
  1. 危机化解后,企业还必须马上抓紧时间做好危机恢复管理工作,重塑企业在公众心中的良好形象,恢复和提升企业的美誉度。

    To resolve the crisis , companies also must immediately seize the time to do crisis management recovery , remodeling companies in the public mind a good image , restore and enhance corporate reputation .

  2. 没有一个更有资格来指导我们的工作,以重塑搜索和在线广告。

    There is no one better qualified to guide our work to reinvent search and online advertising .

  3. 高校辅导员工作规范的重塑&C大学高校辅导员与学生交流情况调查

    Remold University Instructors ' Work Standard & the Investigation and Analysis of the C University Instructors and Students ' Communication Situation

  4. 她辞去了医院的工作,把自己重塑为旧石器时代的玛莎·斯图尔特(MarthaStewart)。

    She quit her hospital job and transformed herself into something of a Martha Stewart of Paleo .

  5. 《财富》杂志的采访中,熊宝宝工作坊的CEO,SharonPriceJohn说她在自己是真实工作生涯中学到很多东西的,她建议:要对自己的工作负责,并且乐意在工作过程中重塑自己。

    In her interview with Fortune Magazine , Sharon Price John , CEO of Build-A-Bear Workshop , lends advice tha she learned first-hand in her own career , Take charge of your career and be willing to reinvent yourself throughout it .

  6. 《财富》杂志的采访中,熊宝宝工作坊的CEO,SharonPriceJohn说她在自己是真实工作生涯中学到很多东西的,她建议:“要对自己的工作负责,并且乐意在工作过程中重塑自己。”

    In her interview with Fortune Magazine , Sharon Price John , CEO of Build-A-Bear Workshop , lends advice tha she learned first-hand in her own career , " Take charge of your career and be willing to reinvent yourself throughout it . "