
  1. 利益集团是指在一个社会中或某个具体变革过程中那些具有共同利益或利益倾向比较一致的人们组织起来以各种集体行动的方式来影响其他组织或公共部门决策的联合体。

    Interest group refers to the organized combo that have common interests or goals and influence other organizations or public sectors decision-making by collective action in a society or a specific reform .

  2. 马来西亚政府于2004年制定目标,要使女性成员占到公共部门决策层的30%,这一目标已于2010年超额实现。

    In Malaysia , the government set a target in 2004 to have 30 % of women at the decision-making level in the public sector , a goal it exceeded by 2010 .

  3. 在我国,公共部门既是决策者,也是执行者,还是监督者,对社会发展拥有巨大的决定力。

    In China , the public department is not only a policy-maker but also a performer and a supervisor which has a huge decisive power on social development .