
  • 网络Commerce department;Department of Commerce;Doc;U.S. Commerce Department;USDOC
  1. 1月28日公布的这份报告是美国商务部对2020年第四季度经济增长的初步估计。

    Thursday 's report was the Commerce Department 's initial estimate of growth for the quarter .

  2. 美国商务部(CommerceDepartment)公布的另一项报告也支持了上述调查结果。

    Separate data from the Commerce Department back up the survey data .

  3. 美国商务部称,尽管去年下半年美国经济出现了部分反弹,但2020年全年美国经济萎缩3.5%,而2019年美国经济增长2.2%。

    Despite a partial economic rebound in the second half of last year , the US economy shrank 3.5 percent for the whole year of 2020 , compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2019 , according to the department .

  4. 美国商务部(CommerceDepartment)预计2011年至2017年之间赴美中国游客数量将增长259%。

    The Commerce Department expects arrivals to rise 259 % between 2011 and 2017 .

  5. 美国商务部(DepartmentofCommerce)表示,这个数字预计到2018年将超过400万。

    By 2018 , the number is expected to surpass 4 million , according to the U.S. Department of Commerce .

  6. 据路透社(Reuters)周末报道,美国商务部(USDepartmentofCommerce)将对该公司实施出口限制措施。

    Reuters reported at the weekend that the US Department of Commerce was set to place export restrictions on the company .

  7. 美国商务部(DepartmentofCommerce)的GDP数据出炉之际,美联储(Fed)的政策制定者开会辩论何时提高短期利率。

    The Department of Commerce numbers came as Federal Reserve policy makers met to debate when to raise short-term interest rates .

  8. 美国商务部(theDepartmentofCommerce)预测,到2018年,STEM岗位数量将增加17%,远远超过了其他大多数行业的增速。

    The Department of commerce is predicting that stem job openings will grow 17 % by 2018 , a much faster rate than most other careers .

  9. 从美国商务部提供的数据看,这是2001年低迷期以来美国国内生产总值(GDP)增长情况最差的一个季度。

    The figure for the nation 's gross domestic product was the worst since the2001 downturn , according to the Commerce Department .

  10. 伯南克发表上述言论前,美国商务部(DepartmentofCommerce)发布的数据显示,耐用消费品订单在经过1月份的大幅下降后,2月份出现了微弱的回升。

    His comments came as the Department of Commerce released figures showing that durable goods orders bounced back weakly in February after a plunge in January .

  11. 而且,据报道时任美国商务部部长的骆家辉致电斯普林特公司CEO丹•汉斯,表达了自己对国家安全的“深切担忧”。

    And Commerce Secretary Locke reportedly called CEO Dan Hesse to convey his " very deep concerns " about national security .

  12. 之前美国商务部宣布的数据显示,2015年一季度GDP初值环比仅增长0.2%。

    Last week , the Commerce Department announced that GDP growth in the first quarter of 2015 fell dramatically to 0.2 % on an annualized basis .

  13. 但现在,该公司要求美国商务部(departmentofcommerce)作出回答,此前美国官员阻止华为参与建设一个全国范围的无线应急通信网。

    But it is now demanding answers from the US Department of Commerce after officials blocked it from getting involved in the building of a national wireless emergency communications network .

  14. 根据美国商务部发布的数据,第三季度国内生产总值(GDP)年增长率已由此前估算的2.5%下调至2%。

    Gross domestic product growth was revised down to an annual rate of 2 per cent in the third quarter from an earlier estimate of 2.5 per cent , according to the commerce department .

  15. 美国商务部(USDepartmentofCommerce)上周五采取了罕见的举措,宣布对从中国进口的铜版纸征收从10%至20%不等的反补贴税。铜版纸可用于企业年报及各种目录。

    In a rare move , the US Department of Commerce on Friday announced tariffs ranging from 10 to 20 per cent on imports of Chinese glossy paper , which can be used to make company annual reports and various catalogues .

  16. 美中商贸联合委员会(US-ChinaJointCommissiononCommerceandTrade)使美国商务部(DepartmentofCommerce)和其他经济主管部门的重要官员得以参加讨论,围绕贸易摩擦和知识产权案例展开密集磋商。

    The US-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade brings together key officials from the Department of Commerce and the other economic agencies , allowing for intense discussions on trade frictions and intellectual property rights cases .

  17. 美国商务部准备暂时解除对中国电信设备制造商中兴通讯(ZTE)的部分制裁,后者被指控非法向伊朗提供美国的技术。

    The US department of commerce is preparing to temporarily lift some sanctions on ZTE , the Chinese telecommunications equipment maker accused of illicitly supplying US technology to Iran .

  18. StevenTepp是美国商务部一名律师,他说盗版图书、音乐等知识产权损害了经济发展,还影响了就业。

    Steven Tepp is a lawyer with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce . He says piracy of books , music , movies and other forms of intellectual property hurt the economy and threaten jobs .

  19. 美国商务部宣布,将允许美国公司与中国科技公司华为合作,制定5G电信网络标准。

    The U.S. Commerce Department has announced it will allow American companies to work with Chinese tech firm Huawei on setting standards for 5G telecom networks .

  20. 这份文件显示,与中兴有关的另两家实体——北京八星(Beijing8-Star)和中兴伊朗(ZTEParsian)——并未被撤下制裁名单。根据美国商务部的说法,这两家实体也涉及把美国技术转口给伊朗。

    Beijing 8-Star and ZTE Parsian , two other entities connected to ZTE that according to the department of commerce were implicated in the re-exporting of US technology to Iran , are not to be taken off the sanctions list , the document said .

  21. 用格兰特•阿尔杜那斯(GrantAldonas)的话说,中国的态度一直是:我们让位了。阿尔杜那斯曾任美国商务部负责国际贸易的副部长,去年卸任。

    The Chinese attitude has been , in the words of Grant Aldonas , until last year US commerce undersecretary for international trade : We gave at the office .

  22. 在接下来几周里,奥巴马将任命一位贸易代表,取代即将离任的罗恩柯克(RonKirk),同时还将任命商务部部长。美国商务部负责鼓励出口和执行贸易法规。

    In coming weeks , Mr Obama will appoint a trade representative to replace the outgoing Ron Kirk , and also a head for the commerce department , which covers export promotion and administration of trade rules .

  23. 其中一次,商务部长警告电信公司sprint不要与华为达成一项大额设备交易;今年,美国商务部禁止华为参与一个公共安全应急通信网的扩建项目。

    In one case , the commerce secretary warned sprint , the telecommunications company , not to enter into a big equipment deal with Huawei , and this year , the commerce department barred Huawei from getting involved in the build-out of a public safety emergency communications network .

  24. icann这个非营利性组织说到底仍听命于美国商务部,它进行管理的方式就曾遭到过挑战,特别是欧洲,就试图要将之置于联合国的控制之下。

    ICANN , a non-profit corporation that is still ultimately at the behest of the US Department of Commerce , has faced challenges before to the way it is organised , most notably from a European attempt to put it under the control of the United Nations .

  25. 美国商务部表示,将对这一命令提出挑战。

    The Commerce Department has said it will challenge the order .

  26. 美国商务部于3月7日对中兴发布出口禁令。

    On March 7 , the DOC announced export restrictions against ZTE .

  27. 在美国商务部发出声明之前,中兴的股票已于周一暂停交易。

    Trading of ZTE 's shares was suspended Monday before the announcement .

  28. 美国商务部初裁对中国无缝钢管加征反补贴税。

    US slaps duties on steel pipe from China .

  29. 美国商务部经济分析局

    Bureau of Economic Analysis of U.S. Department of Commerce

  30. 美国商务部表示,建筑开支上升0.1%。

    The Commerce Department 's reporting spending rose one tenth of one percent .