
  • 网络Employee Discrimination
  1. 为了保护年龄在40岁或40以上人的权益,167年通过了《雇员年龄歧视法》。

    In order to protect persons aged forty and older , the Age Discrimination in Employment Act was enacted in 167 .

  2. 微观经济学理论还会告诉我们,歧视(在这一案例中,是对不姓默多克雇员的歧视)是一种劳动力市场失灵的表现。

    Microeconomic theory would add that discrimination ( in this case against employees whose last name is not Murdoch ) is a form of labour market failure .

  3. 《雇员年龄歧视法》保护了40岁及40岁以上的人群的就业权力,它还提出雇主不可以因为年龄问题拒绝雇佣这些工人。

    The Age Discrimination in Employment Act ( ADEA ) protects people age 40 and over from employment discrimination based on age . It also says that an employer may not refuse to hire those workers because of their age .

  4. 不允许雇员有性别歧视。

    Employers are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of gender .

  5. 很多行业聘请雇员时都有歧视情况。

    There is discrimination in a wide spectrum of fields of employment .

  6. 在聘用雇员时,种族歧视和宗教歧视是违法的。

    Racial or religious discrimination in hiring employees is against the law .

  7. 在雇员处理了任何歧视上有关的问题前,她还是想先在一旁观望。

    She favors waiting until employers resolve any issues related to discrimination .

  8. 在这种叙述中,鲍康如更多的是一个难相处、放纵、拒绝忠告的雇员,而非歧视的受害者,并且显然,凯鹏华盈后悔没能早些将她踢走。

    In this telling , Ms. Pao is less a victim of discrimination than a difficult and conniving employee who rejected advice to improve , and whom Kleiner clearly wishes it had tossed overboard sooner .