
  • 网络Public Decision Making;Public Decision
  1. 公共决策科学化要求政府行政机关在进行公共决策时必须反复进行科学论证,遵循科学决策的原则、程序和方法,以保证决策的正确性。

    Scientific and public decision making requires government agencies and public decision-making must be repeated scientific proof , follow the principle of scientific decision-making , procedures and methods to ensure the accuracy of decision-making .

  2. 它曾在很多国家的决策中得到广泛的应用,并被证实是现代公共决策体制中一项重要的规范性程序设计。

    It has been applied widely in a number of countries and proven to be an important regulative procedure design in the modern public decision making system .

  3. 因而,公正是公共决策的核心价值。

    Therefore , justice is the core value of public decision-making .

  4. 肥胖程度和酒精消费困扰着公共决策者。

    Levels of obesity and alcohol consumption are troubling public policymakers .

  5. 宪政视角下的公共决策&从地方性公共物品的提供谈起

    A Constitutionalism Perspective of Public Policy & On Local Public Goods

  6. 因此,政党是制定、参与公共决策的重要主体。

    Therefore , party is an important subject in public decision-making .

  7. 第三部门对公共决策评价标准的影响

    Influence of the third sector on appraisal standard of public decision

  8. 我国公共决策中的专家参与问题及对策研究

    A Study on Experts Participation in the Public Decision-Making in China

  9. 公共决策失误的界定及表现

    The definition and modality of errors in making decisions for public affairs

  10. 公共决策正是人类社会管理活动的重要形式。

    Public policy-making is an important means of social management .

  11. 论公民参与公共决策的道德能力

    On the moral ability of citizen participation in public decision

  12. 我国公共决策制度创新问题研究

    Study on the Creative Issue of the Public Decision-making System in China

  13. 西方国家公民参与公共决策情况概述

    A Summary of Citizen 's Participation to Public Decision-making in Western Countries

  14. 第三章,公共决策的公正诉求;

    Chapter 3 , the justice pursuit of public decision-making ;

  15. 中国价格听证制度的研究论公共决策听证制度建设

    The Study on the Public Hearing System of Price Management in China

  16. 第4章分析了公共决策的另一个重要的伦理维度即公共决策的责任性问题。

    Chapter 4 analyzes another important ethical dimensionality of public decision-making , ie.

  17. 我国公共决策中存在的问题探析

    Probing into the Problems Of Public Decision In Our Country

  18. 社会团体参与公共决策研究

    The Study on Social Party 's Participating in Public Policy-making

  19. 第四章,公共决策的责任分析;

    Chapter 4 , the responsibility analysis of public decision-making ;

  20. 公共决策中的理性:价值问题研究

    Rationality in Public Decision-Making : the Study of Value Problem

  21. 公共决策中的听证制度运行与优化研究

    Study on Hearing System of Its Procedures in Public Policy-making of China

  22. 利益集团影响公共决策的事例分析和理论讨论

    On Researching of the Process of the Interest Groups Affecting Public Decision-Making

  23. 评判公共决策失误既要进行理论评判,又要进行效果评估,还要考虑决策成本。

    Such errors should be evaluated in theory , effect and cost .

  24. 乐清市基层公共决策模式转变研究

    Researches on Changes of the Mode of Base-Level Public Policy-Making in Yueqing City

  25. 专家体制与公共决策的技术-政治过程

    Expertise System and the Technology-politics Process in Public Policy-making

  26. 面向公共决策的技术评价范式与演变过程

    Analysis of Paradigms and Their Evolutional Process of Technology Assessment Facing Public Decision-making

  27. 公共决策是与行政文化紧密联系的基本活动。

    Public decision-making is closely link with Administrative culture .

  28. 论新时期我国公共决策中的公众政治参与

    Political Involvement by the Public in Public Decision-making Process in the New Ages

  29. 公众参与公共决策具有重要的意义。参与与限制&以泰州学派为考察点

    Public participation in decision make is of great significance . Participation and Restriction

  30. 公共决策的伦理维度研究

    A Study of the Ethical Dimensionality of Public Decision-making