
  • 网络basic pension
  1. 省级统筹的实施对新增退休人员基础养老金和过渡性养老金给付存在影响。

    The provincial pooling influence the basic pension and transitional pension forthe new retired workers .

  2. 第四章计算出未来的财政收入水平,比较两种状态下基础养老金的财政负担更高,并得出人口迁移率的变动对基础养老金财政负担水平的影响。

    Chapter ⅳ to calculate the level of future revenue , comparing the two basic pension under the financial burden of higher .

  3. 当前的统筹养老金可以分解为基础养老金和转轨成本两部分。

    The basic pensions currently comprise of true-basic pensions and cost of reform .

  4. 那项调查显示,农村老人平均每年只能领取到政府提供的720元基础养老金。

    The survey shows that on average , recipients of the government 's basic rural pension receive just 720 yuan a year .

  5. 中央政府在新农保中的财务责任集中体现在基础养老金的水平和补助方式上。

    The financial responsibility of the central government in the new farmer ' sinsurance embodied in the level of basic pension and subsidy .

  6. 第四章从政府财政负担的角度,分别测算了政府财政对基础养老金和计生家庭补贴的负担能力,最后得出结论。

    Chapter four estimates the fundamental annuities and government finance burden of family planning family subsidies , which is from the Angle of government financial burden respectively .

  7. 新农保政策采取个人缴费、集体补助和政府补贴相结合的筹资模式,其中基础养老金部分由中央财政进行补助,个人账户养老金除农民自身缴纳之外由地方政府进行一定数额的补贴。

    New rural endowment insurance takes individual contribution , collective allowance and government subsidy combination mode of financing , and the central financial subsidies to local and direct subsidies to farmer individual .

  8. 其中,基于代际交叠模型,提出以税的方式筹集基础养老金;基于生命周期模型,提出以费的形式筹集个人帐户养老金。

    According to the over-lapping generation model and the life cycle hypothesis respectively , the capital source of fundamental annuities is proposed to come from taxes and that of the individual account annuities from fees .

  9. 国家新农保由于基础养老金的吸引性虽然激励了一批人参保,但该制度总体上还处于试点阶段,未能实现全覆盖。

    The new rural pension system in national level indeed attracted some people because of its advantages . But the system is still in the pilot phase on the whole , and failed to achieve complete coverage .

  10. 针对新农保帐户的收支缺口,本文认为应该增加政府对新农保基础养老金的财政补贴,来解决新农保供需之间的矛盾。

    In view of the account deficit of the new rural social endowment insurance , this paper argued that the government should increase financial subsidies , to solve the gap between supply and demand of the new rural social endowment insurance .

  11. 外部因素中的制度设计方面:缴费补贴、缴费年限、中央基础养老金、家庭成员参保联动机制影响农民参与水平;制度实施方面:养老金养老功能、集体补助到位性影响农民参与水平。

    The external factors such as subsidies , payment period and central basic pension , family members insurance also have influence on farmers ' participation . As to system implementation , the function of pension and collective subsidies are effecting farmers ' participation .

  12. 在双基数征缴的具体实施过程中,可以以职工工资总额的7%-8%征缴基础养老金,以企业税前利润的1%征缴转轨成本部分。

    When the " dual basement " collection is put into force , we can collect the true-basic pensions at the rate of 7-8 % on the base of total wages , and the cost of reform at 2-3 % on the profits before taxed .

  13. 在建立回归模型的基础上,建立养老金制度与资本市场的互动定理。

    The rule of interaction is then reached based on the foundation of the regression model .

  14. 最初建立在国家养老金这个单一养老保障基础上的英国养老金制度现在已经发展成为一种相当完善的多形式、多层次的养老金制度,并辅以其它一些社会救助措施。

    Based on the basic state pension scheme , the original type of old-age pension provision in britain , the British pension system has developed into a multi-typed and multi-tiered pension system , together with some other social assistance .

  15. 结合社会人口结构演变过程中社会养老风险管理需求的变化,本文从金融功能观出发,以金融结构演化理论和风险管理理论为基础,搭建了养老金结构与金融结构互动关系的理论分析框架。

    Combined with the change of the demand of pension risk management and based on the theories of the financial structure evolvement and risk management , which all come from the functional perspective of finance , the paper has built the framework of theoretical analysis .

  16. 主要通过研究养老金制度存在的社会基础和经济基础入手,建立养老金制度与资本市场互动影响的分析框架,讨论二者之间的影响路径。

    The paper seeks to set up an analytical framework for the interaction of pension system and capital market and their effect channels through an analysis into the social and economic basis of the pension system .