
  • 网络Salary Agreement;Wage Settlements
  1. 制造业雇主机构EEF的一项研究显示,为了不裁员,近四分之一的制造商还在去年秋季采取了冻薪或推迟工资协议的方式。

    Almost a quarter of manufacturers also froze pay or deferred wage settlements last autumn in an attempt to stave off redundancies , according to a study by the EEF the manufacturing employers ' body .

  2. 工会对于新的工资协议没有发言权。

    The unions had no say in the new pay agreement .

  3. 政府鼓励公司把今年的工资协议标准定得低一些。

    The government is urging companies to keep their pay settlement low this year .

  4. 据说资方和工会对三年的工资协议接近于一致了。

    The management and unions are said to be within shouting distance of a three-year pay agreement .

  5. 私人部门主持与雇员的独立谈判,但是国家部门政策经常作为集体工资协议的指南。

    The private sector holds separate negotiations with employers , but the state sector policy is often used as a guide for collective wage agreements .

  6. 他们提出,如果在各个公司的层面上达成的工资协议能凌驾于地方或业界的协约之上,就能使工资水平更为灵活。

    They suggest that wage-setting could be made more flexible if deals struck at the level of individual firms were allowed to prevail over regional or industry agreements .

  7. 该工会的一位发言人确认了该协议的存在,但同时也表示,这一规定不适用于高管,也不适用于未涵盖在工会谈判达成的工资协议之内的员工。

    A VW works council spokesman confirmed the existence of the agreement but explained that the rule did not apply to senior management or other workers who fall outside trade union-negotiated pay brackets .

  8. 即使是变速器厂的独立工人代表发言人李晓娟,也拒绝接受面对面的采访。她表示,与管理层达成的工资协议中,包括了不接受媒体采访的保证。

    Even Ms Li , spokeswoman for the transmission factory 's independent worker representatives , declines a request for a face-to-face interview , saying the wage agreement with management included an undertaking not to speak to the media .

  9. 他们希望达成一项提高工资的协议。

    They were hoping for a better pay deal .

  10. 资方煞费苦心设法和工人达成了一项加班工资的协议。

    The capitalist tried to hammer out an agreement with workers on overtime pay .

  11. 达成一项有关价格或工资的协议。

    To reach on agreement or to come to an agreement on price or salary .

  12. 大学生零工资就业协议不是劳动合同,违反了《劳动法》的规定。

    The college students'non-pay employment agreements , which violate the Labour Law , cannot be regarded as labor contracts .

  13. 与其他情况相比,较高的通胀会使更多的企业同员工就削减实际工资达成协议。

    Higher inflation allows more companies and workers to agree to real wage cuts than would otherwise be the case .

  14. 而假如你所在单位有工资集体协议,该标准高于劳动合同约定,你的加班工资就应该按照集体协议确定。

    And if you are in an unit to have salary collective agreement , contract of labor of this standard prep above agrees , your overwork salary should decide according to collective agreement .

  15. 工会在前内阁部长的支持下,正斗争致力于取代工资集体协议而根据公司等级区分,这是一项可能令解雇工人变得更简单的改革。

    The unions , supported by former cabinet ministers , are fighting a proposal to replace collective wage agreements with company-level ones , a reform that would make it easier to fire workers .

  16. 来到这里后,他们抱怨工资没有依照协议发放。

    When they reach here they complain that they are not being paid as per the agreement

  17. 与资方就工资问题达成协议

    Come to / reach an understanding with management about pay

  18. 引入市场工资机制,推行协议工资制;

    Introducing market payment mechanism and puting forward the consultative payment system ;

  19. 假期的工资问题是达成协议的主要障碍。

    The issue of holiday pay was the major block in reaching an agreement .

  20. 第二,劳动合同、集体合同均未约定的,可由用人单位与职工代表通过工资集体协商确定协议。

    The2nd , labor contract , collective contract all did not agree , can pass salary collective to negotiate firm agreement by unit of choose and employ persons and worker delegate .

  21. 底特律市官员辩称,自那以后该警察局取得了显著的进步,他们希望联邦法官将监察员免职,并取消其每月近9万美元的工资,实施过渡性协议。

    City officials argue that the department has made significant strides since then and want the federal judge to remove the monitor and their nearly 90000 dollar a month salary , and move to a transitional agreement .