
  • 网络terminal artery;Terminal segment
  1. 但此模型也有其局限性犤9犦:由于血栓阻塞发生于终末动脉,所以不利于侧支循环及再灌注损伤的研究;

    But there was still some limitations : Since thrombosis was induced at the terminal artery , unfit for the study of lateral circulation and reperfusion ;

  2. 目的探讨和研究彩色多普勒超声诊断新生儿窒息后引发脑水肿时大脑终末动脉-豆纹动脉的血流灌注情况。

    Objective To study lenticulostriate artery flow of neonatal hydrocephalus caused by suffocation .

  3. 胰腺小叶内动脉具终末动脉的特性,是急性胰腺炎局部微循环紊乱的解剖学基础。

    The intralobular arteriole , being an end artery , forms the anatomical basis of the pancreatic micro-circulatory disturbance during acute pancreatitis .

  4. 胰腺小叶多由独支的小叶内动脉供血,相邻小叶内动脉及其分支间无吻合存在,属终末动脉;

    A single centrally located intralobular artery supplied each pancreatic lobule , there being no anastomosis between the intralobular arterioles or any of their branches , which were end arteries .

  5. 解除大鼠皮瓣终末支动脉危象的实验研究

    Experiment of Obviation of the Vascular Crisis at the Terminal Branch of Arterial Pedicle in a Rat Skin Flap