
  • 网络de-industrialization;Deindustrialization
  1. 这种趋势发展的结果是英国迅速非工业化。

    The result of these trends is the rapid deindustrialization of Britain .

  2. 在全球空间下,发达工业化国家、工业化国家和非工业化国家之间的组织设立和组织存活具有互动关系。

    In the world market , organizations among the most developed countries , developed countries and developing countries have interactive influences .

  3. 中国工业品出口引起的竞争加剧会不会导致东南亚国家非工业化,使它们回到作为初级产品出口国的地位?

    Would the growing competition from Chinese industrial exports de-industrialize Southeast Asia ( SEA ), returning SEA to being a primary commodity exporter ?

  4. 布林是伯明翰城市改造的一座里程碑,标志着一个工业化城市转变成以服务业为龙头的非工业化城市。

    Sergey was a milestone in Birmingham city , marks an industrialized city into a service for the leading to the industrialized city .

  5. 航母现在只对非工业化国家有用,因为大多数的工业化国家都能够用最低级的导弹就把航母干掉。

    Ships are now only useful against non industrialized nations , since most industrialized nations can take a large ship out with the most inferior missle technology .

  6. 非工业化国家继续使用多种方法–包括焚化(74%)、埋葬(45%)和露天焚烧(50%)–处理与免疫有关的废物。

    Non-industrialized countries continue to use a variety of methods including incineration ( 74 % ) burial ( 45 % ) and open burning ( 50 % ) for disposal of immunization-related waste .

  7. 除此之外,这些被试身体状态良好。较之身处工业化社会的被试者,这些被试则享有更低的肥胖率、更优的血压状况以及更为健康的心脏。非工业化社会的被试者要更强壮。

    Despite this , the peoples studied were in good health , with lower rates of obesity , better blood pressure and healthier hearts than people in industrialised societies . They were also fitter .

  8. 综述纺制不同相对分子质量聚乙烯纤维的熔融纺丝法、增塑熔融纺丝法、冻胶纺丝法及其他一些非工业化的纺丝方法,并介绍了各种聚乙烯纤维性能和用途。

    According to different molecular weight , the melt spinning , plasticized melt spinning , gel spinning and other non industrialized spinning methods of polyethylene fibres were reviewed . The properties and application of different PE fibres were also discussed .

  9. 工业化通过要素空间集聚功能和经济结构转换促进城市化,但非常态的工业化道路和分散的工业布局均可能使这一动力机制受阻,致使城市化和工业化不能协调发展。

    Industrialization can accelerate urbanization through economic factors gathering and economic structure changing , but the abnormal path and dispersive distribution of industrialization may block improvement of urbanization .

  10. 在东亚地区,受到日本近代以来现代化赶超成功范例的影响,许多东亚国家都把日本而非欧美发达国家工业化模式作为模仿、修改和适应并加以创新的学习对象。

    In Eastern Asia , many countries under the influence of Japan 's success in modernization since the Meiji Restoration era have followed the Japanese model of learning from imitating , amending , adjusting and innovating .

  11. 结果表明,城镇化进程与经济发展关系紧密,但研究中应与城镇化高度相关的指标第三产业产值比重、非农化率以及工业化水平与城镇化率的相关系数却相对较低。

    The result shows the urbanization process and economic development are highly correlated , but the coefficient correlation of the proportion of output value of the tertiary industry , non-agricultural rate and industrialized level are relatively low .

  12. 在农村劳动力完成非农化和城市工业化发展的同时,城市外来劳动力的市民化尚未得到很好解决。

    The rural labor force changed to be citizen and urban industrialization developed . At the same time , the citizenization of the labor force that comes from outside of the city has not yet been solved .