
  • 网络public management functions
  1. 当代西方国家政府公共管理职能的转型及启示

    Changes in Public Management Functions of Governments in Contemporary Western Countries and Their Inspiration to Us

  2. 税收是财政的主要来源,是政府社会公共管理职能实现的物质保障。

    Tax which is the main source of finance is the material guarantee of achieving government social and public management functions .

  3. 社区公共管理职能及其运作

    The Function and its Operation of the Public Management in the Community

  4. 同时,它也意味着公共管理职能转变和重建是一个动态和权变的过程。

    The transformation of public management function is dynamic and contingent process .

  5. 强化和创新区域政府公共管理职能;

    Second , it strengthenes and innovates the public management of the government ;

  6. 政府公共管理职能及其边界研究综述

    A Summary of the Study of Functions and Scopes of Governmental Public Management

  7. 转移出来的社会公共管理职能由社会公共组织来承担。

    The social public management function was carried out by the social public organizations .

  8. 我国政府职能转变的目标是建立政府公共管理职能体系;

    The goal of changing our government function is to establish government public administration function system ;

  9. 由于政府治理模式的变迁,类行政组织逐渐承担起公共管理职能。

    Quasi Governmental Organization bears public management function gradually with the transition of government 's governance mode .

  10. 突出了政治的公共管理职能,为研究公务员的政治素养奠定基础。

    The emphasis on public management function of politics lays a foundation for the research of civil servants ' political accomplishment .

  11. 摘要服务型政府作为一种新型社会治理理念,是从政府公共管理职能演变中发展而来的。

    As a new idea of society administration , the service government is evolved from the government 's public management functions .

  12. 行业组织是非营利性的社会组织,其权力的性质是具有公共管理职能的社会权。

    The professional association is a kind of nonprofit social organization , whose nature is the social power of the common management function .

  13. 国家的本质决定国家及其政府都具有政治职能、经济职能和社会公共管理职能。

    The essence of state determines that both state and government have the functions of political domination , economic regulation and public management .

  14. 政府公共管理职能的不清晰与社会管理的不完善是社区公共服务供需矛盾的根本原因。

    The ultimate cause to the contradiction of demand and supply is the confusion of government 's public management function and the faultiness of social management .

  15. 它的存在主要以专业(水上安全)的社会服务为目的,履行社会公共管理职能,在社会经济生活中发挥着重要的作用。

    Serving for social specialized service , the maritime system carries out the public management functions and also plays a significant role in the social and economic life .

  16. 评价、表示政府履行公共管理职能的程度、状况的那种力量和能量的总和就是政府能力。

    Government capacity is the summation of the strength and energy , which can appraise , express the extent and condition that government implement the communal management function .

  17. 因此,基层绅士托起政府公共管理职能,维持社会秩序,形成所谓的基层绅士自治局面。

    Therefore , the gentleman in late Qing , who took on the government 's public function and kept the social order , practiced autonomy at the grass-roots unit .

  18. 由于政府机构过深的纵向层级没有改变,使政府的公共管理职能和行政效率没有得到充分体现。

    If a government structure has not changed much in its deep , vertical layering , government have not fully performed their functions in public management and administrative efficiency .

  19. 代表人民行使权力的无产阶级政党本身没有自己的特殊利益,在执行国家权力、实施政治行为的过程中,能够代表人民的根本利益,实现公共管理职能。

    The proletariat party has no special interest of themselves in the process of executing state power , and it has the real intent and abilities to implement public management functions .

  20. 准行政行为是行政主体(行政机关、法律法规授权的组织)以外的社会组织在行使社会公共管理职能过程中依法作出的产生行政法律效果的行为。

    Quasi-administrative act is defined as the act with administrative legal force made by the social organization except for administrative body ( including administration and authorized organization ) when performing public management function .

  21. 面对突发事件,政府必须在危机管理中及时做出响应措施,行使公共管理职能;社会团体、学校、企业、市民也应该做出己所能及的行动。

    The Government face with crisis management must make a timely response measures and exercise of public management functions . The community groups , schools , businesses and citizen should also make their best action .

  22. 国家的后现代转向表现为两个基本趋势:其一是国家的某些职能让位给非国家组织,即国家公共管理职能社会化,产生于社会的国家正在回归社会;

    The transformation of state 's postmodern embodies two basic trends : the first one is that some functions of state give way to those of non-national organization , that is the socialization of the function of national public administration .

  23. 从政治角度对农村城市化进程合法性进行梳理和分析,可以改善当前政府公共管理职能,增进政府与农民的互动,实现政府治理机制的有效转变。

    The analyze of the legitimacy of urbanization on the political perspective , is the key point for next stage urbanization to improve the government public administration function , enhance the interaction of government and peasantry , realize the transformation of governance .

  24. 应急救援管理是政府履行公共管理职能的重要方面,加强应急救援军地协同,有利于优化政府领导环境,有利于融合军地优势资源防灾减灾。

    Emergency rescue management is government to fulfill the important aspect of public management function , strengthen the emergency rescue publishes the synergy , help to optimize the government leadership environment , which is beneficial to publishes the disaster-reduction advantage resources integration .

  25. 笔者认为应重新定位我国行政主体理论,提出判断为行使社会公共管理职能的行业协会处罚权的参照标准和司法审查规则。

    The writer suggests that we should re-position the theory of administrative subject in our country . The writer also holds reference standards and judicial examining rules to determine whether or not the penalty power of trade association has the social functions of public administration .

  26. 其核心内涵是要求公务员在行使公共管理职能、运行公共权力的过程中,以公共行政的标准,完成它的公共性、公正性以及服务性。

    The new round of reform of the core substance of the demands of civil servants in the exercise of the functions of public administration , operation of public power in the process to public administration standards , the completion of its public nature , fairness , and service .

  27. 国家机关委派到非国有公司、企业、事业单位、社会团体中从事公务的人能否成为渎职犯罪的主体,关键看其执行的公务是否国家机关委托的公共管理职能。

    Assigned to non-state organs , state-owned companies , enterprises , institutions , social organizations engaged in public service who can become the subject of crime of dereliction of duty , the key to see whether the national authorities the implementation of the official delegate of the public management functions .

  28. 大部制改革后,将公共交通管理职能纳入交通部门管理。

    After super-ministry reform , public transport management function is incorporated into the management of transport sector .

  29. 五是充分发挥政府公共管理服务职能,完善茶叶市场。

    Fifthly , governmental functions of public administration and service should be played fully , tea market should be improved .

  30. 现代城市管理中的善治应是强化政府公共行政管理职能与扩大城市管理市场化改革的统一。

    The effective governance in the modern urban management should be the unity of enforcing the public administrative functions and conducting urban management reformation deeper based on market laws .