
  • 网络Wage Cost;payroll costs
  1. 在授粉杂交的成功率方面,60%的烟株中心花开放后开始杂交,只杂交1次的方法结果率较高,且工资成本较低;

    In the aspect of crossing success rate , it got higher burliness rate and lower wage cost for only one time of artificial pollination after the central flower of 60 % plants florescence .

  2. 在过去的一年里,实际工资成本增加了10%。

    Real wage costs have risen by 10 % in the past year .

  3. 提高的生产率抵消了增加的工资成本后仍有结余。

    The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity

  4. 据西班牙媒体透露,在员工转为四天工作制后,该试点项目将会通过让政府填补损失的工资成本来降低雇主风险。

    According to Spanish media outlets , the pilot program is intended to reduce employers ' risk by having the government make up the difference in salary when workers switch to a four-day schedule .

  5. V型煮茧机供茧能力强,可提高生产效率,降低工资成本。

    The provision ability of V type cocoon boiling machine is very strong , so it could increase the production efficiency , and lower the wages .

  6. 但是国际航空运输协会发言人PerryFlint说已经有了彻底变化,现在的燃油成本已经超过了工资成本:

    But International Air Transport Association Spokesman Perry Flint says that has changed drastically and fuel cost now exceeds salaries .

  7. 利用面板数据的计量模型,检验了工资成本、市场规模、聚集经济、交易成本、劳动生产率和产业结构对FDI区位选择的影响。

    By making use of panel data model to examine the influence of wages level , transaction cost , agglomerative economy , market scale , quantity of labor force and Industrial structure to FDI location choice .

  8. 虽然较低的工资成本也是吸引FDI的重要因素,但与其他发展中国家相比,我国工资水平处于较低的水平,对其吸引力是有限的。

    Although the lower work cost also is attracts the FDI , but our country wage level is in a lower level , as same as other developing nations , it is extremely limiting to attract FDI .

  9. 英国博安咨询集团(paconsultinggroup)的蒂姆劳伦斯(timlawrence)表示,中国若发生长时间劳资纠纷,造成供应链中断,其破坏性可能不亚于工资成本的上升。

    Tim Lawrence of UK-based PA Consulting Group , says the potential interruption of supply chains from any prolonged labour unrest in China was likely to be at least as damaging as the rise in wage costs .

  10. 我国的出口竞争力主要来自于低廉的工资成本。

    China 's export competitiveness derives mainly from lower labor cost .

  11. 那么,改革与抑制工资成本之间有无联系?

    So is there a link between reforms and wage moderation ?

  12. 给无事可做的律师支付6位数的工资成本过高。

    It is costly having lawyers on six-figure salaries with nothing to do .

  13. 不过,几乎没有证据表明发展中国家的工资成本上升。

    However , there is little evidence of wage-price spirals in the developing world .

  14. 任何工资成本提高必定转嫁到用户头上。

    Any increase in wage costs is bound to be passed on to the consumer .

  15. 整体增长的减速和工资成本的上升共存的合力就会压低利润率。

    A combination of slower overall growth and rising wage costs should squeeze profit margins .

  16. 高等学校工资成本控制浅议

    Salary Cost Control in Colleges

  17. 同时,更高的旅人率也时美国企业有更多吸收更高工资成本的能力。

    And with profit margins fat , America 's firms have room to absorb higher wage costs .

  18. 爱尔兰已经降低了工资成本,作为奖励,其纾困资金利率应该得到降低。

    Ireland has lowered wage costs and should be rewarded with reduced interest rates on bailout funds .

  19. 一般情况下,双方分担摄制与工资成本,但电视台通常独占全部国内广告收入。

    The two parties typically split filming and salary costs but the broadcaster usually takes all the domestic advertising revenue .

  20. 当一国工资成本上涨过快的时候,它已然不能通过令本币贬值来重获失去的竞争力。

    When a country 's wage costs rise too quickly , it can no longer recover lost competitiveness through a lower exchange rate .

  21. 当贸易成本很低时,资本流动有利于企业在工资成本低的区域形成产业聚集。

    When trade cost is very low , capital flow is advantageous to the enterprise forms industrial agglomeration in the low cost region .

  22. 在形势严峻的就业市场背景下,单位工资成本的强劲增长可能会限制联储降低利率的力度。

    Strong growth in unit wage costs against the backdrop of a tight-looking jobs market might limit the Fed 's scope for rate cuts .

  23. 在本世纪之初经历金融危机之后,德国开始了经济复苏,这也得益于长期抑制工资成本的做法。

    The recovery that followed the financial crunch in the early part of the last decade was caused by a long period of wage moderation .

  24. 难以降低的失业率,低生产率增长和单位工资成本快速增加可能是公司在需求降低时维持员工的结果。

    Stubbornly low unemployment , weak productivity growth and accelerating unit wage costs may simply be the results of firms'holding on to workers while demand is weak .

  25. 但在新泽西,多洛雷斯·赖利表示如果她的工资成本再高,她自己的托儿所生意可能会被迫关张。

    But in New Jersey , Dolores Riley says if her payroll cost go any higher , she could be forced to shut down her daycare business .

  26. 通过建立垄断政府工资成本最小化的最优规划模型发现,从政府官员总量角度看,政府机构不存在人员臃肿、人浮于事。

    Through analyzing an optimal programming model , this paper finds that there do not exist such problems as overstaff and rigid staff wage from the total number of government staff .

  27. 激励机制并不是新鲜事物,但其日益扩大的规模,加上美元相对疲软以及中国和东欧国家上升的工资成本,使得美国更具吸引力。

    Incentives are not new but their increasing size , plus the relative weakness of the dollar and increasing wages in China and Eastern Europe , makes the us more attractive .

  28. 看着英国人大幅贬值英镑,而相对工资成本亦随之而落,挣扎于高劳务成本与低生产率之中的意大利、西班牙等国是否会眼红呢?

    Are Italy , Spain and the other countries struggling with high wage costs and low productivity eyeing Britain enviously , as its currency slumps and its relative wage costs fall with it ?

  29. 只有那些上班如休假的人和企业主们(希望可以减少休假带来的工资成本支出)才希望取消五一黄金周。

    Only those who go to work , such as vacation and business owners who ( want to leave wages to reduce costs ) that we wish to abolish the Labor Day Golden Week .

  30. 但是,如果这些经济发展的上行风险真的实现,中国业界又将再次面临成本飞速增长的压力,包括土地成本和工资成本。

    However , if the upside risk scenario for economic growth becomes a reality , businesses in China are likely to see considerable cost pressures re-emerge , with land and wage costs accelerating quickly .