
  • 网络base metal
  1. 据伦敦金属交易所(lme)统计,基本金属价格自今年初以来平均上涨了72.8%。

    Base metal prices on average have risen 72.8 per cent since the start of the year , according to the London Metal Exchange .

  2. 正如你在前面的图里看到的,我有一层基本金属层在红色金属下面。

    As you can see from previous image I have a Base metal layer below Red metal .

  3. 在催化剂涂层中,一般添加稀土La、Ce和Ba、Zr等基本金属做为稳定剂和助催化剂,以改善涂层的热稳定性和增加储氧功能。

    Generally , some rare-earth metals , such as La , Ce , Ba , Zr , etc. are added to the monolithic catalysts as stabilizer and promoter to improve the thermal stability and increase oxygen storage function .

  4. 印度工商联合会(ficci)秘书长阿米特密特拉(amitmitra)表示,基本金属合金、机床和机器等部分商品的价格下降,反映出投资有所放缓。

    Amit Mitra , the Secretary-General of the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and industry , said the decline in the price of some items , including basic metal alloys , machine tools and machines , reflected a slowdown in investment .

  5. 牛市大结局&2005年末基本金属行情盘点

    Make an inventory of basic metals market in the end of 2005

  6. 通过增加基本金属来降低价值。

    Lower in value by increasing the base-metal content ; of metals .

  7. 金和基本金属生物浸出的新进展

    New development of biological leaching for extraction of gold and base metals

  8. 央行加息对基本金属的影响将逐步显现

    Gradual Consequence on Basic metals from the Interest Increasing of Central Bank

  9. 铅、铁、铜、锡和锌都是基本金属。

    Lead , iron , copper , tin , and zinc are base metals .

  10. 向左走,向右走?&2005年9月基本金属期货行情回顾与展望

    Go left or right ─ Retrospect and prospect of basic Metals market in September 2005

  11. 对两种基本金属探测仪的分析

    Analysis of two main metal survey meters

  12. 基本金属套利研究

    A study on arbitrage for metals

  13. 市场对中国基本金属库存量的估计各不相同,但公开报道的全球库存总额估计超过900万吨。

    Estimates for stocks in China vary , but total reported global inventories are estimated to be more than 9m tonnes .

  14. 伦敦金属交易所的基本金属库存今年增加了84%,如今已创下超560万吨的纪录,总价值逾140亿美元。

    LME warehouse stocks have risen 84 per cent this year to a record of more than 5.6m tonnes , valued at more than $ 14bn .

  15. 五矿资源正寻找机会,以在全球范围内收购更多基本金属资产,该公司认为,当前全球经济低迷可能会带来收购机会。

    Minmetals Resources is on the hunt to acquire more base metals assets around the world and believes the current global economic gloom may provide buying opportunities .

  16. 集团的业务涉及勘探、探测、开采、提炼、矿物的冶炼加工以及生产,还有基本金属和贵金属的销售。

    The Group is involved in prospecting , exploration , extraction , refining , and metallurgical processing of minerals and production , marketing , and sale of base and precious metals .

  17. 废弃汽车和家用电器如冰箱和空调也含有此类稀有金属,此外还有基本金属如铁、铜、铅和锌。

    Scrap cars and home appliances such as fridges and air conditioners also contain these rarer metals , along with base metals , including iron , copper , lead and zinc .

  18. 前人的研究显示,植物金属硫蛋白具有可逆结合有毒离子和基本金属离子的能力,在解毒、维持金属离子代谢平衡和调节金属离子转运等方面起重要作用。

    Due to their ability to reversibly bind both toxic and essential metal ions , previous studies indicated that plant MTs play important roles in detoxification , metal ion homeostasis and metal transport adjustment .

  19. 其它基本金属跟随铜价走高,目前市场担心中国中部和北方省份60年来最严重的雪灾将造成生产和运输中断。

    The rest of the base metals sector followed copper higher amid concerns about disruptions to production and transportation in China after the worst snowstorms for 60 years swept across central and northern provinces .

  20. 进一步比较脉冲响应结果,得到六种基本金属的金融属性从强到弱排序依次是:锡、铜、锌、铅、铝、镍。

    The further comparison results of IRF model indicate properties the order of six basic metals with financial attribute from strong to weak are : tin , copper , zinc , lead , aluminum , nickel .

  21. 今年基本金属价格的回升势头在最近几个星期停滞不前,因为市场日益担心,发达国家的消费是否将回升到足以抵消中国需求短期走软的程度。

    The rally in base metal prices this year has stalled in recent weeks as concerns mount over whether consumption in the developed world will pick up enough to offset any short-term weakening in Chinese demand .

  22. 低组配焊接接头静拉伸的力学性能,受焊缝金属的相对厚度所影响,随着相对厚度的减小,接头的拉伸强度由焊缝金属的拉伸强度增至基本金属的拉伸强度。

    Static tensile strength of undermatching welded joint are influenced by relative thickness of the welded metal . As the relative thickness decreases , the joint tensile strength increases from that of the weld metal to the base metal strength .

  23. 对内固定术后脊柱,VRT图像能清楚显示固定物与周围结构立体关系,基本无金属伪影。

    In observing spinal internal fixation with metal fixer , the optimal VRT images clearly showed the metal fixer and its surrounding structures .

  24. 基本有色金属及其废料价格走势预测

    Forecast the price trend of base non-ferrous metals and their scraps

  25. 本课程介绍基本的金属切削原理及其实务应用。

    This course is an introduction to basic metal-cutting principles and their practical applications .

  26. 在美国大量开采的其它基本的金属和非金属矿产包括锌、铜,银和用于制造肥料的磷矿石等。

    Other basic metals and minerals mined on a large scale in the United States include zinc , copper , silver and phosphate rock & which is used for fertilizers .

  27. 炼金术士相信用貌似科学的方法可以将不值钱的“基本”金属(比如铅)变成黄金。

    A believer in or practitioner of a system of pseudoscientific thought that held that " base " metals like lead could be changed , or " transmuted ," into gold .

  28. 必和必拓昨日表示,尽管中国已基本完成金属和铁矿石等矿物的收储工作,但美国、欧洲和日本明显正在“重新补充库存”。

    BHP Billiton said yesterday that while China had almost completed a build-up in metals and minerals such as iron ore , " restocking " was evident in the US , Europe and Japan .

  29. 颗粒增强铜基复合材料在基本保持金属铜优良导电和导热性能的基础上大大提高了铜基复合材料的强度和耐磨性,是一种具有良好发展前景的复合材料。

    The particle reinforced Cu-matrix composites can not only keep excellent electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity , but also increase the strength and wear-resistance of the composites , proven to be a composite with bright future for development .

  30. 研究了尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromisniloticus)肝脏淀粉酶的基本性质及金属离子对该鱼淀粉酶活性的影响。

    Properties of amylase from Nile tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) was studies in this paper .