
  • 网络Ethics Management
  1. 伦理经营将会成为未来企业经营的主要方式。

    Ethics management will become the main way which enterprises manage in .

  2. 关于伦理经营的思考

    Consideration on ethics management

  3. 建立企业伦理经营补偿机制;

    Secondly , set up enterprise 's ethics compensation mechanism .

  4. 由此可以看出,伦理经营价值观完全是可能的而且是有一定意义的。

    Hence , ethical operation worth concept is completely possible and meaningful to businesses .

  5. 企业反伦理经营的经济学探析

    The Economics Analysis on Enterprise Non-ethic Management

  6. 企业伦理经营包含科学发展观的协调发展的观念。

    Enterprise ethical operation contains the idea of the coordinative development of the conception of scientific development .

  7. 企业伦理经营是实现科学发展观的发展要求的必然选择;

    Enterprise ethical operation is the inevitable option to realize development requirement of the conception of scientific development ;

  8. 伦理经营的理念已越来越受到企业科学管理研究的重视。

    The concept of ethical management in business has attracted the interest in the field of enterprise management research .

  9. 企业伦理经营充分体现科学发展观的以人为本的本质;

    Enterprise ethical operation embodies fully the essence of " all for people " of the conception of scientific development ;

  10. 银行伦理经营对维护银行名誉、吸引顾客和一流人才,保持竞争优势至关重要。

    With the pressure of competition in banking , banking ethics plays a critical role in maintaining the reputation , gaining the high quality customers and the excellent employees in banks .

  11. 伦理经营观念是企业经营哲学历史发展的逻辑结论,也是企业伦理学家们对市场经济条件下企业经营管理活动的伦理学总结。

    The idea of running an enterprise ethically is the logical result of the philosophical history of enterprises as well as that of ethicists ' ethical sum-up of the managing activities of enterprises .

  12. 伦理经营是企业管理发展的新趋势,是未来企业经营的主要方式,但目前我国企业的反伦理经营行为却日益泛滥。

    Ethic management is the new trend of management in the last few years , it will be the main way of management in the future . But the enterprise non-ethic actions become the most serious problem .

  13. 在我国,企业行为失范、坚持科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会、参与经济全球化进程、生态环境的恶化态势等因素决定了企业必须坚持伦理经营价值观。

    In China enterprises must be run ethically because they are suffering from a behavioral failure and ecological crisis , and because they have to be guided by the idea of scientific development and that of establishing socialist harmonious society .

  14. 试论伦理化经营&未来企业经营的行为取向

    The Integration of Management and Ethics & The Developing Trend of Future Enterprise Management

  15. 论企业的伦理化经营

    On Ethical Operation of Businesses

  16. 论企业伦理对企业经营的调控作用

    The Regulative Function of Enterprise Ethics to the Enterprise Management

  17. 伦理:银行经营之新观点

    Ethics : the new concept in conduct of banking business

  18. 借助于物理学中动能、势能和总能量的关系,论述了伦理竞争力和经营竞争力是相互促进的关系,并且都是企业综合竞争力函数的变量。

    It also discuses ethics competence and management competence is mutual stimulative with the aid of relation between kinetic energy and potential energy in physics .

  19. 晋商的商业伦理体现了商业经营实践与道德修养的统一。

    Shanxi merchants ' commercial ethics manifests the integrity of the commercial management practice and the social moral .

  20. 企业伦理就是企业在经营过程中处理企业与内部员工、企业与社会、企业与顾客之间关系的行为规范的总和。

    Business ethics is the code of conduct dealing with the business relationship between the enterprise and internal staff , society , enterprises , and customers in the business process .

  21. 简单的说,就是将伦理准则应用于指导经济活动行为,使经济活动主体能够伦理经营。

    Generally speaking , it means ethics rules are applied for guiding the economic activities in order to make the subject of economic activities manage ethically .