的针对性和时效性。

    We should adopt more proactive and impactful fiscal policies and more prudent to keep macro policies more targeted and timely .

  5. 安倍经济学是一系列旨在解决日本宏观经济问题的政策措施,包括货币政策、财政政策以及鼓励私人投资的经济增长策略。

    Abenomics is a set of policy measures meant to resolve Japan 's macroeconomic problems . It consists of monetary1 policy , fiscal2 policy , and economic growth strategies to encourage private investment .

  6. 中国将继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,坚定不移扩大改革开放,放宽市场准入,持续优化营商环境,积极扩大进口,扩大对外投资,为世界经济稳定作出贡献。

    China will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and prudent6 monetary7 policy . We will continue to advance reform and opening-up , widen market access , improve the business environment , and expand imports and outbound investment to contribute to a stable world economy .

  7. 稳定的汇率政策通过促进出口、FDI和提高财政政策的有效性来调节内部经济,成为我国经济增长的关键因素。

    Stable exchange rate has improved the export , FDI and the efficiency of China 's expansionary fiscal policy , which help China 's economic growth greatly .

  8. 文章选择欧洲经济与货币联盟(EMU)中五个代表性国家德国、法国、荷兰、比利时、西班牙,对其进行了区域经济一体化条件下国家财政政策绩效实证分析。

    The article select 5 representative national of Economic & Monetary union ( EMU ) , including Germany Spain , France , Netherlands .

  9. 由一个简单的IS-LM模型可以推导出财政政策乘数公式。

    From the simple IS-LM Model , We can get a multiplier formula of financial policies .

  10. 通过建立一个常见的IS-LM模型,可以更为准确地阐述所谓财政政策挤出效应产生的机理和可能的程度。

    Underlying the crowding-out effect of fiscal policy , the machanism and the extent constitute the core problems that need to be explored . A simplified IS-LM model may be used for the analysis .

  11. 结论是:IS-LM-BP模型的分析方法在我国目前是适用的;我国财政政策乘数大于货币政策乘数。

    The conclusion is that , as a method of analysis , the IS-LM-BP Model is suit to China , the multiple of fiscal policy is larger than that of monetary policy ;

  12. 本文在对IS-LM-BP模型公式化的基础上,推导出开放经济下的财政政策和货币政策乘数;并对近年来我国财政政策和货币政策对经济增长的贡献进行了实证分析。

    In this article , on the basis of formalizing the IS-LM-BP Model , the multipliers of the fiscal and monetary policy in opening economy are deduced , and the contribution of two policies in China in recent years are calculated .

  13. 美国新经济增长与克林顿政府的财政政策研究

    American New Economic Growth and Clinton Administration 's Fiscal Policy Research

  14. 积极财政政策:路径依赖与结构转型

    On the Proactive Fiscal Policies : Path Dependence and Structure Transformation

  15. 积极财政政策的转型思路及其依据

    Pattern - shifting thoughts of active fiscal policies and its basis

  16. 值的影响;边际消费倾向对财政政策效果的影响

    The Influence of Marginal Consumption on the Effectiveness of Financial Policy

  17. 财政政策作用机制和政策风险的动态计量研究

    The Dynamic Econometric Studies on Mechanisms and Risks of Fiscal Policy

  18. 中国经济可持续发展中的财政政策研究

    The Fiscal Policy Study During the Economic Sustainable Development of China

  19. 我国财政政策的基本取向及其调整

    China 's Fiscal Policy : Basic Orientation and Necessary Modification

  20. 促进人力资本投资的财政政策研究

    Research on Fiscal Policy for Promoting Investment in Human Capital

  21. 积极财政政策淡出为时尚早

    It Is Too Early to Weaken the Positive Financial Policy

  22. 我国应适时采取平衡的财政政策

    Balanced Fiscal Policy Should Timely be Carried out in China

  23. 关于积极财政政策的若干认识

    Consideration on the Pro - active Fiscal Policy in China

  24. 中国援助弱势群体的财政政策研究

    Studies on the Chinese Fiscal Policies on Assistance to the Vulnerable Group

  25. 江苏循环经济财政政策研究

    Study of Financial Policy for Circular Economy in Jiangsu Province

  26. 美、日等国利用财政政策的经验教训及其对我国的启示

    Lessons in American & Japan Fiscal Policy and Their Revelation to China

  27. 有效需求不足下可持续性财政政策的选择空间

    Orientation of Sustainable Financial Policy under the Condition of Insufficient Effective Demand

  28. 再次,优化财政政策与货币政策的协调配合。

    Then , optimize the coordination of fiscal policy and monetary policy .

  29. 扩张性财政政策、财政风险与政策选择

    Expansive Fiscal Policy , Fiscal Risk and Policy Choice

  30. 货币政策、财政政策和随机经济增长

    Monetary Policy 、 Fiscal Policy and Stochastic Economic Growth