
  • 网络common pool resource;common-pool resource
  1. 根据公共池塘资源的特性将其与其它种类物品区分开来,分析公共池塘资源面临的情景中的资源系统、资源占用者、规则三个基本要素,并提出了公共池塘资源陷入困境的条件。

    According to the characteristics of common pool resources to distinguish with other kinds of items , analysis of common pool resources facing the situation of resource system , resource usage , rules , three basic elements , and put forward the common pool resource in trouble condition .

  2. 最后,提出了公共池塘资源困境的治理思路,认为应对公共池塘资源情景中的基本要素做出改变来进行治理。

    Finally , put forward the thinking and the plight of common pool resources management thought from the basic elements in public pool resources situation to make changes to governance .

  3. 刍议混合产权制度&一种公共池塘资源治理的视角

    On the Institution of Joint Property Rights & A Perspective of Common-pool Resources Governance

  4. 混合产权交易制度:公共池塘资源治理的有效路径

    The Institution of Joint Property Rights Transaction : an Effective Way to Govern Common-pool Resources

  5. 本研究在回顾了国内外相关理论的基础上,指出农用水资源和灌溉系统具有明显的公共池塘资源特性,在其使用过程中,无法排除他人的使用。

    The article reviews the relevant theories and proposes that the agricultural water resources and irrigation system has obvious characteristics of a public-pool-resources .

  6. 方法:资源理论包括:企业资源理论、系统资源理论和公共池塘资源理论。

    Methods : resource theory , including : the enterprise resource theory , the theory of system resources , and common pool resource theory .

  7. 对公共池塘资源困境提出治理策略时,并不考虑公共池塘资源本身的特点,对困境形成的逻辑过程的探讨也较为不足。

    Management strategies are put forward on the public resources pond , does not consider the characteristic of public resource itself pond , discussed the logic process of dilemmas are insufficient .

  8. 但是公共池塘资源的特点以及市场正常运行所要求具备的条件的难以完全满足会导致市场失灵。

    But the characteristics of the common-pool resources and the difficulties in fulfilling the required conditions for the normal function of the market may lead to a market failure as well .

  9. 灌溉水资源产权理论制度分析表明灌溉水资源属于典型的公共池塘资源,并且灌溉水资源的利用具有较强的外部性。

    According to institutional analysis of property rights of irrigation water , such water resources belong to common pool resources , and besides , irrigation water use has obvious characteristic of externality .

  10. 公共池塘资源就是同时具有非排他性和竞争性的物品,是一种人们共同使用整个资源系统但分别享用资源单位的公共资源。

    The common-pool resources refer to the goods with both excludability and rivalry . They are the common resources commonly shared by people in a whole system but shared privately as specific units .

  11. 埃莉诺.奥斯特罗姆对公共池塘资源治理问题的研究揭示了自主治理灵活、高效的优势,当前,自主治理已经成为社会发展的一种趋势。

    Elinor Ostrom , through the study of common pool resource governance issues reveals the flexible and efficient advantage of the self-governance . Recently , self-governance has become a trend of social development .

  12. 流域作为公共池塘资源所具有的非排他性以及竞争性的组合特性,通常被认定为流域水资源配置使用的负外部性在当前空前涌现的基本原由。

    Basin , as CPRs , has combined characteristics of non-excludability and competitiveness . So the two characteristics are often regarded as the fundamental causes of negative externality of disposing and using basin ' water .

  13. 本文认为只有当资源系统遭到破坏、产生了次优经济结果、存在规则制度上的可替代选择时,公共池塘资源才算陷入困境之中。

    This paper argues that only when the resource system is destroyed , the rules of the optimal economic results and existing institutional alternative choice , public pool resources in order to be in trouble .

  14. 当前,我国公共池塘资源的开发过程中一定程度上存在逆向选择问题,进而导致公地悲剧的发生。

    At present , to some extent , the exploitation of Common-pool resources of China exist " adverse selection " problem that ultimately led to the occurrence of " the tragedy of the commons " .

  15. 在研究这些理论的基础上,笔者进行了一些新的思考,提出了公共池塘资源治理的基本原则以及对我国公共池塘资源治理的政策建议。

    On the basis of these theories , this thesis adds some new thoughts , suggesting some basic principles on self-governing of the common-pool resources and some policy proposals for China 's practice in this aspect .

  16. 村落公共池塘资源的治理是一个在改革开放过程中逐步呈现,又屡被忽视的重要问题。

    The governance of Common Pool Resources ( CPRs ) in rural China , which had been ignored for a long time , is now more and more critical during the processes of China Reform and Opening up .

  17. 人们为了解决公共池塘资源问题,设计了很多政策方案,也产生了许多理论成果,主要有以下三:种理论:市场理论,政府理论,自主组织和自主治理理论。

    As solutions to the problems , many plans and theories are developed , with the following as the three main theories : the market theory , the government theory , and the spontaneous organizations and self-governing theory .

  18. 总体上看,灌溉系统具有典型的公共池塘资源特征,但在转型期中国的特殊背景下,各种外部约束条件的改变已经使灌溉系统的内部属性发生了裂变。

    Generally speaking , irrigation system has the typical characteristic of common-pool resources , but each change of external restrictions have already caused fission of irrigation system internal attribute under the special background of China in the transition period .

  19. 企业资源理论应用于制药行业内部,而系统资源理论和公共池塘资源理论应用于一个扩大的生态系统当中,讨论制药企业活动与自然环境、社会环境的关系和应注意的问题。

    Enterprise resource theory is applied within the pharmaceutical industry ; the theory of system resources and common pool resource theory are applied to an expanded ecosystem to discuss the activities of pharmaceutical companies and the natural environment , social environment .

  20. 借助拉弗曲线、库兹涅茨曲线、公共池塘资源理论等相关分析工具,并根据行政成本的非逆指标性质,对行政成本变化趋势进行分析,论证了行政成本优化在理论上的可能性。

    With related analytic tools as Laffer curve , Kuznets curve , theory of common-pool resources , and in accordance with the administrative costs " non-inverse index " nature , analyze the trend of administrative costs change , and demonstrate the impossibility of administrative costs optimization in theory .

  21. 住宅公用部位和公共事务就是集体物品的一种&公共池塘资源(CPR)。

    The common parts and things of The lodging is a kind of the collective goods-Common Pool Resources ( CPR ) .