
  1. 作为城镇居民之外的边缘人群的农民工却不享受工伤保险待遇。

    Peasant workers as the marginal crowd in the city have no opportunity to enjoy the insurance treatment .

  2. 工伤保险待遇是为遭受工伤的劳动者及其供养亲属提供的一种物质补偿。

    The welfare benefits of work-related injury insurance are a kind of material compensation provided to workers suffered from industrial injury and their dependants .

  3. 该文件表示,必须提高冠状病毒防治医务人员的薪水及福利,保障感染医务人员及时享受工伤保险待遇。

    The document says salaries and benefits for medical personnel coronavirus prevention and treatment must be increased , and those infected must be compensated through insurance .

  4. 本条例施行后,国家对工伤保险待遇的项目和标准作出调整时,从其规定。

    Where the state adjusts the items and standards of the welfare benefits of the work injury insurance after the implementation of these regulations , the adjusted provisions of the State shall prevail .

  5. 从狭义的角度来讲,其流程包括工伤认定、劳动能力鉴定、确定工伤保险待遇三步。

    In narrow sense , the procedure include three steps as work-related injury identification , labor ability assessment and benefits of work-related injury determined .

  6. 工伤保险基金在不足支付重大事故工伤保险待遇时,由市财政垫付。

    In case that the fund of industrial injury insurance is not enough to pay off the benefit of industrial injury insurance for serious accidents , the municipal finance shall pay for it temporarily .

  7. 本文以为只要该事故属于工伤认定的范围,劳动者有权享受工伤保险待遇。

    From this paper , the worker has the right of being insured if the accident belongs to the scope of the industrial injury .

  8. 本部分首先对工伤损害的范围进行了界定,再对工伤损害的双重属性进行了剖析,工伤损害即可请求侵权损害赔偿也可以请求工伤保险待遇给付的特性,为文章的展开找到立足点。

    First , this part defines the extent of damage , then the dual attributes of the work injury were analyzed . The foothold for the article is the truth that work damages can be relieved by request reimbursement of the work injury insurance benefits or by tort damages .