
  • 网络Public Capital
  1. 大萧条(greatdepression)过后,私人资本流动受到了抑制,公共资本(包括国家之间的收入转移)的作用有所增强。

    After the great depression , private capital flows were inhibited , and public capital took on a greater role , including income transfers between countries .

  2. 资本性支出分权、公共资本投资构成与经济增长

    Capital Expenditure Decentralization , Public Capital Investment Composition and Economic Growth

  3. 随着公共资本缓冲金额的扩大,私有资本缓冲金额缩小。

    As the public cushion fattened , the private ones slimmed .

  4. 公共资本与经济增长&东盟五国数据的实证检验

    Public Capital and Economic Growth : An Empirical Analysis on ASEAN-5 Countries

  5. 这是一种旨在支持其贸易顺差的公共资本外流。

    That was a public capital outflow aimed at supporting its trade surpluses .

  6. 公共资本投资、农村经济增速与农民生活改善

    Public Capital Investment and Economic Development of Rural Areas and Improvement of Farmers ' Living

  7. 这将需要时间,需要更积极的不良资产减记,以及不幸的是,可能还需要更多的公共资本。

    This will take time , more aggressive write downs of bad assets , and unfortunately probably more public capital .

  8. 其次,大规模注入公共资本,同时引入新的私人资本。

    Second , inject public capital on a huge scale , drawing in new private capital at the same time .

  9. 特别是,如果将政府的作用同经济增长联系在一起,可以说,由政府提供公共资本品,是促进一国资本形成,加快经济增长的重要途径。

    Especially , the public capital goods provided by the government can form one country 's capital and promote economic growth .

  10. 伴随着改革的深入和经济水平的发展,公共资本的产出弹性呈现下降趋势;

    The dynamical changes of public capital 's marginal productivity show declining trend with the economy reform going in-depth and economic development .

  11. 计量分析表明,公共资本和和私人资本对产出具有弱外生性。尽管总量生产函数下宏观经济变量存在协整,但这种协整的调节作用并不显著。

    Econometric analysis shows both public and private capital per worker are shown to be weakly exogenous with respect to output per worker .

  12. 研究表明,我国公共资本对私人资本存在替代作用已经显现出来,尽管替代率还不大。

    And the study indicated that the public capital have the substitution to the private capital , moreover calculated the ratio of substitution .

  13. 而明代政府在处理其盐政危机时,又无意中摧毁了这一公共资本市场。

    This capital market , unintentionally created by the Ming government since early sixteenth century , was also unintentionally abolished by the Ming government in1617 .

  14. 中国改革开放以来的数据证实了公共资本的高产出弹性和资本积累过程中的巨大外部性。

    Empirical datas show the high elasticity of output with respect to public capital and large externalities to capital accumulation after the China economic reforms ( 1978 ) .

  15. 在混合经济中,政府可以通过公共资本的增加来提高私人资本的边际生产力,促使经济在最优状态下实现持续增长。

    In mixed economy , the government can raise the marginal productivity by increasing public capital , so as to promote a continuous economic development under its optimum condition .

  16. 公共资本的总体“增长效应”是正向的,主要通过对资本形成的“挤入效应”来实现;

    Total effects to economic growth by public capital is positive , which is carrying out by the favorable " spill-over " effects to the formation of fixed capital .

  17. 尤其是美联储,该机构的决策者们意识到,必须抵消掉大量私人资本、特别是公共资本流入美国所产生的紧缩效应。

    The Fed , in particular , found itself having to offset the contractionary effects of the vast flow of private and , above all , public capital into the US .

  18. 结论是,两种形式的公共资本投资对长期经济增长都可能具有正效应也可能具有负效应,取决于民间经济主体消费跨时替代弹性大小。

    The theoretical analysis suggests both forms of government public capital investment may have positive or negative effects on long-run economic growth depending on the size of private agents ' intertemporal substitution elasticity of consumption .

  19. 其次,我们利用向量自回归分析框架,对我国1978&2004年间公共资本投资对长期经济增长的影响作实证分析。

    On the other hand , We use VAR approach to analyze the effects of government public capital investment on long-run economic growth based on annual data for the period from 1978 to 2004 in China .

  20. 结果显示:无论在外生技术进步的假定下,还是在技术由资本积累内生引致的假定下,公共资本的产出弹性均高于私人资本。

    It is evident that the higher elasticity of output with respect to public capital , no matter on the assumption of exogenous technology advancement or technology is considered to endogenously evolve as a function of capital accumulation .

  21. 而忽视了国有资本作为一种公共资本的社会整体利益的价值取向,从而引发了国进民退的广泛争论,也模糊了国有资本存在的根本意义所在。

    The society overall interests value orientation of state-owned assets as public capital lacks recognition . This arouses extensive controversy and obscures the fundamental value of the existence of state-owned assets . Second , the ultimate owner is missing .

  22. 本文首先建立一个包含政府公共资本投资的两部门内生增长模型,并把公共资本投资分为政府物质资本投资和人力资本投资,从而对公共资本投资的长期经济增长效应进行理论分析。

    This paper analyzes the mechanics of government public capital investment on long-run economic growth by setting up a two-sector endogenous growth model containing government public capital investment and dividing public capital investment to government physical capital investment and human capital investment .

  23. 基础设施是以社会间接资本的形式反映到经济体中,增加基础设施供给,实质上就是扩大社会公共资本,为使用者节约社会间接成本;

    Due to the fact that infrastructure is manifested in the economy as social indirect capital assets , improvement of infrastructure provision is substantially expansion of social public assets and reduction of social indirect cost for users so that the businesses will be better supported for industrial development .

  24. 就市场对经济的影响而言,资本毁灭非常严重,金融机构通过私人和公共资本筹集的数万亿资本已经流失,而没有对企业和消费者日益减少的流动性的影响起到稳定作用。

    In so far as the market has impacted on the economy , capital destruction has been so intense that multi-trillions in capital raised by institutions through both private and public capital has gone to plug holes and not stabilise the effects of shrinking liquidity to corporations and consumers .

  25. 分析了城建投资的长期发展趋势和城市公共建设资本有益的形成,同时,引入了美国、日本的公共资本形成战略。

    The authors also analyzes the long-term trend and the form of the investment benefit .

  26. 公共物质资本投资主要是通过资本积累效应拉动经济增长,而公共人力资本投资及研发投资则是通过提高全要素生产率及外部性效应促进经济增长。

    Public physical capital investment mainly depends on capital accumulation effect to promote economic growth , however , public labor capital investment and R & D expenditure mainly on increasing all-factor productivity and external effect .

  27. 职业培训教育和公共人力资本管理开发应当探索职业培训教育规律,注重培训内容的前瞻性、实用性和可操作性。

    It 's compulsory for occupation training education and human resource capital management and development to probe into the laws for occupation training education , to emphasize the prospective , practicability , and operability of the training contents .

  28. 对我国公共部门人力资本成本的思考

    Analysis on Human Capital Cost of Public Sectors in China

  29. 提高企业的打算从公共资金或资本,出售未注册的证券或传销程序。

    Businesses which intend to raise funds or capital from the public , sell unregistered securities or MLM Programs .

  30. 第二,公共部门人力资本价格中体制外收益需要由体制内的制度运行作保障,不断维持、扩大既得利益。

    Second , the outside interests are based on the implement of the inside system , and maintain and increase the vested interests .