
zhōng shēn zhì
  • the system of life tenure;lifelong tenure
终身制[zhōng shēn zhì]
  1. 废除领导职务终身制

    ABolish the system of lifelong tenure in leading posts

  2. 还没有能够实现的,就是废除领导职务终身制,这是制度上的重要问题。

    What I have not accomplished is to abolish the system of life tenure in office , that is an important problem concerning the system of leadership .

  3. 2.Youwilllearnlessons.“人生”学校,无所不教。有一所大学,非正式但终身制,这就是人生。

    You are enrolled in a full-time , informal school called Life .

  4. 就连高盛(GoldmanSachs)的排名都相对靠前,这表明,得名于2009年一篇美国杂志文章的(华尔街)吸血乌贼的标签,不是终身制的。

    Even Goldman Sachs enjoys a relatively high position , which suggests that the vampire squids [ of Wall Street ] label , from a 2009 US magazine article , are not forever .

  5. 但这取决于你对终身制和排资论辈的定义。

    But that depends on how you define tenure and seniority .

  6. 也被国王指定为终身制

    were now to be appointed by the Crown for life .

  7. 完善终身制的方法是终身教授评估制度。

    The means of perfecting tenure is faculty tenure evaluation system .

  8. 美国大学后终身制评估:30年理论探索

    Post Tenure Review in American Universities : 30 Year 's Theory Research

  9. 王位并非世袭,尽管是终身制的。

    Kingship is not hereditary , though it is a lifetime post .

  10. 成为良好市民是终身制的任务

    Because being a good citizen is a full-time job .

  11. 教授终身制是美国高等教育管理体系的一个重要组成部分。

    Faculty tenure is an important part of American higher education management system .

  12. 有一所大学,非正式但终身制,这就是人生。表示“”

    You a full-time , informal school called Life .

  13. 我是美国政府的一部分,我的成员都是终身制的。

    I 'm part of the U.S. government whose members serve lifetime terms .

  14. 工程质量责任终身制的缺陷

    Disadvantages of Lifelong Liability of Construction Quality

  15. 设顾问委员会是废除领导职务终身制的过渡办法

    Advisory commissions will be a transitional measure for the abolition of life tenure in leading posts

  16. 列入国家编制,工作五花八门。最好废除终身制。

    Include a country the staff , the job is multifarious . Best abolish is lifelong make .

  17. 美国的高校教师体制经历了从不稳定到稳定,以及新的终身制后评审制变革三个发展阶段,呈现出发展的钟摆性。

    American faculty system has experienced three stages : from non-stability , stability , to post-tenure review .

  18. 然而,按照设想的计划,只有少数几名终身制官员在所有的委员会中任职。

    Under the envisaged plans , however , only a few permanent officials sit on all committees .

  19. 终身制(终身轨)副教授,临床副教授,或研究副教授。

    Tenure-Track Associate Professor , Clinical Associate Professor , Research Associate Professor , or Associate Research Professor .

  20. 邓:我提倡废除终身制,而且提倡建立退休制度。

    Deng : I am all for the abolition of life tenure and the institution of a retirement system .

  21. 同时,推行教职工全员聘任制度,采用用合同制,破除职称终身制。

    Meanwhile , the implementation of full faculty appointment system used with the contract system and get rid of title tenure .

  22. 所以,我们需要有一个顾问委员会来过渡。顾问委员会,应该说是我们干部领导职务从终身制走向退休制的一种过渡。

    Thus we need advisory commissions to facilitate the transition from the system of life tenure in leading posts to a retirement system .

  23. 因此,今天的教育,包括外语教学,必须提供终身制学习所需的自主学习能力。

    Thus , in today 's educational situation , including English teaching , students ' self-regulated learning ability must be cultivated at school .

  24. 那些在日本1990年股市崩盘之后错过了终身制饭碗的人,如今已经40多岁了。

    Those who missed out on lifetime jobs in the aftermath of Japan 's 1990 stock market crash are now in their forties .

  25. 可知,教师的聘任终身制将被任期制取代,可以终止也可以续签。

    Tenure should be replaced with seven-year contracts , which , like the programs in which faculties teach , can be terminated or renewed .

  26. 要有步骤地和稳妥地实行干部离休、退休的制度,废除实际上存在的干部领导职务的终身制。

    Systematic measures should be adopted to institute a retirement system for cadres and abolish what is virtually a system of life tenure for leading cadres .

  27. 本文分析了当前研究生导师队伍的现状,提出改革导师选聘制度,打破导师终身制。

    This article analyses the present status of the tutor team , and introduces mechanism reformations of being elected and appointed tutor in order to break tutor lifetime .

  28. 四是薪酬随岗而变,打破同级公务员薪酬终身制,具有突破性的特点。

    Fourth , the salary with the post and change , breaking the security of tenure of civil service pay at the same level , with groundbreaking features .

  29. 一批老同志以实际行动,带头废除领导职务终身制,推进干部制度的改革。

    A number of veteran cadres have taken the lead in abolishing the system of life tenure in leading posts , furthering the reform of the cadre system .

  30. 还有一项政策给农民带来了很大影响,那就是农民身份的终身制,禁止他们向城市迁徙,在城市工作。

    So too does a decision to confer hereditary status on peasants , who would be all but barred from cities to stop them rushing in to find work .