
  • 网络corporate seal;Company Chop;Company Stamp
  1. 公司公章、经营资质证书的保管和维护,并确保它们被正确使用,如经营资质证书企业联合年检;

    Keeping and maintaining company chops and certificates , and ensure them used rightly , such as certificates annual union audit .

  2. 请在此处盖上公司的公章。

    Please stamp here with the official seal of your company .

  3. 我们能在两小时内制成你们公司的公章。

    We can make up a stamp of your company name within two hours .

  4. 声明应由项目主办人、保荐代表人、法定代表人签名,并由公司加盖公章。

    The statement shall be signed by project organizer , recommendation representative and legal representative , and shall be affixed with the official seal of the company .

  5. 本保险凭证经本公司审核并加盖公章后方可生效。

    This Certificate takes effect after be underwritten and stamped by our company .

  6. 根据中国法律,公司印章(或公章)代表着公司的完全授权。

    Under Chinese law , company seals , or chops , are taken to represent the full authority of a company .

  7. 赵项题敢于这么做的一个原因是,作为这家内地公司海外董事的孙忠国和斯特拉特,对公司的公章没有合法控制权。

    One reason for his bravado was that Messrs Zhongguo and Strutt , as offshore directors to this mainland company , do not have legal control over the company 's official seals .

  8. 代理申请书须由采购公司总经理或副总经理签字,并加盖公司公章。

    The application should be signed by executive manager or deputy executive manager and affixed the official seal .

  9. 与个人转公司步骤类似,不同的是转户承诺书上无需个人签字,而是需盖转户前所在公司的公章。

    The same as ITC , however , in the letter of guarantee for transfer the only a little different is not signature by applicant but the seal by company .