
  • 网络turnover cost;Separation Cost
  1. 分阶段控制员工离职成本的管理对策

    Study on the Management Strategies to Dimission Cost Control by Stages

  2. 高校教师自愿离职成本分析及其控制

    How to Control University Teachers ' Quit Cost

  3. 企业人力资源成本项目包括取得成本、开发成本、使用成本、保障成本和离职成本。

    The items of human resources cost include obtaining cost , development cost , use cost , insurance cost and leave-office cost .

  4. 虽然雇主遭受了高额的离职成本,但劳动经济家表示,由于个人倾向于更好的工作,离职通常是健康劳动力市场的信号。

    While employers high turnover costs , labor economists say churn typically signals a healthy labor market as individuals gravitate to better jobs .

  5. 在人力资源会计处理中要在遵循必要的会计原则前提条件下核算人力资源的取得价值、开发支出、离职成本、新增价值或潜在价值增值,设置相应账户并对此做出相应的信息批露。

    With the accounting principle Human resources account calculates value or cost of obtain development and demission , set accounts and reveal accounting information .

  6. 成本法所核算的项目主要有五项:取得成本、开发成本、使用成本、保障成本和离职成本。

    The measurement of cost of HRV mainly consists of five items to count the cost of obtainment , development , employment , maintenance and reassignment of HR .

  7. 关于高校人力资源成本管理的内容,首先论述了高校人力资源成本核算,包括人力资源获得成本、开发成本、使用成本、保障成本和离职成本的核算;

    Secondly it expounds the inner measurement of the human resource cost including the recruitment cost , the development cost , the using cost , the guarantee cost and the demission cost .

  8. 企业核心员工的离职除了“初始成本”和“更替成本”,还存在“隐性成本”。

    There is implicit cost as well as " initial cost " and " renewal cost " in the severance of core employees in enterprises .

  9. 针对目前许多企业员工离职率高的问题,分析了员工离职成本的构成。

    In terms of the higher rate of the dimission in companies , this paper analyzes the composition of dimission costs .

  10. 造成核心员工离职的原因有客观因素也有主观因素,企业应采取相应的措施来留住人才,减少离职带来的成本。

    There are objective and subjective reasons for it , and enterprises should take corresponding measures to retain talented people and reduce costs brought by severance .