
  • 【辩证法】explanation of law
  1. 用屏蔽常数规律解释铬(Cr)元素的基电子组态和电离态

    Using Screening Constant rule explain the ground state Configuration and ionized state of Chromium

  2. 采用刻蚀诱导掺杂类型反转模型及台面两侧光强变化规律解释了该现象。

    Etch-induced p-to-n type conversion model and light intensity change rule beside mesa sidewalls are used to explain the phenomenon .

  3. 应用势能理论的基本规律解释水资源分配规律,提出水资源分配理论。

    The water allocation rule is explained using potential energy theory ; thus , the water allocation theory is brought forward .

  4. 本文对此提出了异议,认为应该把美的规律解释为生命自由性与形式表现性的统一。

    This paper challenges the point above and expounds " Aesthetic Law " as the unity of the life freedom and the form 's displaying .

  5. 运用试验总结规律解释说明规律推广的研究方法对多阶段规范交战模式三方面内容进行研究。

    The study of three aspects of Multi-phase Normative Combating Pattern is discussed by using the method of experimentation - induction - interpretation - extension .

  6. P区元素氢化物水溶液酸性强度变化规律的解释

    Explanation for Strength Variations of Water Solution Acidity of P-block Element Hydride

  7. 元素电离能呈周期性变化的规律能解释这类无机盐的FDMS行为和预测其它族元素组成的无机盐行为。

    The periodical rule of element ionization energy can explain the FDMS characteristic of the kind of salts and predict FDMS characteristic of other group inorganic salts .

  8. 本文系统地综述了γ结构相电子化合物晶体结构的大量资料,发现Hume-Rothery经验规律在解释这一类含过渡金属的电子化合物晶体结构上所出现的局限性。

    After a systematic survey on numerous historical informations about the crystal structures of the γ - brass type electron compounds listed in foreign scientific literatures , this paper finds out a lot of confusions and contra-dications concerning the transition metals from the famous Hume-Rothery 's Law .

  9. 测定了苯氧乙酸类化合物的酸离解常数,并对其酸性的相对强弱规律做出解释。

    The acidic dissociation constants of the synthesized reagents are determined .

  10. 你还能从这些地区差异中读出什么规律或解释呢?

    What patterns or explanations do you see in the regional differences ?

  11. 同时以强势特征为第一参数提炼规律和解释原因。

    Meanwhile , strong feature is the most important factor , which accounts for the motivation .

  12. 普遍规律作为解释的根据,它和演绎性都不是叙事解释的必要条件。

    Neither universal laws , as the grounds of explanation , nor deduction is one of necessary conditions of narrative explanation .

  13. 以此为基础分析了挠性胶管衰减流体脉动的一般规律,解释了现有的现象,并得出了一些新的结论。

    Based on it , the general law of dissipation of the pressure ripple is analyzed , the existing phenomena are explained as well .

  14. 它的主要任务是探寻领导教育规律,解释领导教育现象,指导领导教育实践。

    Its main task is to pursue the leadership education principles and explain the leadership education phenomenon as well as guide leadership educational practice .

  15. 在最大限度接触手机的情况下,脑膜瘤的发生几率有增加的迹象,但由于主观偏见和错误,不能做出合乎因果规律的解释。

    There were suggestions of an increased risk of glioma at the highest exposure levels , but biases and error prevent a causal interpretation .

  16. 您是位科学工作者,我说道。谅您也不会相信这些,是吧?难道对这种声音就没有一个符合自然规律的解释吗?

    ' You are a man of science , 'I said . 'You don 't believe that , do you ? Isn 't there a natural explanation for the sound ? '

  17. 是的,宇宙看来是一个被安排的工作,但我们将永不能用简单的信仰、或神圣性或物质规律来解释宇宙,他说。

    Yes , the universe looks like a fixed-up job , but we will never explain the cosmos by simply taking on faith , either divinity or physical laws , he says .

  18. 海洋无脊椎动物种群的动力系统为人们充分认识海洋无脊椎动物种群的发展变化规律,解释海洋无脊椎动物种群发展过程的一些现象提供了重要方法,对海洋生物资源的保护与开发具有重要价值。

    The dynamic system of the marine invertebrates is helpful to understand the law of the development , explain some phenomena , and provide an important scientific basis for the long-term exploitation of marine resources .

  19. 作者通过对已有音系理论的总结和归纳、与外语(特别是英语)词重音研究的对比,认为目前的音系学理论足以对普通话词重音的规律做出解释。

    Through analysis of phonological theories and comparative studies of word stress in other languages , especially English , the author believes that the current phonological theory is well-equipped for the explanation of Putonghua word stress .

  20. 然后提出了饭店组织成因的一般规律性解释,并进一步提出,分工深化、权力分离、市场容量等因素的共同作用最终导致了饭店业中饭店组织的发展和演进。

    Finally , the article points out that such factors as the deepening of division of labor , the separation of rights and the scale of market capacity jointly lead to the current complexities in the organizational structure of the hotel industry .

  21. 马克思发现的唯物史观科学地阐明了人类社会发展的一般性规律,解释了生产力与生产关系及经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾运动是人类社会发展的动力。

    The Historical materialism scientifically elaborated the common law of the development of human society , and explained that the driving power of the development of human society is the contradictive movements between productivity and relations of production , or economic foundation and superstructure .

  22. 用AES和XPS分析了电极表面组成、价态和浓度分布,并对试验规律进行了解释。

    AES and XPS were applied to analyse the surface composition , bond and distribution of concentration varying with depth , and to explain the law of the experiment .

  23. 讨论了飞秒激光照射下LiF晶体中导带电子数密度的变化规律,并解释了相应的实验结果。

    Finally the variety of the density of conduction band electrons in the ablation process is discussed and the experimental result with avalanche mode is interpreted .

  24. 最后,通过BET、XRD、SEM对补偿收缩石屑砂浆的微观机理进行了研究,并应用分形理论与粘弹性力学模型,结合试验结果对水镁石和钙矾石的膨胀规律进行了解释。

    At last , microcosmic mechanism has been studied on shrinkage-compensating crushed stone mortar by BET , XRD and SEM methods . Conjuncted with the experiment results , the expansion discipline of Ettringite and Brucite was studied by using the theory of fractal geometry and viscoelastic mechanism model .

  25. 水洞实验中,来流速度为20cms、粗糙高度为0.8mm时流态随攻角的变化规律可用来解释风洞实验结果中力矩曲线的分散性。

    In this water tunnel experiments , the results obtained at 20 ? cm / s for the roughness height 0.8 ? mm can be used to explained the scatter of the pitching moment curves obtained in the wind tunnel measurements .

  26. 最后分别考察了入射光强、湿度和甲醛初始浓度对光催化降解甲醛的表观量子效率(FQE)的影响,并利用光催化反应速率方程对表观量子效率的变化规律进行了解释。

    Finally , the effect of incident light intensity , humidity and HCHO initial concentration on formal quantum efficiency ( FQE ) were examined , and the results of FQE were explained by the rate equation of photocatalytic oxidation .

  27. 对金融中介演变规律的理论解释是基于三条线索展开的。

    Evolution of financial intermediation are theoretically explained along three clews .

  28. 相似相溶规律的新解释

    A New Explanation of the Rule of the Likes Dissolve Each Other

  29. 大地震纬向分布的基本规律与动力学解释

    Basic law for latitudinal distribution of great earthquakes and its dynamic interpretation

  30. 对大多数人来说,相对性的规律很难解释。

    To most people the law of relativity is difficult to explain .