
  • 网络Economy of Scale;scale merit
  1. 但中国快速的技术进步、低劳动力成本和规模效益,一直在挤压KV的生存空间。

    Yet China 's rapid technological progress , low labour costs and economies of scale are keeping the squeeze on KV .

  2. 但天合光能(trinasolar)等中国太阳能产品制造商,却将自己的成功归因于更大的规模效益和更优惠的多晶硅(光伏电池的主要组分)采购合约。

    But Chinese solar manufactures , such as Trina Solar , have attributed their success to greater economies of scale and more favourable contracts for polysilicon , the main ingredient in photovoltaic cells .

  3. 此外,排放物还带来二次污染。目前运行的COD自动在线监测仪技术档次较低,规模效益较差,总体水平仍较落后,很难适应我国污染物排放总量控制的需求。

    However , the level of existing COD analysis technology is low , it can not meet requirement of discharge pollution quantity .

  4. 第五章重点运用DEA模型,对于资源型城市经济发展进行了效率和规模效益分析。

    The DEA model is used to evaluate the development scale and benefits of economic development of resource-based cities and it makes efficiency and scale benefits analysis of the economic development of resource-based cities .

  5. 在此基础上提出通过国家政策的扶持和调整以刺激需求、提高ISP的销售水平、降低成本和通过并购实现规模效益等措施改善和提高我国互联网信息服务业的效益。

    Then , some measures are put forward to improve its benefits , which include stimulating demand , promoting the marketing of ISP , achieving scoped economic benefits and reducing costs .

  6. 参照SCP理论,零售企业应做大做强,发挥规模效益,加强竞争优势。

    With the reference of SCP , enterprises of retail industry should bring their advantages of scale into full play and strengthen competitive power , developing themselves bigger and stronger .

  7. 按照花旗集团(citigroup)经济学家黄益平的说法,政府坚持农村土地集体所有制“阻碍发展农业生产率和实现规模效益”。

    Government insistence on collective ownership of land in the countryside " hinders growth of agricultural productivity and achievement of scale efficiency " , according to Yiping Huang , a Citigroup economist .

  8. 运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法和LINGO软件,测算了1993~2003年宜春市食物生产全要素相对生产率,以探求该市食物生产效率与规模效益。

    With application of data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) & LINGO software , in this paper the values of the Total Factor Relative Productivity ( TFRP ) of Yichun city from 1993 to 2003 were calculated , the scale efficiencies and the classification were studied .

  9. 最后,提出埃姆康(EMCON)公司供应商开发管理体系流程的实施及控制方案,以最终达到整合供应商,实现集中采购和规模效益,并进而降低成本、提高质量和服务水平的目的。

    Finally , to further achieve centralized procurement and economies of scale to reduce cost , promote quality and service by presenting program for supplier development process implementation and control of EMCON to achieve supplier integration .

  10. 试论规模效益与养鳖规模的关系

    Relationship between benefits of scale and demensions of softshelled turtle culture

  11. 河南城市规模效益问题研究

    The Research on the Effectiveness of Urban Scale in Henan

  12. 饲料加工厂规模效益优化分析

    Optimal analysis of the scale and benefit of Feedstuff Factory

  13. 产业集聚具有群体竞争优势和集聚发展的规模效益。

    Industry assembling is highly efficient in group competition and assembling development .

  14. 陕西城市规模效益分析

    An analysis on scale efficiency of cities in Shaanxi Province

  15. 对农业生产规模效益的检验&以黑龙江省数据为例

    A Test of the Scale Merit of Agricultural Production

  16. 中小企业的规模效益

    The Large Scale Benfit of Middle-Sized and Small-Sized Enterprise

  17. 在外围网络领域,规模效益可以带动利润率的增长。

    It 's an area where economies of scale could fatten profit margins .

  18. 土地家庭承包的规模效益

    Scale benefit of family - managed - land

  19. 浅议扩招与我国高校的规模效益

    A Discussion About the Extension for Institution of Higher Education and Its Scale Efficiency

  20. 运用二级判别法评价棉纺企业的规模效益

    Evaluation on the Scale Economic Efficiency of Cotton Textile Mills with Two-Level Decision Method

  21. 发展科技产业提高规模效益

    Develop Sci-Tech Industry and Improve Scale Efficiency

  22. 小城镇建设可以实现乡镇企业的聚集效应和规模效益;

    The construction of small cities and towns can have congregation effect and scale benefit .

  23. 该种研发组织具有资本优势、规模效益优势、范围经济优势等优点。

    VR & DO possess the advantages on capital , scale profit and scope economy .

  24. 一般来说,大公司占尽了包括规模效益在内的种种优势。

    In general , a large company enjoys many advantages , including economies of scale .

  25. 论石化工业规模效益

    Discussion on scale effect of petrochemical industry

  26. 结果表明,我国卫生人力资源投入不足,其对产出的贡献率偏低,而且卫生资源配置总体上规模效益递减。

    Moreover , health resources allocation has shown decreasing return to scale on the whole .

  27. 学校规模效益初探

    An exploration of school size and efficiency

  28. 第五章是在三、四两章的基础上给出结论,并由此结论对优化我国高校合并规模效益提出针对性建议。

    Chapter Five gives conclusions and advice .

  29. 规模效益,多样化发展;

    Large benefit , diversify development ;

  30. 通过规模效益分析得出了各个企业的规模收益情况。

    Returns to scale and projection analysis of every logistics enterprise are made in the thesis .