
zhōnɡ shēn jiào shòu
  • tenured professor
  1. 论题分别对学术自由与终身教授制、学术公正与教师学术评价制度、学术道德与学术管理的规范进行了分析。

    The paper discuss the following questions : academic freedom and the tenured professor system , academic justice and academic evaluation system , academic morality and the regulation of academic management .

  2. 明年,当“终身教授”和“助教”的职位合并为“教师”时,您无须重新修改用例图。

    Next year , when the positions of " Tenured Professor " and " Associate Professor " get combined into " Instructor ," you will not have to rework all of your use-case diagrams .

  3. 他被任为那所大学的终身教授。

    He was appointed professor in the university for life .

  4. 她是麻省理工学院(MITSloan)第一位女性市场营销学终身教授,2014年被评为了商学院的“年度优秀教师”。此前,她还曾经三次获得这项荣誉的提名。

    MIT 's first tenured female marketing professor was voted the B-school 's " Teacher of the Year " in 2014 , an honor she was nominated for three times previously .

  5. 美国终身教授制的争议及发展走向

    The Dispute about Tenured System and Its Developmental Trend in America

  6. 终身教授,没有对错。

    Life teaches that there are no rights and wrongs .

  7. 终身教授的获得有着严格的标准和程序要求。

    The acquisition of tenure has strict criteria and procedures .

  8. 美国大学终身教授的聘后评审制度

    The System of Appraisal of Lifetime Tenured Professors after Employment in American Universities

  9. 格兰特是沃顿最年轻和评分最高的终身教授。

    This is coming from the youngest - tenured and best-rated professor at Wharton .

  10. 在系里,他们不让他成为终身教授。

    They would not let him accede to a tenured position in his department .

  11. 美国终身教授制的变迁与启示

    The standpoint of the system of professor tenure in USA and the current debate

  12. 刍议我国研究型大学终身教授的科研绩效评价

    Discussion on research performance evaluation for the tenured faculty in Chinese research oriented universities

  13. 终身教授不会轻易被解聘,因为像这样的职位是永久性的。

    A professor with tenure cannot be easily dismissed . Such appointments are permanent .

  14. 助理教授不是终身教授。

    Assistant professors do not have tenure .

  15. 张晋藩,中国政法大学终身教授。

    Professor with Lifetime Tenure , China University of Political Science and Law , Beijing .

  16. 终身教授,资深研究员,临床教授,或研究教授。

    Tenured Full Professor , Senior Investigator , Clinical Professor , or Full Research Professor .

  17. 我知道有些人就靠这些谎言才有了终身教授的名头。

    I know some people who got tenure in that place with lies like that .

  18. 美国新泽西州的普林斯顿高等研究学院授予他终身教授的职位。

    The Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton , New Jersey , offered him a lifetime professorship .

  19. 不过没关系,你们也知道,我已是麻省理工学院的终身教授了。

    But you know what , that 's OK , because at MIT , I already have tenure .

  20. 校园里人们忙着牵头反叛社会,但哈佛421位终身教授中只有六名女性。

    The nation 's campuses were busy hosting a social revolt , yet Harvard 's tenured faculty of421 included only six women .

  21. 会不会是因为:全国有13279名终身教授,但没有一名年龄在35岁以下,只有15名未满40岁,平均年龄却高达60岁?

    Could the reason perhaps be that none of the country 's 13279 tenured professors is younger than 35 ? Only 15 are under 40 ; the average age is 60 .

  22. 然而,我决定再试一下,去找威斯敏斯特法学院的的克利福德·米尔斯院长,威斯敏斯特学院则是一所技校——一个没有终身教授和法学刊物的穷人学校。

    But I decided to try again and went to see Clifford Mills , the dean of Westminster College of Law - a poor man 's school with no professors or law review .

  23. 最后,文章通过分析认为,终身教授职位的吸引力和压力以及教育经费短缺的压力是阻碍这些措施普遍实行的因素。

    Finally , the article pointed out that the rife implement of the measures would be cumbered by the attraction and pressure of the tenor system and the pressure of lack of finace .

  24. 然而,我决定再试一下,去找威斯敏斯特法学院的的克利福德·米尔斯院长,威斯敏斯特学院则是一所技校&一个没有终身教授和法学刊物的穷人学校。

    But I decided to try again and went to see Clifford Mills , the dean of Westminster College of Law & a poor man 's school with no tenured professors or law review .

  25. 他们,例如,在大学中,系主任、终身教授、副教授和助教都能够输入分数和调整分数(可能大多数情况下就是如此)。

    For example , at a university , faculty deans , tenured professors , associate professors , and teaching assistants are able to both input marks and adjust marks ( perhaps for bell-curving them ) .

  26. 所有人都在研究生院苦读多年,但要么是出于个人选择,要么是因为客观环境,几乎所有人都未获得他们孜孜以求的终身教授席位,一位获得教职的幸运儿也萌生退意。

    All had toiled for years in graduate school but , by choice or circumstance , almost none had arrived at the promised destination of tenure-track professorships ( the one who had was thinking of leaving ) .

  27. 华东师范大学终身教授90人全校有各类学生45000余名,其中全日制在校学生25900余名,包括全日制本专科生13600余名,研究生91300余名,外国留学生2500余名。

    ECNU has the total enrollment of 45000 students , 25 900 of them are fulltime students , including 13 600 undergraduate students , 9 800 graduates for master 's or doctoral degrees , and 2 500 foreign students .

  28. 当一个渴望拥有家庭的女性看到通往终身教授职位的道路是如此严苛,想到自己成为教授后再生育时年纪已经很大,抚养小孩的时间也很少,于是许多女性就选择了更有弹性的职业。

    A woman who wants a family looks at the rigorous path to a tenured position and considers how old she will be before she can start a family and how little time she will have to raise her children . Many of those women opt for a more flexible career .

  29. 助理教授有5-7年的时间获得终身聘用教授的职位。

    Assistant professors have five to seven years to get tenure .

  30. 参加这个MBA预备项目的学生将在线学习三门课程:商业分析、管理经济学和财务会计。授课老师都是任教于哈佛商学院MBA项目的全职、终身和特聘教授。

    Students who enroll in the pre-MBA program will take a trio of online classes business analytics , economics for managers , and financial accounting all taught by full-time , tenured , and endowed professors at Harvard Business School who have taught in the MBA program .