
  1. 莫尔“三圈”理论是公共管理目标实现的理论框架。

    The " Three-circle Theory " by More is the frame theory to realize the target of public management .

  2. 对绩效的追求、建立高绩效的政府组织始终是新公共管理的目标之一。

    The pursuit for the government organizations with high performance is always one of the goals of new public management .

  3. 公众参与公共管理的目标取向是社会和人自身的全面发展,社会成员将通过广泛参与,促进环境保护的各级变革和演进,推动社会的稳定和和谐。

    Public participation in public management aims at all-round development of society and people . With the public participation , the reformation and progress will be promoted , and the society will be more steady and harmonious .

  4. 公共管理部门的目标管理现状及对策研究

    On Present Application of MBO to Public Administration and Its Improvement

  5. 因此,公共风险管理的目标应该是尽量减少与风险相关的代价,而不是彻底消除。

    Therefore , the objective of public risk management should be minimization , not elimination , of risk-related costs .

  6. 公共债务管理:目标、协调与责任合伙人对会计师事务所的债务承担连带责任。

    Debt management : Objectives , coordination and accountability ; The partners shall bear joint liabilities as to the obligations of the public accounting firm .

  7. 职责边界妨碍公共管理活动共同目标的形成,部门特殊利益阻碍部门协作的进展,旨在提高整体管理绩效的部门协作非但没有发挥积极作用,反而阻碍管理绩效改进。

    With boundaries of departments ' obligation destroying common object of public management and special interest of departments hindering process of department coordination , department cooperation aiming at improvement of the whole administration performance decreases management performance .

  8. 整体型政府:西方公共管理改革的新目标

    The Holistic Government : A New Goal of the Reform of Public Management in Developed Countries

  9. 提高政府绩效是公共管理始终追求的目标,我国政府也不例外。

    It is a persistent goal for public administration to improve the government performance and there is no exception to our government domestically .

  10. 摘要在当今信息时代,公平,特别是信息公平是公共管理的重大价值目标,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。

    In this information age , equity , especially information equity , is an important value objective in public management , and a necessary demand for building a harmonious society as well .

  11. 本文在确定公共物品运营管理政策目标的基础上,就公共物品运营管理政策的有关内容展开研究,试图通过“政策”设计来更大限度地发挥公共物品的作用。

    My dissertation explores the running management policies of urban public goods on the basis of defining its target . I try to design public policies so that public goods can play more important role .

  12. 民族地区公共管理体制的改革目标是与市场经济和开放社会相适应,彻底改革旧体制,并与民族区域自治法的立法精神相协调。

    Adapting with market-oriented economy and opening society , the reform objective of the public management in ethnic districts should completely reform the old system , and coordinate with the legislating spirit of the ethnic region law on the exercise of autonomy .

  13. 公共决策决定着公共管理的目标和方向,能很大程度上影响公共管理效率,关系国民利益。

    Determine public policy objectives and direction of public management , can significantly affect the efficiency of public administration , relations national interest .

  14. 公共伦理是公共管理行为应遵循的准则与规范体系,其功能在于有效调节、规范和引导公共管理行为,促进公共管理目标的实现,公共伦理必须寻找到合理的价值基础。

    Pubic ethics is the system of norms and rules followed by public management agencies , which must be built up on the rational value 's ground , so that it can regulate , guide and standardize public management activities effectively in order to realize the goal of public management .