
  1. 自1962年以来,太平洋科学中心一直在激发人们对科学、数学和技术的发现和终身学习的热情。

    Since 1962 Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion for discovery and lifelong learning in science , math and technology .

  2. 可见,知识更新迫在眉睫,终身学习任务繁重。

    Obviously , the knowledge renews imminently , lifelong studies the duty to be arduous .

  3. 本文通过对基于问题的学习(Problem-BasedLearning,简称PBL)的分析,认为这种在西方兴起的教学方式非常有助于促进学生的自主学习、终身学习;

    Based on the analysis on the problem-based learning , this paper points that this teaching mode is helpful to learners ' self-learning and life-long learning .

  4. 随着Internet的迅速发展,教育逐步走上了网络化的时代,现代远程教育就是随着现代信息技术的发展而产生的一种新型教育形式,是构筑知识经济时代人们终身学习体系的主要手段。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , education is entering the age of network . Modern distant education , a new education form developed based on the modern information technology , becomes a main way of the lifelong study system in the knowledge economic age .

  5. 在VB课程教学改革过程中,对如何确立高职教育教学改革的主体教育思想、终身学习观及培养学生可持续学习能力、技术应用和创新能力等方面进行了实践和探索。

    An exploration was made practically in the course of teaching reform in VB in terms of how to establish the ideas of student subjected education and life long education , and how to develop students ' abilities of sustainable study , technical application and creativeness .

  6. 基于问题的学习(PBL)是一种新颖的教学方法,其优势在于能够更好地与医学实践结合、促进知识的巩固与应用以及提高自我指导的终身学习能力。

    Problem-based learning ( PBL ) is a method of teaching and learning . It has many advantages in medical teaching , because it can combine better with the practice of medicine , promote retention and application of knowledge and improve the ability of self-directing life-long learning .

  7. 随着医学教育体制的改革与完善,终身学习成为现代教学的行为指南,循证医学教育(BEME)是终身学习的一个重要内容,在高校人才培养中的起着重要的作用。

    With the reform and development of medical educational system , lifelong learning has become a behavior guideline in modern teaching . Evidence-based medical education ( EBME ), an important component of lifelong learning education , plays an essential role in cultivating talents at colleges and universities .

  8. 在倡导终身学习、构建学习化社会的今天,现代远程教育日益显现出其强大的生命力,构筑新时期现代远程教育体系具有重要的现实意义。

    Today we advocate life-long study and set up learning society .

  9. 论终身学习的本质及价值取向

    On the Essence and the Trend of Value of Lifelong Learning

  10. 教育信息化与大学生终身学习能力的培养

    Education Informationization and Cultivation of College Students ' Lifelong Learning Ability

  11. 部分班主任缺乏终身学习的观念。

    Some class advisers are missing the idea of lifelong learning .

  12. 基于终身学习与组织学习的学习型物流企业研究

    On Learning Logistics Enterprises Based on Lifetime Learning and Organizational Learning

  13. 终身学习是当代日本教育革新的核心内容之一。

    Life-long learning is the core of educational reform in Japan .

  14. 课外阅读还可以培养学生终身学习的习惯。

    Outside reading can also foster their habit of lifelong learning .

  15. 终身学习语境下的人格教育

    Personality Education under the Circumstances of Life - long Study

  16. 学习型社会强调人人学习、终身学习。

    Learning society emphasizes that everyone learns and life learning .

  17. 西欧终身学习与多变的政策环境

    Lifelong Learning and the Changing Policy Environment in West Europe

  18. 因为个人发展的关键就是终身学习。

    Because the key to personal development is being a life-long learner .

  19. 现代学习型社会凸显学习主题,如何有效促进学生学习、帮助学生确立终身学习理念,是教育理论界和实践界关注的焦点,也是教育心理学研究领域的热点。

    Theme of learning is the protruding characteristic in modern learning society .

  20. 使学生成为终身学习者并且具有胜任的专业能力。

    So that students become lifelong learners and competent professionals .

  21. 以远程教育促进社区终身学习平台构建的探析

    Analysis of Promoting the Community Lifelong Learning Platform Construction with Distance Education

  22. 终身学习视野下的日本学位授予新机制

    New Mechanism for Degree Granting in Japan During Lifelong Learning

  23. 终身学习的价值分析与体系建设

    Value Analysis on the Lifelong Learning and the Construction of Its System

  24. 所谓终身学习其实有很多种方法。

    There are many ways to practice the craft of lifelong learning .

  25. 因此,人们应该终身学习。

    Therefore , a person should take a lifelong learning .

  26. 在有机化学实验课程中开设文献实验,能提高学生基础素质和综合能力,养成终身学习的习惯。在实验过程中选题是保证实验成功的前提;

    Documentary experiment course in organic chemistry experiment corse can improve the students '

  27. 日本终身学习社会的形成及启示

    The Forming of Lifelong Study Society in Japan and the Inspiration to Us

  28. 远程教育、自主学习、终身学习的观念开始深入人心。

    Distance education , independent learning , lifelong learning concept is catching on .

  29. 学习型社区董事会与终身学习评价院&学习型社区管理与评价机构建设的新构想

    The Directorate of the Learning Community and the Valuation Institute of Lifelong Learning

  30. 终身学习被称作是21世纪的生存概念。

    Lifelong learning is the concept of survival of the in 21st century .