
  1. 它揭示了资本主义雇佣劳动制度是一种利润独享、“见物不见人”的单一产权制度。

    It announced system of capitalist wage labour is a kind of profit is enjoyed alone ," see things but not people " system of onefold property right .

  2. 劳动力产权是一组权利束,资本主义国家的雇佣劳动制度造成了劳动力产权的残缺,资本家的剥削收入来自对雇佣工人劳动力所有权收入的侵蚀。

    The labor property rights are consisted of an array of rights . The system of employment in the countries of capitalism brought about the imperfection of the labor property rights , and the income of capitalist was taken from the exploitation to the employee .

  3. 列宁认为农业机器的使用,大部分农民成为雇佣工人,而随着机器以及改良工具在农业中大规模使用,俄国的农业工役制也被农业资本主义的雇佣劳动制度所取代。

    Lenin thinks that most of the farmers become employing workers with the use of agricultural machines , the Russian agricultural labour service system is replaced by agricultural capitalist system of wage labour .