
  • 网络ethical credit
  1. 制度信用与伦理信用

    Systematic Cedit and Ethical Credit

  2. 摘要制度信用与伦理信用是两种不同的信用类型,制度信用关注的是主体交往行为的功利后果,伦理信用则重视主体的交往态度和交往活动本身的价值。

    Systematic credit and ethical credit are two kinds of credit with the former stressing the result of subject 's action , and the latter stressing the subject 's attitude and the value of the action itself .

  3. 为此要完善伦理信用必须强化伦理信用理念,加强和完善伦理信用的法律制度建设,克服地方保护主义和各种腐败现象,营造伦理信用的文化氛围。

    Therefore , intensifying the ethical crediting concept and enhancing the construction of law system in ethical crediting , overcoming localism and corruption and constructing ethical crediting system are in earnest want for the perfection of the ethical crediting system .

  4. 道德伦理层面的信用。

    And credit for the morality ethics .

  5. 信用是人际交往的重要价值关系,讲信用是人际交往成功的最低要求。人际信用的伦理意义包括信用的伦理要求以及信用对个体和社会的存在价值纬度。

    Credit is an important value in people 's association , and having credit is the maximum demand for successful association .

  6. 商业信用是市场经济得以顺利发展的基础,而市场经济所独有的经济伦理对商业信用制度的构建有重大影响。

    Trade credit is the foundation of the successful development of market economy , and economic ethics , which is unique for market economy , plays an important rule in setting up the system of trade credit .

  7. 民法中的诚信原则根源于西方的商业法制文化,仅此一点就足以提醒我们,它与源自中国传统伦理的诚实信用绝不可轻易等同。

    The principle of bona fides in the civil law originated from the legal culture of western business , which reminds us that it is different from the honesty and the credit in the Chinese tradition of ethics .

  8. 本文立足于从规范伦理角度来探讨信用伦理问题,以期推动信用伦理体系的建设。

    This article is established in discussing the issue from the angle of criterion ethic in order to impel the systematic construction .

  9. 在本文中,信用是指伦理意义上的信用及其在社会生活各领域的运用和延展,即经济、政治、文化和社会生活中的诚实不欺、遵守诺言的行为、制度和意识的总称。

    In this dissertation , credit refers to the behavior , institution and consciousness of honesty and promise in economy , politics , culture and social activities .

  10. 本文在对政府信用的内涵特征进行界定的基础上,提出转型期政府信用建设的政治伦理功能:政府信用建设是市场经济发展的重要前提;

    Based on the definition of government credit , this paper puts forward the political and ethical function of government credit development in transformation period : government credit development is the important premise in the market economic development ;