
  • 网络Public Welfare Project
  1. 社会服务项目是政府等资助者外包或资助、非营利组织承接的公益性项目。

    The social service project is a kind of public welfare project which is outsourced or subsidized by the government and undertaken by NPOs .

  2. 水利公益性项目利用外资是水利事业发展的重要组成部分,对推动山东水利事业健康发展与改革创新具有重大意义。

    Public welfare project in water sector , using foreign capital , is the important ingredient of water resources administration development , which is significant to push sound development and reformation of Shandong waterworks .

  3. 政府投资应当重点投向基础性和公益性项目。

    Any governmental investment shall emphatically invest in fundamental and public projects .

  4. 基于参与式理论和方法的公益性项目社会评价研究

    Study on the Social Assessment for Commonweal Project Based on Participation Theory and Method

  5. 因此,公益性项目财政投资评审方面的研究逐渐成为重要的课题。

    Therefore research questions on Finance Investment Evaluation and Checkup are becoming more and more popular .

  6. 2004年7月,国务院出台了《关于投资体制改革的决定》,提倡在政府投资公益性项目的建设中,推广代建制管理。

    The State Council advocated agent construction management mode in commonweal construction projects financed by government .

  7. 这些资金的用途包括偿还7个已建成公益性项目的债务。

    The capital will be used to pay the debts of seven completed public welfare projects .

  8. 其中,对经济效益为主或经济效益显著的经营性或准公益性项目移民进行长期补偿安置具有明显的优点。

    Among which , it has advantages to compensate for the projects who operating primarily for economic benefits .

  9. 政府投资工程是全社会固定资产投资的重要组成部分,国家对社会公益性项目投资逐年大幅度增加。

    Government investment project is importance elements of society capital asserts , and its increases year after year .

  10. 础设施和公益性项目。建设港口、路、路、型桥梁以及市政设施项目。

    Basal Establishment and Public Utility Items We will construct ports , railway , highway , bridges and so on .

  11. 这些项目大多数是集中在为社会发展服务的非盈利性质的公益性项目。

    The majority of these programs are focused on the service for social development of the non-profit public welfare projects .

  12. 究其原因,主要是公益性项目决策过程中忽视了项目的监督管理。

    The reason to it is that supervision and management is neglected during the course of making decisions to public projects .

  13. 土地征用是任何国家为及时保障公益性项目获取土地所必须的一种国家行为。

    Land commandeer is any countries get land place to ensure commonweal sex project in time must action of a kind of state .

  14. 基础设施项目多是建设周期长、投资巨大的公益性项目,因而政府在其中发挥着不可或缺的作用。

    Most of infrastructure projects are long-construction cycle , hugely-investment commonweal project , so the government has played an important role in the infrastructure projects .

  15. 包括国内类似公益性项目介绍、国外类似公益性项目介绍以及对我国文化共享工程资源建设模式创新的启示。

    It contains the introduction of the similar domestic and overseas public project and their inspirations for our construction of the culture information resources sharing project .

  16. 与其他公益性项目一样,铁路投资项目的实施对区域经济、社会、环境都具有深远影响。

    Just as other public welfare projects , the implementation of railway investment projects on the regional economy , society , environment has a profound effect .

  17. 论文以公益性项目决策阶段为重点,对公益性项目如何进行财政投资评审展开研究。

    Focused on the phase of project-decision , a research has been carried out on how to evaluate and check up the public projects in this thesis .

  18. 交通运输物流基础设施属于高投资、高风险、类公益性项目,若单靠国家和地方政府投资是非常困难的,若靠国际贷款、借款,又会增加我国债务负担。

    Huge investment and large venture and analogue publicity are characteristic of the infrastructure construction of transportation logistics . It is difficulty that department takes on all investment .

  19. 公益性项目财政投资评审是一个新兴的课题,涉及各方面专业知识,是一项政策性很强的系统工作。

    The new and popular research question on finance investment evaluation and checkup on public projects , which involves a variety of knowledge , is a system job involved power policy .

  20. 路桥投资项目后评价建模与算法研究(六)础设施和公益性项目。建设港口、路、路、型桥梁以及市政设施项目。

    Research on Model and Algorithm of Road-bridge Investment Project Ex-post Evaluations ; Basal Establishment and Public Utility Items We will construct ports , railway , highway , bridges and so on .

  21. 铁路投资项目是一种投资资金大、建设期长,投资回收期长的大型公益性项目,是我国经济发展的先行资本。

    Railway investment project is one of large-scale public projects which need big investment funds , long construction and long payback period . It is the fist capital of China economic development .

  22. 本课题来源于国家海洋公益性项目:渤海石油平台及邻近海域环境污染实时监控预警及应急支持技术研究与示范。

    The topic originates from the national sea welfare project : the research and demonstration of real-time monitoring , warning and emergency support for environmental pollution in Bohai Sea and neighbor sea area .

  23. 政府对地勘企业有四种关系&出资人代表、行业主管部门、行政执法部门、公益性项目业主。

    For geological prospecting enterprises , government have four kinds of qualification , which are representative of capital holder , industrial department responsible authorities for the geology , industrial executive organ , owner of public project .

  24. 本文尝试建立了适用于我国经营性老年公寓的经济评价指标体系,并结合案例对各个指标的计算与评价进行了验证,希望能为同类兼具经营性和公益性项目的决策提供思路。

    This article attempts to establish a suitable economic evaluation index system for operating old apartment , test and verify various indicators with case , hope to provide ideas for similar projects both commercial and public welfare making decisions .

  25. 而水利公益性项目作为公益事业,由于这类公共物品受益的广泛性,投资者直接收益的不明确性,所以难以由市场竞争来完成,一般应由政府来组织投资和管理。

    And as public welfare work , the public waterworks project cannot be established by market competition , due to the universality of beneficiary and uncertainty of direct benefit to investors , therefore it is usually organized and managed by government agency .

  26. 在我国,地方政府无权发行政府债券,为筹集基础设施建设等公益性项目的建设资金,地方政府通过搭建投融资平台公司(城投公司)进行融资。

    In China , local governments have no right to issue government bonds to raise funds for infrastructure construction and other public welfare projects , so the local governments built some financing platforms ( Urban Construction Investment Company , " UCIC ") for financing .

  27. 水利公益性项目引入代建制是一种制度变迁过程,政府职能的转变、交易成本的减少、制度需求主体的变化,是水利公益性项目引入代建制的动力源。

    The application of ACM for water public-spirited project is a process of institutional change . The shift of government functions , the reduction of transaction costs , and the change of main institutional demand bodies are the motive sources of introducing ACM to water public-spirited project .

  28. 针对上述需要,本文结合交通部天津水运工程科学研究院中央公益性基金项目(TKS070204)对高桩码头横梁的可靠性进行分析计算。

    Then , this paper is combining with part study of the projects of the central public fund ( TKS070204 ) which is belongs to Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering .

  29. 公益性水利项目建设管理体制研究

    Research On Construction Management System for Public Welfare Water Conservancy Project

  30. 公益性建设项目的风险约束机制研究

    Discussion on the Mesures to Restrict the Venture of Commonweal Constrcut Item