
  • 网络public need;public necessity
  1. 属于准公共需要的范围,也要研究改进管理的方式,切实提高支出的效率。

    Belongs to the public need scope , also must study the improvement management the way , enhances the disbursement practically the efficiency .

  2. 凡不属于公共需要的支出,财政要逐步减少并最终停止资金供应,把这些领域推向市场。

    Every does not belong to the public need disbursement , the finance must reduce and finally stop the fund supply gradually , pushes to these domains the market .

  3. 论一般性公共需要和特殊公共需要

    On the General Public Needs and the Special Public Needs

  4. 在此背景下,今后我国城市基础设施的建设和运营等各环节都必须进行创新和模式的改进,才能更好的满足公共需要的变化。

    Under these circumstances , building and operating of city infrastructure have to be innovated to satisfy public demand .

  5. 马克思认为用来满足公共需要的部分将随着新社会的发展而日益增长。

    Marx thinks the part used to satisfy public needs will increase according to the development of new society .

  6. 政府通过征税以满足公民的公共需要,实现国家的公共财政职能。

    The government satisfies the commonality needs of the citizens and achieves the commonality finance functions by imposing the taxes .

  7. 教育投入可以作为国家财富和公共需要的资源,对社会是有正外部性的。

    Education investment can be the resources of national wealth and public demand ; they have positive externality to the society .

  8. 政府绿色采购的逻辑起点是满足社会公共需要,维护和提倡公共利益,为社会公众拥有一个良好的生态环境提供服务。

    The logic point of the government green purchase is satisfy society public demand , maintenance and promote the public benefits .

  9. 它具备以下两个特征:(1)用于满足社会的公共需要。

    Public service has two characters : ( 1 ) It is used to satisfy the universal requirements needed by the society .

  10. 其实质是通过监督反作用于经济基础,为公共需要和公共利益服务。

    Its essence is through supervision is counteractive at economic base , as the public needs and the service of public interest .

  11. 这种财政分配的基本目标是公共需要,财政支出行为实质上一种公共开支行为。

    The basic goal of in a public finance system is public need , and fiscal expenditure is mainly only for public need .

  12. 本文以满足公共需要、注重效率和公平作为依据,提出几种改进措施,以促进城市准公共物品的合理提供。

    Based on public needs , efficient orientation and fairness , the paper put forward some measures to improve the supply of quasi-public goods .

  13. 满足社会公共需要、提供基本公共服务,既是公共财政的一个重要基本特征,又是公共财政建设及其职能发挥的根本所在。

    For building of public finance , meet the public needs , provide basic public services , is an important basic features and functions .

  14. 社会主义市场经济是市场经济的新的社会形式,因而公共需要价值就是剩余价值的新的社会形式。

    Socialist market economy is a new social form of market economy so value of public needs is a new social form of surplus value .

  15. 改革的最终目的是实现看得见的政府积极协调配合看不见的手,满足社会成员的公共需要。

    The final reform aim lies in realizing " visual government ", which harmonizes and cooperates " unvisual hand " to satisfy to social member 's public demand .

  16. 作为市场经济,就必然存在剩余价值;作为社会主义市场经济,就必然存在社会主义剩余价值,可将其命名为公共需要价值。

    Since surplus value exists in market economy , socialist surplus value , which can be named as value of public needs , does exist in socialist market economy .

  17. 个体需要在相互作用过程中集合成公共需要,公共需要必然升华为共同意志,共同意志被国家以根本法的形式表现出来形成宪法价值。

    Individual demands will flow into a public demand in the process of interacting , and the public demand will become constitutional value when it represented by the basic law of a country .

  18. 在市场经济中,地方财政的职能主要是满足地方公共需要、参与和优化资源配置、分级管理国有资产、监督经济运行。

    In the market economy , the main function of local public finance are satisfying local and public demands , participating in disposing resources successfully , managing state-owned property by levels , supervising economic operation .

  19. 建立财权事权统一清晰、服务社会公共需要、管理科学规范的公共财政体制是建设公共服务型政府的重要前提。

    To build united and clear property right and authority can meet the needs of public needs in society and the public financial system of standard management is the important premise of the government of public service .

  20. 很显然,这种财政支出状况与我国社会主义市场经济的发展不相适应,无法满足市场经济条件下全社会公共需要对财政支出的要求。

    Apparently , the status of the public finance expenditure can neither adapt to the development of socialist market economy , nor meet the requirement which the social public called for under the condition of socialist market economy .

  21. 政府非税收入是政府为了满足社会准公共需要,参与国民收入分配和再分配的一种形式。该决定为我们研究政府非税收入指明了前进的方向。

    Regarded as the organic component of the fiscal revenues of our country , government 's nontax revenue is a form of the government participating in the national income distribution and reallocation in order to meet society 's quasi-public demand .

  22. 政府非税收入是政府为满足社会准公共需要,参与国民收入分配和再分配的一种形式,是我国各级政府财政收入的重要组成部分。

    Government non-tax revenue is a form for government to participate in the distribution and redistribution of national income to meet the quasi-public needs of the community , is an important part of chinese fiscal revenue at all levels of government .

  23. 税收仍然是国家组织财政收入和宏观调控的重要手段,是政府取得资金满足社会公共需要的最佳形式和主要形式,在政府收入体系居于主导地位。

    Tax is still the national fiscal income and an important means of macroeconomic control is to obtain government funding to meet the public needs the best form and the main form of government revenue in the system occupy the leading position .

  24. 税收是国家为满足社会公共需要,凭借公共权力,按照法律所规定的标准和程序,参与国民收入分配,强制地、无偿地取得财政收入的一种方式①。

    Taxation is a kind of means of compulsory , gratis gains finance income of a country , to meet the social public needs , relying on the public power , according to legal stipulated standards and procedures , participate in national income .

  25. 改革的方向是在满足社会公共需要和使公共服务均等化的前提下,明确政府支出责任,改革预算编制,优化支出结构,提高支出效率,以及研究和解决逆向预算软约束问题。

    The corresponding measures are to define government 's expenditure liabilities , reform budget drafting , optimize expenditure structure , improve expenditure efficiency and solve adverse budget softening problem on the basis of satisfying the whole social demand , and equalizing the public services .

  26. 第一步,对MPA教育作了简要介绍;它是一项跨学科的职业学位教育,建立在广泛借鉴其它相关学科的基础之上,这是因为公共服务需要多方面的知识和技能。

    First , it gives an overview of the MPA program : it is a professional and interdisciplinary degree program based on extensive borrowing from other relevant fields of study since public service requires a wide variety of expertise .

  27. 第三种趋势是围绕DR-CAFTA的批准进程问题,增加了公众讨论,从而导致了在某些情况下,知识产权立法要考虑到公共卫生需要。

    Third , the process of ratification of DR-CAFTA increased public debate around these issues , which in some cases led to IP legislation that considers public health needs .

  28. 适应公共财政需要重构财政支出体系

    Meet the Need of Public Finance and Reconstruct Fiscal Expenditure System

  29. 他们会发现有相当多的公共课程需要他们去学习。

    They can discover has quite many public curricula to need them to study .

  30. 为维护社会公共利益需要,我国确立了土地征收制度。

    In order to protect public interests of society , China made land requisition system .