
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • public works
  1. 公路小说,公路电影,这些都是最典型的美国思想,它诞生于充足的油量、平价的汽车和永无止境的州际公路网络——那是由史上最庞大的公共工程项目建成的。

    The road novel , the road movie , these are the most typical American ideas , born of abundant petrol , cheap cars and a never-ending interstate highway system , the largest public works project in history .

  2. 与公共工程部一起工作,还有其他的一些NGO组织,我们检查了超过1500栋建筑。

    with the Ministry of Public Works , with different NGOs , we inspected over 1500 buildings .

  3. 我国农村大型公共工程BT代建模式研究

    The Study on the Bt Financing Agent Model of Our Country 's Rural Large-Scale Works

  4. 我国公共工程PFI融资模式项目风险管理研究

    Research on Risk Management of Public Works Implement PFI Financing Pattern in China

  5. 日本野村银行的分析师Williantole称印尼糟糕的公共工程状况将会得到改善。

    Willianto le , an analyst at Nomura , a Japanese bank , says the country 's lamentable record on public works may be set to improve .

  6. BOT模式作为近年来国际上较为流行的投融资方式,在大型公共工程项目上应用广泛。

    BOT build operate transfer model is a popular investment and financing in the world in recent years , which is widely used in the large-scale public works projects .

  7. RicardoLagosEscobar是智利前总统以及前教育部长和公共工程部长。

    Ricardo Lagos Escobar is the former President of Chile , and former Education Minister and Minister of Public Works .

  8. 据NPR新闻的斯科特·霍斯利报道,总统的预算方案要求实行新税法,缩减福利项目规模,增加学前教育和公共工程的支出。

    NPR 's Scott Horsley reports the president 's plan calls for new taxes , entitlement savings and fresh spending on pre-school and public works .

  9. 智利公共工程部长比塔(SergioBitar)在一次新闻发布会上说,道路受损情况比我预想的严重。

    ' Road damage was worse than what I expected , 'Sergio Bitar , Chile 's public-works minister , said at a news conference .

  10. 分析师称,TPP将有助于消除一些快速增长的新兴亚洲经济体市场的贸易壁垒,特别是公共工程项目方面的贸易壁垒,这些项目目前仅允许本地公司参与建设。

    Analysts say the TPP would help remove trade barriers to some of the rapidly growing markets in emerging Asia , especially in the field of public works projects , which are currently restricted to local companies .

  11. 勘测政府土地蒸汽锅炉〔公共工程类别〕

    Survey of government land steam boilers [ public works category ]

  12. 全包室内设计及装修工程〔公共工程类别〕

    Turnkey interior design and fitting-out works [ public works category ]

  13. 偶尔也用一部分修建公共工程。

    A part is occasionally employed in works of public utility .

  14. 维修及修复有历史性楼宇〔公共工程类别〕

    Repair and restoration of historic buildings [ public works category ]

  15. 对大型公共工程建设程序的思考

    Reflection on the Decision-making & Implementation Procedures for Major Public Works

  16. 永久性预应力地锚桩基系统〔公共工程类别〕

    Permanent prestressed ground anchor systems [ public works category ]

  17. 起重机械及起重装置测量〔公共工程类别〕

    Survey of lifting appliances and lifting gear [ public works category ]

  18. 公共工程在国民经济中地位特殊,作用独特。

    Government projects play an important role in the developing National Economy .

  19. 特别钢管的制造〔公共工程类别〕

    Fabrication of steel pipe specials [ public works category ]

  20. 日本防治公共工程串通投标行为的经验及其启示

    Control of Collusive Bidding in Japanese Public Projects : Experiences and Implications

  21. 上海某地下公共工程的防汛影响分析

    A Demonstration Example about Underground Construction Influence on Flood Prevention in Shanghai

  22. 基于全面管理的公共工程电子政务系统

    E-Government Systems of Public Project Management Based on Total Management

  23. 认可公共工程物料供货商及专门承造商名册

    List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works

  24. 专门公路结构运作〔公共工程类别〕

    Specialized operations for highway structures [ public works category ]

  25. 防盗及保安装置〔公共工程类别〕

    Burglar alarm and security installations [ public works category ]

  26. 土壤及岩石试验〔公共工程类别〕

    Soil and rock testing [ public works category ]

  27. 英国公共工程建设被纳入政府采购范畴。

    The construction of public works belongs to the fields of government procurement .

  28. 我国公共工程的投融资方式研究

    A Study on the Investment and Financing Ways of Public Project in China

  29. 机械厂及设备的制造及设立〔公共工程类别〕

    Manufacture and erection of mechanical plants and equipment [ public works category ]

  30. 他提出了一个周密的公共工程计划。

    He proposed an elaborate program of public works .