
lín chǎn gōng yè
  • forest product industry
林产工业[lín chǎn gōng yè]
  1. 证实了东北国有林区林产工业产业既面临着严峻的挑战,又面临着发展的良好机遇。

    The paper proves that the forest product industry in northeast state-owned forestry area faces a rigorous challenge as well as a good opportunity of development .

  2. WTO与湖北林产工业

    WTO and of Forest Product Industry in Hubei

  3. 我国已加入世贸组织,加入WTO对福建林产工业有很大的冲击,但也是很好的发展机遇。

    There will be both strong challenges and good opportunities for the development of Fujian 's forestry products industry after China entering WTO .

  4. 阐述密闭式高温冷凝水回收技术在林产工业企业的应用前景,总结分析国家木材工业工程中心中试基地应用此技术在MDF生产中获得成功的经验。

    This paper anticipated application prospects for making use of recycling technology for hermetically sealed high temperature condensation water in forest product industry fields and summarized successful experience of the technology applied in MDF Production of the National Engineering Center of Wood Industry .

  5. 节约森林资源启动林产工业循环经济

    Saving Forest Resource and Launching Cycling Economy in Forest Products Industry

  6. 蒸汽爆破法在林产工业中应用的进展

    Progress in Application of Steam Explosion Treatment to Forest Product Industry

  7. 福建省林产工业发展方向的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Development Trend of Forestry Industry in Fujian Province

  8. 关于我国林产工业发展问题的思考

    Considerations on the Development of China ′ s Forest Product Industry

  9. 广西林产工业发展的特点与对策

    Features and Countermeasures in The Development of Guangxi Forest Products Industry

  10. 林产工业废水处理的绿色新技术

    New environmental protection technique of the sewerage in forestry products industry

  11. 我国林产工业现状及木材工业发展趋势

    Current Status and Development Trends of China 's Forest Products Industry

  12. 我国林产工业企业组织创新探索

    Researches on Organization Innovation of Forest Products Industry Enterprises in China

  13. 做大做强林产工业,为江西在中部地区崛起作出贡献

    Strengthening Forest Products Industry for the Rise of Jiangxi in Central China

  14. 黑龙江省森工林区林产工业就业容量预测

    The Maximum Job Positions in Wood Product Industry in Heilongjiang Forest Region

  15. 林产工业是现代林业发展的重要组成部分。

    Forest product industry is important component of modern forestry 's development .

  16. 论林产工业企业的绿色管理

    Green Management And the Sustainable Development of the Enterprise of Forest Industry

  17. 提升林产工业企业信息化管理水平

    Promoting Informationized Management Level of Enterprises in Forest Products Industry

  18. 福建林产工业的现状与思考

    Ponder over the State of Forester Industry in Fujian Province

  19. 我国林产工业可持续发展之探讨

    Searching on the Sustainable Development of the Forest Products Industry in China

  20. 广西壮族自治区林产工业发展研究

    Research on Forestry Industry Development in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  21. 邵武市林产工业产业差异化发展策略研究

    The variation development police about forestry industry in Shaowu city

  22. 影响林产工业区域布局的因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Influencing the Region Allocation of the Forest Products Processing Industry

  23. 发达国家林产工业的现状和发展趋势

    The Status and Development Trend of Forest Product Industry in the Developed Countries

  24. 微波技术及其在林产工业中的应用

    Microwave Processing and Its Application in Forest Products Industry

  25. 东北林产工业现状与可持续发展策略

    Current Status and Development Strategy of the Forest Products Industry in Northeast China

  26. 浅谈木粉燃烧机在林产工业中的应用

    Application of wooden powder burning machine in forestry industry

  27. 林产工业废水对厌氧菌的毒性

    The Anaerobic Toxicity Caused by Forest Industry Wastewater Pollutants

  28. 湖南林产工业产业组织研究

    Industrial Organization Analysis of Hunan 's Forestry Industry

  29. 做大做强中国林产工业

    To Expand and Strengthen Forest Industry in China

  30. 论中国林产工业的崛起

    The Rise of Forest Products Industry in China