
  • 网络mortgage rates
  1. 在房价增长过快的一些城市,中国还将提高销售二套房的首付比例和按揭贷款利率。

    China will also raise down payments and mortgage rates on second-home sales in cities where prices had risen too fast .

  2. 按揭贷款利率创下新低,也使得买房更能承受。

    Record-low interest rates on mortgages have also made buying more affordable .

  3. 按揭贷款利率(以人民币计算)全是浮动的,贷款必须在20年内偿清。

    Interest rates on mortgages - which are in renminbi - are all variable and the debt must be repaid within 20 years .

  4. 这里很清楚的经验是,平均通胀率发生改变最终会导致平均利率的改变,包括按揭贷款利率。

    The clear lesson here is that changes in the average inflation rate ultimately lead to changes in average interest rates , including those on mortgages .

  5. 贷款也很低廉:30年期固定按揭贷款实际利率已处于30年低点。

    Financing is cheap , too : real 30-year fixed mortgage rates are at 30-year lows .

  6. 其次,多数新按揭贷款采用浮动利率,利率提高后业主每月将支出更多利息,导致他们手头可供支出的现金减少。

    Second , since most new mortgages have adjustable interest rates , homeowners would be paying more each month for those houses , leaving them with less cash to spend .

  7. 然而在其地区,按揭贷款都实行固定利率。

    Elsewhere , most mortgage rates are fixed .