
  1. 它与爱尔兰旅游工业是合作关系。

    It works in partnership with the tourism industry .

  2. 5月12日袭击四川的8级地震,在短期内将严重阻碍受地震影响区的旅游工业。

    The 8-magnitude earthquake that devastated Sichuan province on May 12 would seriously hamper tourism in affected regions in the short term .

  3. 白当地居民从土著的文化产物的旅游工业来获取利益,比如迪吉里杜管和回飞棒。

    And it is only the white locals who profit from the tourist industry by peddling Aboriginal cultural artifacts such as didgeridoos and boomerangs .

  4. 为了服务于萌芽旅游工业,一个尝试在任意时刻重现-旅游者看到的新目标的专业部署被发展。

    To service the burgeoning tourist industry , an array of professionals has developed who attempt to reproduce ever-new objects for the tourist to look at .

  5. 某旅游工业集团本周三将开展一场机场安保改革运动,试图以此获得大众对国会施压的支持。

    A travel industry group will begin a campaign for changes in airport security Wednesday with an effort to marshal public support to put pressure on Congress .

  6. 对于不同功能区,PAHs浓度大小排列顺序为:商业区≈学校居住区交通稠密区旅游区工业综合区。

    For different functional areas , PAHs concentration raising order was : commercial area ≈ school residential area traffic populated areas tourist area industrial complex area .

  7. 现代旅游是工业文明的产物,是现代社会的制度性安排。

    Modern tourism is the product of industrial civilization as well as the institutional arrangement of modern society .

  8. 第五部分针对研究结论,提出传统旅游城市工业遗产旅游在形象地位、遗产功能、目标市场的选择和空间布局方面的对策建议。

    In the fifth part , according to the conclusion of the data analysis , we give the countermeasure of in the aspect of the image position , heritage features , choice of target market and space distribution of the industrial heritage tourism in the traditional tourism cities .

  9. 这5个重点发展领域是:生态农业、生态旅游、生态型工业、生态城镇建设及水源地保护。

    Ecological agriculture , eco tourism , ecological industry , ecological cities and towns , and protection of water source are determined as the key development domains .

  10. 在行业分布中,以旅游景点、工业企业小型蚊虫孳生地分布较广,分别为27.1%,21.5%;

    The distribution of collected water were wide in the trade of tour sites and industry corporations . The ratio were 27.1 % and 21.5 % respectively .

  11. 宁宜城际铁路建设对马鞍山的交通运输业、房地产业、旅游业、工业和商贸服务业等经济和社会领域都将产生巨大影响。

    The construction of Nanjing to Anqing inter-city railway has a huge economic and social impact on Ma'anshan'transportation , real estate , tourism , industry and trade etc.

  12. 该公司所属有工艺品生产厂,木门生产厂,陶瓷,旅游鞋和工业品出口生产基地。

    This company has affiliated with it , an artefacts factory , a wood door factory , ceramics , sneakers and a base for making industrial products .

  13. 工业旅游企业在工业旅游经营的过程中,需要将购物类工业旅游资源重新开发、整合、包装,把它变成能够吸引工业旅游者购买的工业旅游商品。

    In the process of industry tourism operation , industrial tourism enterprises need to redevelop the shopping industry tourism resources , and make the industry tourism goods capable of attracting tourists to buy .

  14. 用地规划调整采取以下措施:将现状9大类用地类型改为7大类,取消与旅游无关的工业用地和对外交通用地;

    The following measures are taken in adjustment of plan - ning of land utilization : reduce the categories of land from 9 to 7 , canceling land for industrial purposes that has nothing to do with tourism and land for traffic ;

  15. 旅游业素有无烟工业之称,旅游活动是依托资源与环境而开展起来的。

    Basing on resources and the environment , tourism activities are carried out .

  16. 欧洲国家皮革、旅游商品和类似工业联合会委员

    European Committee of National Federations of the Leather , Travel Goods and Allied Industries

  17. 通过工业旅游展望了未来工业遗产保护和再利用的趋势与途径。

    The SWOT analysis of the development of liaoning industrial tourism and the exploiting strategy ;

  18. 传统意义上人们认为旅游业是无烟工业,对环境压力较小。

    From traditional concepts , people embrace the idea that tourism is a smokeless industry which has less environmental pressure .

  19. 如同把旅游业叫做无烟工业一样,人们也爱把服务业称作窗口作业

    People tend to refer to hospitality industry as " window " industry just as they call tourism " smokeless " industry

  20. 休闲旅游产业是近代工业文明的产物,或者更确切地说,是现代化的产物。

    Leisure tourism industry is a result of modern industrial civilization . Or rather , it is a result of modernization .

  21. 人们一度认为旅游业是无烟工业,不会带来环境问题。

    Tourism , which has once been held as a " smokeless industry ", is considered to result in no environmental problems .

  22. 今天,英语已经成为感觉旅游、科学、工业以及新兴的信息技术和网络中的通用语言。

    It 's now the common language or international travel , science industry and in recent years , information technology and the Internet .

  23. 只有以强大的物流业为主体,依托旅游业和临港工业两条腿向前迈进,丹东才能成为真正的现代化城市。

    Dandong would be a modern city only if it enhance the development of modern logistics which is based on tourism and harbor industry .

  24. 强调乡村工业旅游区别于一般工业旅游的特点,并提出乡村工业旅游亦属于乡村旅游范畴,将其纳入乡村旅游系统进行整体开发与经营。

    Besides , the rurality in such kind of tourism was emphasized and the rural industry tourism was supposed to be integrated into the general system of rural tourism .

  25. 同时将新霞湾港沿线工业遗产单体改造成为创意街区、展览馆、旅游服务中心、工业雕塑等。

    At the same time , the industrial heritages which along the Xiawan harbor can be changed into creative block , museum , tourist service center , industrial sculpture .

  26. 旅游业作为朝阳工业、绿色产业在国民经济和人民生活中的作用日益显现,旅游业的发展与历史文物存在着千丝万缕的关系。

    Tourism plays an increasingly important part in developing national economy and improving the standards of living , whose development is closely related with the preservations of cultural relics .

  27. 节约的水量可向生态、旅游、城镇和工业等方面转移,以期实现水资源的合理配置和高效利用。

    The saved water can be shifted to other fields like ecology , tourism , town , and industry , to realize rational use of water resource with high effects .

  28. 产业公园,即是一种新兴的依托企业场景、设施及优美的周边环境而开发的观光、休闲类工业旅游产品,是工业产业和旅游业横向交叉所形成的一种新型产品。

    Industrial park , which is relying on an emerging business scenario , facilities and beautiful environment surrounding , is just the outcome of the convergence between secondary industry and tertiary industry .

  29. 本文从工业企业发展工业旅游的角度对工业旅游的概念作了界定,分析了工业旅游的基本特征,回顾总结了国内外对工业旅游的相关研究。

    The paper defined the conception of industrial tourism from the point of enterprise developing industrial tourism and analyzed its basic characteristics and also reviewed and summarized its correlative researches in China and overseas .

  30. 与城市发展不同,郊区经济可以着眼于旅游拉动型、工业发展促进型、市场参与发展型和生态农业型四种发展模式。

    Differing from city economy , suburb economy should aim at some development modes such as tour-pulling model , industry development-advancing model , market enlist-developing model and ecology-agriculture model and so on to promote the prosperity of suburb economy .