
  • 网络Public credit
  1. 本文的目的是讨论如何利用征信体系中的公共信用信息系统(PCR)服务于新巴塞尔协议意义下的商业银行资本监管。

    The paper aims systematically at investigating how to use public credit registry ( PCR ) to serve capital regulation of banking system under Basel II .

  2. 伪造罪的法益是公共信用;

    The law benefit of the crime is public credit .

  3. 浅析公共信用的若干问题

    Analyzing Some Issues on Public Credit

  4. 货币犯罪的法益既包括国家的货币发行权,又包括货币的公共信用;

    The legal interests of currency crimes include distributing authority of currency and public credit of currency .

  5. 本文研究的目的是为政府在不同情况下识别信用信息拥有者对公共信用数据库的态度,并进行相应的激励提供理论支持。

    This article aims to help the government to just the attitude of credit data holders and take proper incentive measurements .

  6. 更糟糕的是,为推动银行体系向工商企业放贷而引入的公共信用担保制度产生了意想不到的后果。

    Worse , the public credit guarantees introduced to help the banking system lend to industry and Commerce have had unintended consequences .

  7. 一般来说职业对个人的职业信用影响最大,其次是个人公共信用,最后是个人财务信用。

    Generally the impact on personal occupation is the biggest , followed by individual public credit , the last by personal financial credit .

  8. 建立公共信用数据库是尽快建成我国社会信用体系的一项必要而紧迫的任务。

    In order to set up the social credit system in a short term , it is necessary and urgent to construct the public credit database .

  9. 对全国公共信用信息资源进行整合和共享,能够发挥其较大的经济和社会效益,也为我国社会信用体系建设奠定了物质基础。

    The commercialize of Public information resource not only belong to category of public information resource management , but also involve in the just and impartial of society .

  10. 或与政府建立的公共信用信息登记系统相得益彰,互相补充,共同构成完善的信用服务体系。

    Credit agency adopts market-based management , competes sufficiently and freely , or complements mutually with Pubic Credit Registry ( PCR ) system and form perfect credit service system together .

  11. 全社会范围内的信用环境包含着三个方面的内容:公共信用,或称之为政府信用、企业信用和个人信用。

    The credit environment in the range of the whole society includes the contents of three respects : Public Credit , or call it the Government Credit , Business Credit and Personal Credit .

  12. 关于伪造公文、证件、印章罪所保护的法益,国外刑法理论主要存在以下几种学说:1.是公共信用说。

    On the falsification of official documents , certificates , seal protected by the crime law , foreign criminal law theory mainly has the following several theories : 1 is the public credit .

  13. 正因为职业对个人职业信用、个人公共信用的影响最大,因此对特殊职业的职业信用以及公共信用指标体系的重新设计就显得尤为重要。

    Just because of occupation has the biggest impact on personal occupational credit and public credit , so the redesign on occupational and public credit index system of special occupation appear to particularly important .

  14. 伪造行为严重损害了正常的经济交易秩序以及社会公共信用体系,当今世界主要各国刑法均规制了伪造类犯罪。

    The forgery damages the normal economic order and the social public credit system , so there are all kinds of forge crimes in the criminal law of the major countries in the world .

  15. 在信用信息的收集与发布过程中,做好公共信用信息与非公共信用信息的区分。

    And the government should invest the construction of credit information organization 2.In the progress of collecting and announcing the credit information , we should differ the public credit information from the non - public credit information .

  16. 摘要针对刑法修正案关于信用卡犯罪的规定,分析认为信用卡犯罪威胁的真正客体是金融公共信用。

    According to the regulations of amendment V to criminal law of the people 's Republic of China for credit card crime , the real object offended by credit card crime is thought to be the public financial credit .

  17. 公共部门信用管理:理论与实践

    Preliminary Study of the Credit Management in Public Sectors

  18. 银行公共关系信用货币制度下的货币创造与银行存贷差额

    Bank Public Relations The Creation of Currency and the Surplus between Deposits and Loans

  19. 尤尔最终拒绝了升职的机会,并搬回到科罗拉多州。她目前是一家公共服务信用合作社的副总裁,这家公司离她家只有五英里远。

    She ended up turning down the promotion and moving back to Colorado , where she is now vice president at a public service credit union that is five miles from her home .

  20. 提供公共评级的信用机构应当注册。

    Credit Ratings Agencies that provide public ratings should be registered .

  21. 但目前欧盟的政策是:大量使用污染重的燃料,增加碳排放,破坏公共事业的信用度,投资转移到其他地方的能源工程。

    But at the moment , EU energy policy is boosting usage of the most polluting fuel , increasing carbon emissions , damaging the creditworthiness of utilities and diverting investment into energy projects elsewhere .

  22. 完善公共政策制订的信用制度;

    Perfecting credit systems of stipulating of public policy ;

  23. 公共政策作为政策信用的表现工具,是政府与社会相关主体的一种契约关系。

    The public policy as a policy tool for the performance of credit is the government and society related to the subject of a contractual relationship .

  24. 本来应由私营部门承担的风险正在转嫁给公共部门,导致信用风险和主权风险之间的界限越来越模糊。

    The distinction between credit and sovereign risk is blurring as losses that would otherwise be taken by the private sector are reallocated to the public sector .

  25. 论公共生活中的公共信用构建

    Construction of Public Credit in Our Public Life

  26. 本文从公共生活的内涵与基本特征入手,探讨公共生活与公共精神、公共信用的关系,探索公共本位生活中的公共信用构建路径。

    The paper , from the connotation and basic features of public life , explores the relationship between public life and public spirit and public credit , and discusses the methods to build public credit in our life .

  27. 第一章绪论部分,主要概述了案例的现实背景以及公共管理的理论背景,以孙中界案为切入点,试从转换机制这一全新的视角分析公共管理的信用下降。

    The first chapter mainly outlines the background of the case and the management theory . It takes the example of the Sun Zhong Jie with our selected topic and tries to illustrate the public administration failure from a whole new perspective of the conversion mechanisms theory .