
  • 网络Employer Organization
  1. 如果希望采用大型公司的健保计划来吸引顶尖的人才,可以考虑寻找一家外包服务机构,即所谓的“职业雇主组织”(PEO),每月支付一笔固定的费用即可。

    If you need a big-company-style health plan to win the best talent , consider joining a " professional employer organization , " better known as a PEO , for a set monthly fee .

  2. 私营企业资强劳弱,工会组织未能有效发挥作用以及雇主组织日益增强使劳资冲突增加。

    This article analyses labor & capital disputes at the private enterprises , which result from weak laborers , failed trade unions and strong employer organization .

  3. 西欧金属贸易雇主组织

    Western European Metal Trades Employers Organizations

  4. 直到最近的界定福利计划的最青睐的雇主组织计划。

    Until recently the defined benefit plan was the most favored plan by employers in organizations .

  5. 确定和修正该定义时应征求有关雇主组织和工人组织的意见。否则这些组织应参加制定。

    The organizations of employers and workers concerned shall be consulted on or otherwise participate in the establishment and revision of this definition .

  6. 过去七周,法国社会紧张局势加剧,工会领导人和雇主组织之间的关系也变得非常紧张。

    Social tensions have increased across France in the last seven weeks and relations between union leaders and employers ' organisations have become severely strained .

  7. 一家雇主组织的调查显示,为保证就业,英国有三分之二的雇主正在调整工作模式。目前,管理层与员工正处在一波前所未有的合作浪潮中。

    Two-thirds of UK employers are changing work patterns in order to save jobs in an unprecedented outbreak of co-operation between managers and staff , according to a survey by an employers organisation .

  8. 欧洲汽车工业的劳动关系在全球化进程中面临着一个基本问题资本和劳动力的流动性差异打破了工会和雇主组织之间的力量均衡。

    Labor relations in European automobile industry have a basic problem in the process of globalization , that is , the balance between union and employers is broken by different mobility of the capital and the labor .

  9. “石墙”的多元化冠军计划为寻求成为LGBT人才首选雇主的组织提供专业资源。

    Stonewall 's Diversity Champions programme offers specialist resources for organisations seeking to become an employer of choice for LGB talent .

  10. 雇员组成的与雇主议价的组织。

    An organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer .

  11. 调查一下潜在雇主对志愿者组织的兴趣。

    Research the potential employer 's interest in volunteer organizations .

  12. 第二个假设是雇主品牌与组织承诺显著正相关。第三个假设是雇主品牌在可雇用性与组织承诺之间起调节作用。

    The second assumption is that the Employer Brand has a significant positive correlation with Organizational Commitment .

  13. 学徒是完成由雇主建立的组织计划的课程培训后才会加工资的。

    The apprentice goes through a structured program established by the employer that includes incremental wage increases until he or she completes the course of training .

  14. 基民盟的领导已经同意了“法定最低工资”计划,提出该计划的是一个代表工会和雇主的独立组织,类似于英国的低收入委员会。

    Now CDU leaders have endorsed a plan for a " binding lower limit for wages ", set by an independent body representing unions and employers , similar to Britain 's Low Pay Commission .

  15. 对于一个公司来说,要想有效地负起对雇员和社会的责任,雇主必须在组织机构和雇员之间建立起一种合作的劳资关系,管理双方的利益冲突。

    If a enterprise wants to effectively take on the responsibility to the employee and the society , he should build up a cooperative relationship between organization and individual and manage the conflict of interest .

  16. 所谓集体谈判权,是指劳动者为保障自己的合法劳动权益,通过工会或其代表与雇主及雇主组织就劳动条件、劳动标准等问题进行协商、谈判,并签订集体合同的权利。

    The so-called right to collective bargaining means that workers can negotiate with employers or their organizations through trade unions on issues like working conditions , labor standards working and have the right of signing collective contract to protect their legitimate rights and interests of labor .

  17. 我不希望我的雇主是大官僚组织&我更愿意为私人企业或小企业工作。

    I wouldn 't want my employer to be a big bureaucratic organization & I 'd rather work for an individual or a small business .

  18. 雇主品牌的类型即是组织的典型特征的体现,因此,本研究将雇主品牌类型作为组织因素纳入研究范围。

    The type of employer brand is the embodiment of the organizational characteristic . So I took the type of the employer brand as organizational factor into my study .