
  • 网络forestry management form
  1. 当前平原林业经营形式与农林业发展的关系

    Relationship between the present forestry management form and forestry development in plain area

  2. 坡地旱作果园是我国黄土区坡面主要农林业经营形式。

    Slope orchard in arid area is the main forestry manage model on Loess Plateau .

  3. 关于林业经营形式的探讨

    On Management Forms of Forestry

  4. 当前,邯郸平原的林业经营形式主要有集体经营、联产承包经营和单户经营等3种;

    Currently , three kinds of forestry management forms , collective , output contract and individual household , are existing in Handan plain area .

  5. 以我国农村社区农林业经营形式的现状为根据,运用产权经济学理论对农业和林业的经营形式进行了比较分析;

    In the light of the present situation of the management form of agriculture and forestry in rural area in China and the theory of economics on property right management forms of agriculture and forestry are analysed .

  6. 福建省林权制度改革后的林业经营组织形式探讨

    Probe into the Forms of Forestry Management after the Reform of Fujian Forest Right System

  7. 第二,在集体林权制度改革的契机之下,加强对林业合作经营形式的宣传和引导。

    Second , in the opportunity of Tenure Reform in China in 2008 , to strengthen the propaganda and guide to the cooperatives .

  8. 在南方集体林区多种林业经营组织形式中,笔者复又选择林业股份合作制这一新的企业制度形式,构建南方集体林股份合作制森林经营管理理论与实践的体系和框架。

    Furthermore , among the number of forms of management organizations , share - cooperation system is selected to develop the system and framework of forest management under share - cooperation in theory and practice in southern collective forest region .

  9. 本文以浙江省为例,在对主要经营形式实践评价的基础上,提出构建未来林业多种经营形式体系的依据和方法,并通过建立有效的运行机制和切实可行的措施使各种经营形式得以发展。

    Having evaluated the practice of these main management forms , this paper gave some grounds and methods to set up a system of multiple forestry management for future , which would be developed due to the foundation of effective running mechanism and real feasible measures .

  10. 家庭经营和股份合作制是福建社会林业经营的主要形式。

    The family management and stock cooperative system are the main forms of Fujian social forestry management .

  11. 论草原林业的家庭牧场经营形式

    Management Forms in Family Owned Pasture of Grassland Forestry

  12. 发展山区立体林业经济是山区乡镇强乡富民的必由之路&参加全国林业多种所有制经营形式专题研讨会的体会

    Development of a Three - dimensional Forestry Is The Only Way Out to Improve Economy In Mountainous Townships

  13. 社会林业,是七十年代以来逐渐在发展中国家兴起的一种新的林业组织经营形式。

    Social Forestry is a new forestry organization and management form arise from the developing countries from 70 's.

  14. 林业合作组织是集体林权制度改革后出现的一种重要的林业经营组织形式,也是当前农林经济界研究的一个热点问题。

    Forestry cooperation organization is an important forestry management form after the reform of collective forest property right system , and it has been a hot issue in the forestry business community .