
  • 网络Public expenditure;Public spending
  1. 社会福利事业占了一大部分的公共支出。

    The social services account for a substantial part of public spending .

  2. 但是还有许多其它公共支出的形式,特别是医保,这既有利群众,又是帮助恢复经济的及时雨。

    But there are other forms of public spending , especially on health care , that could do good while aiding the economy in its hour of need .

  3. 减税政策必然导致公共支出的削减。

    Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure

  4. 因为要救济300万失业人口,公共支出即将被耗尽。

    Public expenditure was being stretched to the limit by having to support 3 million unemployed people .

  5. 财政紧缩时期,无疑要对公共支出进行严格审查。

    In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized .

  6. 预期寿命缩短的原因尚不清楚,但肥胖率的上升和公共支出的削减都被指为潜在因素。

    The reasons for the falls is unclear but rising obesity3 rates and cuts to public spending have both been blamed .

  7. 第五部分,基于公共支出视角的税收增长率高于GDP增长率的影响因素研究。

    Part five , based on public expenditures , we discuss the effects of tax growth higher than GDP growth .

  8. 本文以政府公共支出占GDP的比重衡量政府规模,以人类发展指数衡量社会福利。

    In the paper , the size of government is measured by the share of public expenditure in GDP , and social welfare is measured by human development index .

  9. 经合组织各国的退休金公共支出增长速度要快于国民产出,占gdp的比重1990为6.1%,到2007年上升至7%。

    In the OECD public spending on pensions benefits has been growing faster than national output , rising from 6.1 % of GDP in 1990 to 7 % in 2007 .

  10. 印度国大党(congressparty)领导的政府正面临选举,它已采取降息和承诺加大公共支出等紧急行动,以保障实现今年7.5%的经济增长预期。

    The Congress party-led government , which is facing elections , has taken emergency action to protect its forecast of 7.5 per cent economic growth for this year by cutting interest rates and promising higher public spending .

  11. 因此,要实现经济的稳定发展,必须把握好政府职能、GDP、税收、财政收入、公共支出的五角关系,以实现政府职能,税收,公共支出与GDP的协调可持续发展。

    Therefore , in order to realize sustainable economy development , it needs to deal with tactfully the relationship among the functions of the government , GDP , tax , fiscal revenue and public expenditures .

  12. 实证上采用VAR模型分析,结果发现公共支出降低了地区经济基尼系数,公共投资支出是西部地区资本形成的重要力量。

    Empirical analysis using VAR model found that public spending reduced the Gini coefficient of regional economy , and public investment spending is a major force in capital formation in the western regions .

  13. 比如,对于一个饱受危机蹂躏的政府来说,将削减公共支出归咎于国际货币基金组织(imf),要比承认完全是自己的主意容易得多。

    It is much easier , for example , for a crisis-wracked government to blame public spending cuts on the International Monetary Fund than to say that the cuts are all its own idea .

  14. 大部分研究认为FDI或公共支出分别独立的对经济增长发生作用,关于经济增长的理论模型很少将两个因素放在一起研究它们对经济增长的影响。

    The existing endogenous growth theory considers either the effects of FDI or public expenditures on economic growth separately . As far as we concerned , no theoretical growth model has taken into account the interaction effect of these two factors .

  15. 虽然得不到确切数字,但根据经合组织公布的一份报告估算,仅2007年一年,产假相关的公共支出就大约是瑞典国内生产总值(GDP)的0.8%,相当于37亿美元。

    Exact figures aren 't available , but a report published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates public spending on parental leave cost 0.8 % of gross domestic product , or the equivalent of $ 3.7 billion in 2007 alone .

  16. 英国外交大臣威廉·黑格(WilliamHague)昨天誓言保护英国广泛的海外投资不受公共支出大幅削减的影响。他辩称,在未来,外交将置身于国家出口努力的最前沿。

    William Hague , Britain 's foreign secretary , yesterday vowed to defend Britain 's extensive overseas presence from big public spending cuts , arguing that diplomacy would in future be at the forefront of the country 's export drive .

  17. 为了探究其中的原因,文章利用了Chow检验程序和增加变量法对原方程进行了进一步的分析,结论表明数据断裂改变了国民产出与公共支出的因果结构;

    In order to find its cause , this article utilizes Chow ' check and lag variable method , the result is that the ruptured data changes the structure of cause and effect between national output and public expenditure .

  18. 预防和控制成本(生产成本、公共支出)

    Prevention or control costs ( production costs ; public expenditure )

  19. 建立现代公共支出绩效考评制度的对策研究

    Countermeasures on Establishing the Modern Evaluation System of Public Expenditure Effects

  20. 论我国公共支出预算体系的建立

    On the Establishment of Public Expenditure Budget System in our Country

  21. 最后,健全地方公共支出的监管机制。

    Finally , the perfect local public expenditure supervision mechanism .

  22. 构建规范的公共支出结构政策取向

    Build Standard Policy Orientation for the Structure of Public Expenditure

  23. 政府采购属于公共支出经济学的研究范畴。

    Government procurement belongs in the field of economics of public expenditure .

  24. 澳大利亚的公共支出绩效考评制度及启示

    The system in public expenditure performance appraisal of Australia and Its Enlightenment

  25. 新农村建设中公共支出问题探讨

    Discussion on Public Expenditure in the Construction of New Country

  26. 中外公共支出绩效评价之比较

    A Comparison of Domestic and Foreign Public Expenditure Efficiency Appraisal

  27. 基于内生经济增长的公共支出模式创新

    Innovation Model of Public Expenditure Based on the Endogenous Economic Growth Theory

  28. 公共支出占国民生产总值的44.6%。

    Public expenditure was running at 44 . 6 % of GNP .

  29. 盈余国家应当同意提高其公共支出水平。

    Countries in surplus should agree to increase their public spending levels .

  30. 公共支出管理的工具是政府预算。

    The instrument of public expenditure management is government budget .