
  • 网络finance and taxation policy;financial policy;financial and taxation policy
  1. 推动民营经济发展的财税政策

    On Financial and Taxation Policy to Prompt the Development of People-run Economy

  2. 我国生态环境保护的财税政策研究

    Research of the Financial and Taxation Policy in Protecting Our Country 's Biological Environment

  3. 加入WTO后中国农业财税政策的调整

    Discussion on Adjustment of Chinese Agricultural Policy after WTO Entry

  4. 调整财税政策适应WTO运行规则

    Adjusting Fiscal Levy Policy to the WTO Operational Regulation

  5. 第二部分评述了世界发达国家财税政策特点,评析了财税制度改革和发展的趋势,考察了WTO成员国的关税要求;

    The second part comments on characteristics of tax sys-tems of the advanced countries , appraises the trend of improving the tax system and inspect-ing requirements on tariffs to WTO members .

  6. 我国加入WTO后的财税政策,尚有许多不适应世贸组织条款要求的问题。

    Although China has joined the WTO , there are still a lot of problems existing in our financial taxation policies which don 't conform to the requirements of the WTO clauses .

  7. 最后从领导机构、资金筹措、建设用地、外部环境、基础设施、财税政策几个方面提出J港规划的实施建议。

    Suggestions relevant to leading organ , funding , land for construction , external environment , infrastructure and tax policy are put forward to put the Jingzhou Port planning into practice .

  8. 促进我国科技投入的财税政策研究

    Research on Fiscal Policies Conducive to Investment in Science and Technology

  9. 发展吉林民营经济的财税政策研究

    Research on Developing the Finance-Tax Policy of Non-public Economy in Jilin

  10. 支持自主创新人才发展的财税政策研究

    Research on Fiscal Policies for Supporting Development of Talents in Self-innovation

  11. 促进西部资源开发的财税政策

    Make Use of Fiscal-Tax Policy to Promote Western Regions Economic Development

  12. 当前经济形势下的财税政策

    On the Finance and Tax Policies in the Present Economic Stituation

  13. 发展我国教育事业的财税政策选择

    The Choice of Taxation Policy for Developing Our Country 's Education

  14. 农业工业化进程中的财税政策选择

    Fiscal and Tax Policy Options in the Process of Agricultural Industrialization

  15. 对促进可再生能源产业发展财税政策的探讨

    Fiscal and Tax Incentive Policy on the Chinese Resource-renewable Energy Industry

  16. 创新激励:公共财税政策的工具选择

    Innovation Incentive : the Choice for Public Fiscal and Taxation Policy

  17. 我国西部大开发的财税政策取向

    The Finance and Tax Policy Orientation of Western Region Development in China

  18. 第六部分,17世纪的财税政策和光荣革命。

    Part six was the financial and tax policies and Glorious Revolution .

  19. 促进节能服务产业发展的财税政策模式

    Fiscal and Taxation Policy Pattern for Promoting Energy Saving Service Industry Development

  20. 关于西部开发财税政策问题的思考

    Fiscal Policies on the Development of the West of China

  21. 我国农业产业化发展的财税政策

    The Fiscal and Tax Policies on Development of China 's Agricultural Industrialization

  22. 促进就业的财税政策研究

    Study on Public Finance and Taxation Policy Accelerating the Employment

  23. 论促进我国循环经济发展的财税政策

    On Financial & Tax Policies Facilitating Recycled Economic Development of Our Country

  24. 在本部分中沿用第三部分的分析构架,通过汽车的生产环节来归集对财税政策的建议。

    This section used the framework of the third part .

  25. 政府财税政策是循环经济发展的促进剂。

    Fiscal and taxation policies are the accelerant of circular economy development .

  26. 第五部分,国外相关扶持财税政策比较借鉴。

    The fifth part : compare and reference foreign support fiscal policy .

  27. 第三章,西部大开发与财税政策。

    Chapter three : developing Chinese west-region vs. finance and tax policies .

  28. 农村财税政策和金融政策存在弊端;

    The fiscal and financial policies in rural areas have some defects ;

  29. 发展东北老工业基地循环经济与财税政策选择

    Circular Economy of Northwestern old Industrial Base and Finance and Taxation Policies

  30. 论我国财税政策对保险业的影响

    On the Influence of Fiscal Policy on the Insurance Industry