
  • 网络termination;Termination of Pregnancy;Abortion;terminate pregnancy
  1. 目的探讨不同孕期终止妊娠对妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)围生儿结局的影响。

    Impact of termination of pregnancy in different periods on the outcomes of GDM fetus .

  2. 目的检测在孕早期手术终止妊娠是否会对母体外周血浆中的胎儿DNA水平造成影响。最初仅限于终止7周以内的早期妊娠。

    Objective : To determine if first-trimester elective termination of pregnancy affects cell-free fetal DNA levels in maternal plasma . Mifepristone is known to be effective in terminating early pregnancies of less than 7 weeks .

  3. 经历一番痛苦挣扎后,她决定终止妊娠。

    After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy

  4. 有4例患者在6次妊娠中MG症状加重,其中1例出现肌无力危象而终止妊娠,7例患者在妊娠后症状反而减轻;

    During pregnancy , MG symptoms worsened in 6 pregnancies of 4 patients , including one developed crisis , improved in 7 patients .

  5. HIV阳性孕产妇和11例梅毒阳性孕产妇已终止妊娠,另6例梅毒阳性孕产妇在医生的指导治疗下继续妊娠。

    Case with positive HIV and 11 cases with positive syphilis all terminated pregnancy , the other 6 cases with positive syphilis continued pregnancy under the doctors ' guidance .

  6. 方法:200例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级、自愿终止妊娠的早孕妇女随机分为四组:P组,单纯异丙酚麻醉组;

    Method : 200 forepart pregnant women with ASA ⅰ~ⅱ grade who free will stop gestation , they were divided into 4 groups randomly : P group was simplicity propofol ;

  7. 目的探讨有效治疗及适时终止妊娠对妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)围生结局的影响。

    Objective To explore the effective treatment and timely termination of pregnancy on the intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy ( ICP ) of perinatal outcome .

  8. 结论血浆可溶性VCAM-1、E-选择素、P-选择素水平变化可作为确定终止妊娠时机的参考指标;

    Conclusion The plasma changes of VCAM-1 , E-selectin , P-selectin can be used to be a marker to terminate pregnancy ;

  9. 目的:检测血T鄄β鄄HCG变化在评估早孕应用药物终止妊娠预后中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of the change of the blood T - β - HCG concentration in the prognosis of drug abortion in early pregnancy .

  10. 米非司酮引起ICAM-1和VCAM-1的表达降低可能是抗早孕终止妊娠机制之一。

    One of the mechanisms of mifepristone-induced abortion may be the decrease of the expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in chorionic villi in early pregnancy abortion women .

  11. 方法:①胎儿皮肤因创伤等意外因素终止妊娠的胎儿背部全层皮肤,共18例,胎龄(EGA)13~33周。

    Methods : Human fetal upper back skins from 13 ~ 33 weeks of gestation were obtained from fetuses spontaneously aborted .

  12. 终止妊娠时间以37~40孕周为宜,与37孕周及40孕周相比,新生儿病率及病死率最低(P0.05)。

    The time for termination seemed to be appropriately round 37 to 40 gestational weeks . Compared with 37 and 40 gestational weeks , the neonatal morbidity and mortality were the lowest during that period ( P0.05 ) .

  13. 目的:探讨低频超声终止妊娠的可能性并观察低频超声对兔胎盘组织细胞BAXmRNA、Bcl-2mRNA表达的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the availability of early pregnancy termination with low frequency ultrasonic and to investigate the role of Bax mRNA and Bcl-2 mRNA expression in the placenta of rabbit after low frequency ultrasound irradiation .

  14. 结论:ICP患者孕期应加强监护,适时终止妊娠,必要时适当放宽剖宫产指征,能有效降低围产儿死亡率。

    Conclusion Death rate of perinatal fetus can be effectively lowered by strengthened monitoring of patients with ICP , timely termination of pregnancy and if necessary , broadened indication range of cesarean section .

  15. 目的:研究青蒿琥酯钠(SA)对大鼠的抗孕作用以及其对妊娠及假孕大鼠血清孕酮含量和蜕膜组织的影响,以探讨其终止妊娠的机理。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the effect of sodium artesunate ( SA ) on content of progesterone and decidua of pregnant rats and investigate the efficacy and mechanism of SA for termination of early pregnancy .

  16. 在延长孕周同时监测血象及CRP,选择合适时机终止妊娠,以达到母儿健康的良好预后。

    In the extended gestation while monitoring the blood count and CRP , select the appropriate timing of termination of pregnancy , in order to achieve a good prognosis of the mother child health .

  17. 观察两组起效时间,终止妊娠时采集脐静脉血作血气分析及新生儿Apgar评分等近期效果。

    Then observe the time for each group to show effect and take vein blood of umbilical cord for sap analysis and Neonate 's Apgar score as pregnancy ended .

  18. 结论GDM孕妇经过及时诊断,加强管理,用饮食疗法或胰岛素治疗有效控制血糖,适时终止妊娠,可有效降低母婴并发症的发生。

    Conclusions Timely diagnosis , intensive management , dietary treatment or insulin therapy for blood glucose control , and termination of pregnancy can effectively reduce the incidence of complications in mothers and fetals .

  19. 结论ICP患者瘙痒情况与胆汁酸、胆红素的改变及围生儿结局有一定的关系,医、患均需高度重视,早发现、早诊断、早治疗,适时终止妊娠,改善围生儿预后。

    Conclusion The pruritus of ICP patients is related to the changes of bile acid and bilirubin as well as the outcome of perinatal-fetus . Early diagnosis and treatment as well as timely termination of pregnancy may improve the prognosis of fetuses .

  20. 环氧司坦(epostane,Epo)为3β-羟甾脱氢酶抑制剂,在口服96mg/kg的剂量下,可使大鼠终止妊娠,血浆孕酮水平下降。

    Epostane , a 3 β - hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor , terminated pregnancy with decreased plasma levels of progesterone in pregnant rats at a single oral dose of 96mg / kg .

  21. 结论掌握好手术指征,及时行剖宫产终止妊娠,术中选择全身麻醉,对重度妊高征合并HELLP综合征患者的痊愈起到了重要作用。

    Conclusion It is important to master the operation indications , operate in time and choose general anesthesia for the patients with pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome and HELLP syndrome .

  22. 结论:生殖免疫性抗体为终止妊娠后引起继发不孕的主要因素之一,药物流产方式EmAb的产生率高于人工流产组;

    Conclusion : Anti-reproductive antibodies is one of the main reason for female infertility after artificial abortion ; EMAb in drug abortion group is higher than those in artificial abortion ;

  23. 方法对600例早孕,孕囊平均直径≤25mm,要求药物终止妊娠的妇女,随机分为试验试验组和对照组各300例。

    Methods The randomized comparative study consisted of 600 pregnant women whose average diameter of gestational sac ≤ 25mm . They were randomly divided into 2 groups , 300 cases in each group .

  24. 在此基础上,我们对该家庭的中间型地贫高风险胎儿进行了产前基因诊断,结果显示胎儿的基因型与先证者完全相同,为HPFH和β地贫双重杂合子,故建议终止妊娠。

    Of six members in this family screened for this type of HPFH deletion , four were positive . Prenatal diagnosis of the fetus showed the same results as that of the propositus .

  25. 大剂量LHRH-A能刺激受孕大鼠垂体促性腺激素细胞释放大量LH,从而抑制卵巢合成孕酮的功能,并导致终止妊娠。

    Our observations support the view that the high dosage of LHRH-A can stimulate gonadotropic cells in rat to release a great amount of LH rapidly . It inhibits the synthesis of progesterone in the ovary of pregnant rat and results in termination of pregnancy .

  26. 孕≥20周手术终止妊娠后的产科结局

    Obstetric outcomes after surgical abortion at ≥ 20 weeks ' gestation

  27. 终止妊娠方式宜选择择期剖宫产。

    The most suitable termination mode of pregnancy is selective cesarean .

  28. 180例重度子痫前期终止妊娠方式分析

    Analysis of pregnancy termination way in 180 cases of severe pre-eclampsia

  29. 超声在早孕终止妊娠前的临床应用价值

    Clinical Application of Ultrasound in the Termination of Early Pregnancy

  30. 为孕妇、因为胎儿畸形、为终止妊娠做人工流产。

    Abort an expectant mother , a deformed foetus , the pregnancy .