
  1. 最后,构建小型企业财政政策体系并且完善社会服务体系,加强对小型企业的基础服务。

    Finally , we should constructing small enterprise financial policy system and perfect social service system , and strengthen the basic services to small enterprises .

  2. 国内对促进中小企业发展的相关研究中,对支持中小企业财政政策体系的研究成果也较少。

    Besides , our public fiscal policies to support SMEs are not perfect , and there are few researches of public fiscal policy system for SMEs in the domestic related studies .

  3. 外债管理政策体系是财政政策体系的重要组成部分,和货币政策体系特别是其中的外汇管理政策密切相关,对政府宏观调控体制的顺利运行有着重要的影响。

    Foreign debt management system is an important component of fiscal policies and closely correlated with monetary policies , especially with its foreign debt management policies , greatly influencing the national macro-control system .

  4. 同时,介绍我国财政政策体系的一般框架,并对我国改革开放以来财政政策的实践过程进行梳理。

    At the same time , it described Chinese general framework of fiscal policy system , introduced the fiscal policy practice since the Reform an Opening-up . Then , We use Euler Equation to test the Ricardian Equivalence .

  5. 四是构建了文化创意产业财政政策绩效评价体系。

    Four is set up performance assess system of cultural creative industry .

  6. 地方财政的环境政策体系;

    Environment policy system of local finance ;

  7. 在欧元区,货币供应早已做到集体化,但财政政策和银行体系仍保留在国家层面,致使主权脆弱性传染给了银行。

    In a currency area where the money supply has been collectivised but fiscal policy and banking systems remain national , sovereign fragility has infected the banks .

  8. 中国于2001年开始着力构建粮食财政直接补贴政策体系,其核心目标是确保增加粮食产量,首要保障粮食数量安全。

    China began to implement food financial direct subsidies ' policy system . Its core goal is to make sure to increase food production ; the first is to ensure food quantitative security .

  9. 货币供应实现了集中化,而财政政策和银行体系却仍由各国独自把持,因此主权债务和银行融资问题相互放大,却又没有最终放贷的安全断路机制。

    The money supply was collectivised while fiscal policy and banking systems stayed national , so sovereign and bank funding problems reinforced each other without the circuit breaker of lending in the last resort .

  10. 积极财政政策下农村金融体系中政策性金融与财政的关系探析

    To Explore Relationships between Policy-based Finance and Financial Funds within Agricultural Financial System under Positive Financial Policy

  11. 当央行行长奉命评论财政政策或干预金融体系时,央行决策的政治性就变得更加明显。

    They become still more political when the governor is enjoined to comment on fiscal policy or to intervene in the financial system .

  12. 这两点均说明,财政政策可以对经济体系中的部分领域产生影响,而事实证明,货币政策在最好的情况下是无效,而在最坏的情况下如格林斯潘所言则是有害的。

    Either way , it can be argued that fiscal policy can influence parts of the system in which monetary policy is shown to be at best ineffectual , or at worst pace Mr Greenspan harmful .